Don't Be A Tease

Paige stretched her arms out and felt a small body embracing hers. She smiled and hugged little cupcake. He had slept with her all night. She slept so soundly she didn't even know if Jaxson came to bed or not.

She glanced to her left and the bed was empty, she put out her hand and felt the coolness of the sheets. Jaxson didn't come to bed, she wondered if he was huffing or working. Probably both she thought.

"Mum?" Cupcake yawned and sat up, he rubbed his sleepy eyes as he watched Paige.

Paige got up slowly, she felt nauseous and hungry all at the same time, "Maybe something light for breakfast?" She said to little cupcake.

Cupcake nodded and he scooted off the bed, "I will go change." With that, he scampered out of the bedroom door.

Paige nodded, "Dont forget to wash up and brush your teeth." She shouted after him, she giggled as she heard his reply.