Call Me Dad

Once everyone was inside Andrew took off his shoes and coat. He walked to the living room but he turned and noticed that Dean was stood like a statue and Paige was still holding cupcake in her arms at the door.

He sighed he wanted this to be their second family home too and for them not to feel strange being here. It looked like it'll take some time.

"Please come in, this is your home. Please relax." Andrew begged.

Seeing Andrews face Paige gave in and smiled cheerily back at him. "Okay thank you.." She just realised she didn't know what to call him.

Andrew smiled back, "Call me dad please."

"Okay, dad show me to your kitchen so I can get started," Paige replied with a natural smile as she put cupcake down and took off her jacket. 

Cupcake slid down and did the same. Dean followed suit.