Can I...

After breakfast, Axel and Jaxson prepared for work as normal. Dean helped Paige in the kitchen to clear up and tidy. Paige had felt better after receiving the support of her family, although they didn't say much they were there for her, no matter what happened. Before no one noticed if she hadn't slept or hadn't eaten all day but know she had a family to look out for her.

Axel went to the door to put on his coat and shoes and Jaxson followed to do the same. Jaxson was hesitant, he thought he would never get used to leaving Paige no matter how much he did it. As soon as he would leave he would always miss her presence, a smile was enough to calm him and ease his heart.

Seeing him staring at her with a sombre look on his face Paige came out of the kitchen to the front door, she went up to Jaxson cupping his handsome face in her delicate hands and bringing it down to hers to kiss him.