Be On Our Way...

Like a flash before her eyes, Paige remembered from her first meeting with Mark when she got the job as his personal secretary until the last time she had met him. Before she had met Jaxson she was on the run, fleeing every single time he had found her.

But now she was stronger she had a family to protect. She wasn't sure whether she would have been this brave had she not of found Jaxson, Cupcake, Axel and Dean. But at this moment with little cupcake at her side, he depended on her to be strong.

Holding cupcakes hand tightly and taking another step back she greeted him like a stranger, "Sorry again, we will be on our way now."

Mark was lost in the same thoughts as Paige, though his were slightly more romanticised and delusional. He had actually thought that she had seen him in the store's window and entered because he was there.

He couldn't think of any other reason that she would enter such a luxury brand store, he knew she had no money of her own.