The 40's

I listen as they follow me. I feel cold metal touch me; It bends under my touch. I have no clue as to how I just did that. But I have no intention to stick around to find out. I keep moving faster until I lose them. 

I find myself crossing the Canadian border into a forest. I walk around until I find a big tree with a star in the middle of four circles carved into it. I don't know why, but this place feels familiar to me, like I have been here before. 

I decide to look around the tree. I find a star on a patch of dirt. I dig until my hands hit metal. I end up pulling a metal box out with an unusual lock on it. I look around for a key that would fit the strange lock. 

Something hits my chest repeatedly as I move around. My chest burns from it hitting me. 

I pull the necklace off; it was the key. It is glowing black; the lock was glowing as well.

Opening the box, I find file after file, all of them classified. There has to be over a hundred files. Pushing the files aside, I find an black and white image of two men, across from each other hovering over a military jeep, with a map in sight. 

When I blink, I find myself no longer in the forest. I see girls in long button up dresses, long skirts and button up shirts. Some guys dressed in military outfits. I know I have to be in the wrong time period. I see a newspaper stand; I look for a date. May of 1942, that can't be right. What in the world is going on here? I can't help but admire the new atmosphere. 

I get knocked down by a tall man. He apologizes but runs off. Why does he look so familiar? I know I've seen those blue eyes from somewhere. The guy with the metal arm. Where is his metal arm? 

I walk around blindly searching for something familiar to me. I see a military enlistment edifice. I walk around indoors trying to find anything else familiar. I see a man, just barely taller than me, talking with metal-arm man. I should talk to the two men, but I'm not sure that's a good idea if I somehow went back in time.

Now I just need to find my way back home. I leave to walk around some more. The World's Expedition of the Future comes into view. I hear multiple guys call me a beautiful "dame." I didn't see any of them move their mouths. I must be losing my mind. 

I bump into a blonde woman. She screeches at me, "You're a freak with your stupid blue hair and what is that on your lip?" I touch my lip to see what she was talking about. 

A thin strip of cool metal lies pierced on my bottom lip. I wonder why she didn't say anything about my clothes. I look down to find my clothes had changed into a button up tan shirt and long blue skirt. She pushes me backwards causing my body to collide with the ground. 

Metal-arm man sees it and intervenes. "I'm so sorry about her. I'm sure she probably didn't mean to push you." He tells me. I smile kindly to him as he helps me up. 

I watch as Blondie's friend shows up asking what is going on. Blondie starts talking crap about me. I don't mean to ignore Mr. Metal-arm, but my ears are tuned into her conversation. 

She walks back over to me and slaps me. She tells me I'm worthless. I personally don't care what she has to say to me. 

I look over to metal-arm man. "Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes." He looks at me with shock in his eyes. I smile to him as I remember my name and what I am, but nothing more. I don't quite know how I know his name. She goes to slap me again, but my reflexes beat her to it. 

I grab her hand and tell her, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm not just a freak; I'm a strong one. I can break your entire body with a flip of the wrist. I can also kill you without laying a single finger on you. If you want to see another day, I suggest you don't touch me again." I glare at her with red eyes. 

Not again. My throat is already burning with thirst. I need to get away to prevent anyone from getting hurt or worse. I run off, with Bucky hot on my heels. He doesn't seem to understand that I can't be around people right now. I was in an alleyway. I turn to him with my eyes closed. 

"Why did you run off like that? What did you mean you could kill her without laying a finger on her? Lastly, why are your eyes closed?" I turn back around. He grabs my arm and stops me. He turns me back around as I quickly close my eyes.

"Please leave. It's not safe for you to be around me, right now. Please, I don't want to hurt you." He doesn't let go of me. "Don't you have a war to go fight?" I can't teleport out of the situation. I keep begging him to leave, but he won't budge. Instead, a strong breeze forces him to let go. I run as far away as I could.

I wish I knew how I got to the forties in the first place. I just want to get back to 2017. I can tell that my eyes haven't change back to blue and green. 

I begin to bite my lip until it bleeds. I hate when the vampire side wants to take over my body and forces me to crave blood.

I feel so bad for pushing Bucky away, but I would feel worse if I hurt him. Why did I have to have a genetic mutation?

I find myself heading towards an antique store in the city. I cover my ears as I hear gun shots being fired. I stop a bullet from hitting me by making it hit a brick wall instead. I watch a car hit me and I roll off the top of it. I slowly stand back on my feet. 

I was going to give the man a piece of my mind on the whole hit and run thing. I'm so glad I heal quickly and can't be killed easily. I realize that no one can see me.

I must have turned invisible around the time of the hit and run. I follow the man who hit me; I watch him grab onto a kid. I would stop him but that would change the present. 

I watch him try to shoot a taller man. Every time it would almost hit the familiar man, I would make the bullets miss. I recognize the man as Bucky's friend. I feel like I've seen this happen before, but I don't know why.

I find myself leaving, but I don't know where. I follow Bucky's friend back to the antique store. A bad feeling rises in my body. I follow my instinct, and it leads me to what I believe is the enemy's base. 

I find a cage with multiple men inside. One man stood out above the rest. Bucky. He looks so broken and hopeless. I will stay by his side until he gets out of this predicament.

The weeks pass by, it gets harder and harder to keep Bucky optimistic. I still whisper, "Things can't get much worse than this. Someone will rescue us," in his ear. I continue to get weaker as the weeks pass.

I refuse to take food from these soldiers. They already are given very little and are worked so hard. They need every little bit of food they can get.

I follow Bucky as they drag him into an experiment room. He gets put on a table and gets strapped down. I watch helplessly as Barnes gets experimented on by a doctor named Armin Zola. 

Seconds later, everything goes black. I wake up strapped to the table next to Bucky. I can hear him mumble a set of numbers repeatedly. I hear gun shots going off in short intervals. I listen as I hear footsteps come closer and closer. I make a force field around Bucky and him alone. 

The second I see it is only his friend, the force field dissipates. The straps restraining him are ripped off. I struggle against the straps; I would use my powers again, but I'm too weak now. 

I yelp once I felt a sharp pain in my rib cage. Bucky and his friend was having a conversation until my yelp draws their attention towards me. The friend, whose name I just found out is Steve, tears the straps off of me and helps me off the table. 

Bucky won't stop questioning me about how come I'm not in Brooklyn, why would I come to the enemy's base, and where was I hiding. 

I tell him that I can't explain it to him. We climb stairs until Bucky left me on the top step. He won't move out of the way. I try to squeeze past Bucky but fail doing so. He moves next to Steve. I walk over to be on Steve's right side. 

Bucky tells Steve, "You don't have one of those, do you?" I watch as Schmidt runs away slowly not long afterwards. All three of us start racing out of the self-destructing building. I keep leaning on Bucky while we make our escape. 

He hands me a gun and shows me how to shoot it like I don't already know how to. I don't even need the gun.

A little bit later, we walk to what looks like a different type of base. Medical help was being given to those in need of it. I watch everyone start going separate ways. I was eventually left alone.

I remember being asked if I was a German spy. I promise them I was not one. I was left alone yet again. I close my eyes and take my mind away from the horrible things I had just witnessed. When I open them again, I find Bucky in front of me.