Sympathetic Apology

Mark was instantly on edge, he didn't want her to go and he was also unnerved that she was feeling unwell. He took a step forward, they were now very close, he inhaled her sweet scent before reaching out for her other hand.

Holding her hand he felt that all was once again right with the world. He was convinced that he felt the mate bond between them as he held her hand. Her hand compared to his was so small, soft and delicate.

Xavier wad concerned for her health as he looked straight into her eyes as he asked, "Are you unwell? Have you eaten today? Can I get you some medicine?" Again he poured out many questions to her all at once.

At this moment Paige realised that Mark had slightly changed, was he mentally stable she asked herself. But her question would remain unanswered.

Before she could answer Mark picked her up in one swift movement.