How Did You Know?

After breakfast Paige, Dean and cupcake walked Axel and Jaxson to the front door.

Jaxson put on his suit jacket and themes to his beautiful mate, "Thank fook it's Friday and I have you all to myself this weekend."

Paige giggled, "I am looking forward to it as well. Scan tomorrow and then maybe we can do something special after."

Jason leaned in and kissed her lips softly before he responded, "Sounds perfect my love."

Cupcake got impatient and he came forward and held onto Paige's leg, hoping to separate the two.

Selena smiled, "Okay go to work so you can come home earlier."

Jason sighed, he didn't want to leave he never wanted to leave her side but today felt different. He smiled at her and kissed her lips again as he said, "Okay I will be home as soon as I am done with work and then... you are all mine." Jaxsons was warning little cupcake.

But the young child did not care for his warning, he would always stay by his muma's side.