The Nightmare

I wake up to hearing a blood curling scream; it sounds like Bucky. I teleport into his room and onto the foot of his bed. 

While I calm his nightmare down enough for him to stop thrashing around, I sing a German lullaby that Grandpa would sing to me when I couldn't sleep or the nightmares become too awful. I wait for him to completely calm down before I leave him to sleep. 

As I leave, I see Steve looking out his door. I smile as he comes out and walks with me to the kitchen. I try to make him and I some breakfast, but he stops me before I could even attempt to. 

He leaves and comes back with a set of crutches. He tells Friday to let Tony know when he gets up.

I wait for Steve to finish making us breakfast. I would make us some coffee, but Steve glares at me every time I move towards the coffee machine. 

It wasn't too long before Bucky comes in. I pull the chair beside me out for him. Steve puts a plate in front of the both of us along with a mug of coffee. I quietly thank him for the drink and pancakes. 

Everyone else slowly comes in. I watch Tony make jokes about Bucky. I stand up and move towards Tony using the stupid crutches. 

"Do not make fun of Bucky." My eyes turn black from my wrath. I walk away before I hurt him. 

Why do I have to be so protective of them? I only met Steve yesterday. I've known Bucky for roughly five years. I think I will go for a run until I calm down. I walk straight into the meeting room after Friday told me that everyone was there. 

Every time Tony thinks about making fun of Bucky, I growl. I end up scaring a lot people who don't know anything about me. I hear someone call my name. 

I look to the door and run to the man at the door. "Nicky, I haven't seen you since my ninth birthday. How have you been?" I hug him as he tells me he has been doing fine.

I look around to see everyone in shock. I hear everyone's thoughts. "He use to be my mom's best friend. He use to come over a lot too." I tell everyone. 

The next mission was funny as ever. Natasha and Clint have to be a married couple with Wanda and me as their sixteen year old daughters. We have to find out where the remaining Hydra base is located. 

We are at an amusement park, smiling and laughing. Natasha is constantly watching her back. I try to ease her nerves as much as I possibly can. Clint just goofs around almost the entire time. 

I just love that Clint tries to prove he is stronger than Thor. Natasha and Wanda goes to the food stands; while, Clint and I stay in the games area. 

I decide that we should look around more for the Hydra man that would be able to lead us to the base. I notice a strange booth, with what looks to be voodoo dolls. 

I move closer only to find that they look exactly like the others. I also notice the man leave when he got a look of my face. 

I warn Natasha that he is heading their way. I walk over to the dolls and I took them, since I didn't want them to get into the wrong hands. Wanda tells me that they got him. I make my way over to them.

We head to the tower with the man. The rest of the team meets us there. Everyone tries so hard to get him to talk, but they wouldn't let me even try. I teleport behind him; while, I teleport Bucky out of the room.

I lock the door and move out from behind him. I slowly turn towards him, so he can see my black eyes. I growl at him loudly. 

I hold my left hand up with a miniature tornado inside. I force him to watch it grow in size. I tell him I need the location and to make sure it was the very last base. 

I listen to the yells and banging from the other side of the door. Friday shows a screen with them on it trying to get me to open the door.

I make the screen explode into several pieces. I watch it burn to ashes without letting the fire spread. I look back to the guy; I can see him shaking out of pure terror. He automatically starts blabbing his mouth. 

I tell him that he is a pathetic excuse for a Hydra agent. I decide to let my dark side come out a little. 

I remember all the things he did to me the first day after Hydra forced me to join. I make his blood boil and then once his skin starts to bubble, I freeze his heart. I watch him fall limp onto the floor. I unlock the door and walk out with a smile on my face. "I know where the base is."

Steve, along with everyone else, looks at me as if I am insane. I can't say I blame them. They tell me I have to stay at the tower; while, everyone else goes to the base. 

I figure I can make it up to them by making dinner. I begin making spaghetti and garlic bread. I decide to make the sauce from scratch. I smile at the end results. A bad feeling arises inside of me. 

I leave the tower and rush to the base. I hear groans and yelling. I open the door that is at the end of the hallway. I find Bucky strapped in a chair and everyone else chained to the four walls. 

"What the heck is going on here? You guys shouldn't be chained or in a chair. Were you outnumbered or caught by surprise?"

I cover my ears by the loud sound of the metal door being slammed shut. I turn to look at who did it. I feel ten sets of hands holding me in place. "I wouldn't try anything Summer. We wouldn't want anyone to die now, do we?" 

I snarl back in response. I could feel a set of hands put the "special" collar on me. The rest of them just throw me on the ground causing me to land in front of Steve.

I get up merely for the collar to put me back down from the shock. I attempt to make the guys, making advances to Bucky, explode, but it doesn't work. 

I scream, "прикасайтесь к ним; возьмите меня вместо этого. Я более полезным, чем он. " I try to rip the collar off, but it just sends shock waves through my body every single time. I listen to Bucky yelling at them to stop and let everyone go. I push through the pain from my leg and the shocks the collar puts out. 

I snap every single one of their heads off. I rip the straps off Bucky and unchain everyone else. I try to teleport us all back to the tower, but I didn't think about the collar. 

We all had to get on the helicarrier instead. The collar would shock me every time I move. I keep trying to take the stupid thing off. 

We land on top of the tower, and I rush to my room. I get in the bathtub and turn the water on. I electrocute myself; thankful, the collar short circuited out. Ugh, being electrocuted really does hurt.

I hear Bucky walking into my room as I walk out of the bathroom. "What happened? You look like you just got hit by lightning." I can finally take this stupid collar off. I take him to the kitchen and ask Friday to tell the others to come too. 

I reheat the spaghetti for everyone, and I apologize for killing the agent the way I did. Everyone is laughing and talking just about anything. I am ok with everyone ignoring me. I really don't blame them; I deserve it. 

"Quick question, who am I? Who are you, guys?" Everyone stops eating and looks at me. I look at them extremely confused. 

What am I doing here? I need to go home, if only I knew where home was. Who are all these people? I can't be around people and I don't know why. I run out of the building, and I don't care where I go. 


 прикасайтесь к ним; возьмите меня вместо этого. Я более полезным, чем он. means "Don't touch him, take me instead. I'm more useful than he is."