Electric Shock

Axel sighed and looked around, "Where is he?" Axel asked after not spotting him sitting around.

"He is out chopping wood for me," Andrew replied first.

Axel wasn't surprised at all as Dean wasn't one for sitting still he liked to keep active. Axel walked out to the garden and he heard the wood being chopped, he looked to his right and saw Dean shirtless with his dirty blond locks in disarray, they had fallen in front of one of his eyes.

Dean noticed Axel out of the corner of his eye and he looked up and smiled, he swept his messy dirty blonde hair back as he chopped the last piece of wood and then piled them up into a nice and neat pile before leaning down and grabbing his t-shirt and approaching Axel. He wiped his sweat as best he could on the t-shirt.