The Hospital Visit

I look up into his beautiful steel blue eyes; I see in my peripheral vision a light blinding me. I know I'm back to where I belong. I wrap my arms around his waist; I feel him tense up under my embrace. He slowly returns the hug. 

I hear voices approaching and I become so scared I accidentally teleport Bucky and me back to the room that I ran out of in the first place. I jump exceedingly high when I heard a feminine voice speak. Bucky catches me in mid-air. 

I feel my heart begin to race and my breath quickens. My chest begins to ache, since I have no clue as to where the voice is coming from. 

"Mr. Barnes, I suggest you try to calm Ms. Erskine down. She seems to be hyperventilating." the voice explains. Bucky starts yelling that he doesn't know what to do. I flinch at the sound of his voice.

It was at that point in time everyone shows up. I don't even feel like I'm in my own body anymore. I watch helplessly as Steve and another man walk over to me. 

Everyone else start discussing about my memory loss and how it happened. The other man, who I now recognize as Tony, helps me with my state of panic. 

"Snowflake," I cry out. Bucky rushes over to me with worry in his eyes. Everyone watches Bucky's response to the nickname. 

I slowly look around to see the confusion on everyone's faces. Bewilderment overcomes Bucky as he tries to figure out why he reacted that way to my nickname for him during my days with Hydra. 

I envision multiple images of different situations. I look towards Steve, "You still pick fights with anybody you can, don't you? Oh, and Wanda, mind games won't work on me." I walk away from everyone and into a different room. 

Vision pops in beside me. *I want to be alone, Vision please.* Memories keep flooding my mind. I feel like I'm drowning in the past. 

I find myself surrounded by papers, colour pencils, and a regular pencil. I look at every single one of them individually. At that time the images finally stop flowing throughout my head. 

I head for the kitchen to grab some food. I can feel multiple eyes watching me. I slowly turn to face the eyes. I smile as I can finally remember everyone. 

 Vision pops in with the multiple drawings I had made. "How did you draw all of these, Ms. Erskine? They look like images of a past you would have not been a part of," he questions. 

Everybody else gathers round him to take a peek at the illustrations. They all gape at the pictures being shown. I watch their reactions to the various images of the past. 

 "I've always been able to see the past, present, and the future either through visions, dreams, or drawings. It started when I was about four years old."

I make my way to my special chest, I teleported into the room. I pull out a particular file with several drawings from when I was younger. I find my least favourite one, the one of Bucky after his fall off the train. You can see the blood on the snow. 

Tony snatches it from my hand. He stares at the drawing in horror; it doesn't take Steve long to walk over to see what the look on Tony's face was for. I can tell by the look on Steve's face he was reminiscing that moment leading up to the fall. 

"If it makes you feel any better, that was always my least favourite drawing. It was the first of many drawings over the years."  I yelp as I feel a sharp pain on the left side of my rib cage. 

Bucky rushes over to my side and lifts my shirt. "You have a glowing tattoo on your rib cage?" He exclaims loudly.

 I groan from the piercing sound of his voice. I try to explain that it was a birthmark, but they won't believe me. It's happening again; it won't be long before one of my monsters takes complete control over my body. I teleport away from them, so no one could get hurt. 

I find myself back at the Hydra base in Siberia. I find blood all over the room where all the other winter soldiers are located.

 Seconds later, I hear voices, but not just any voices; it is the last of the free Hydra agents conversing. I hide behind one of the soldiers' cryo chambers. 

I end up shifting into the wolf. I try turning back, but I'm stuck in wolf form. Looks like I'm gonna be a wolf for the time being. I am unaware of my legs moving until I feel bullets glide past my fur. 

 A growl rips out of my throat as a bullet hits my hind leg. I slam my body through the window running even faster than before. My body hits water, but I keep moving. 

Hours later, I'm back at the tower. Someone drop a towel on my soaking wet body. I look up to see Clint smiling down at me. Friday doesn't oddly recognize me, so she has the rest of the team on alert. 

Natasha and Tony see me and ask me to turn back. *I would if I could.* I walk to my room; Tony follows me. 

"What do you mean you can't turn back, Juliet?" he enquires. 

*I mean I physically can't change back for a month. Think of it like a menstrual cycle, but it only happens once a year. This time next year, I will be another one of my monsters.* I run pass Tony and jump over the couch in the living room. 

"Come back here, you little bitch." he screams after me. I dart toward Bucky and Steve. I jump and land on top of Bucky when Tony screams in my ear. I also snarl back at him in response. 

Later that day, everyone is heading off to bed. I scratch at my door, hoping Friday will get the message. Luckily, she does understand that I am wanting into my room. I hop onto my bed and feel the voodoo dolls I collected earlier this week staring dead at me. 

 I hear an extremely high pitch sound. I can't even tell what it is. All I know is it's coming from Bucky's room and it is hurting my ears. I break my door down with my body and run to his room after Friday opens it. 

I see Bucky in bed having another nightmare, but I can't help him calm down. I found out the sound is the metal plates in his arm twisting and turning. I leap up on the bed only to get thrown into his bookshelf. 

I bare my fangs but stop the second I see it is Bucky that threw me. He grabs me by my throat and holds me up against the bookshelf. I shift back, but I don't know how. 

I feel a knife touch my lips and cut my cheeks in a curved shape as if he is carving a smile into my face. He then stabs my stomach repetitively in one side, the right side. My chest burns from the restriction of oxygen in my lungs. I try making his hand release my throat, but the metal only bends on his arm. 

 "Bucky, let her go. She is only trying to help. She doesn't work for Hydra anymore. You're killing her, Buck." Never have I been more glad that Steve sleeps across the hall from Bucky. I hit the floor with a loud thump.

 I put my hand over the stab wound and put a lot of pressure on it. Numbness is all I feel in my cheeks. I watch Bucky look at me in horror, mumbling sorry over and over again. A whimper slip out of my throat. Steve grabs a hold of Bucky trying to stop him from leaving. 

I teleport to the closest hospital. I slowly walk through the doors. A woman squeals at the site of all the blood coming from my face and my blood-covered hands. A few nurses run toward me. I get put under anaesthesia for an appendectomy.

 I wake up to see the whole team, minus Bucky. "Where is Snowflake?" I ask Steve hoping he could give me an answer. He shakes his head in a way that told me Bucky ran away. I slowly start to sit up when Tony grabs my shoulder. 

"Little wolf, you just got out surgery; do you really think that is a good idea?" 

 I growl, "I don't care," at him. The doctor waltzes right in smiling.

 "How bad was all the damage? When can she leave?" Tony pipes in hopes of getting me out of here before I end up hurting someone. 

 The doctor explains to everyone, "Well, we had to stitch her cheeks back together. She will more than likely never feel anything in her mouth again, due to whoever did this went right through her nerves and hit her teeth barely."

 He continues, "She was stabbed multiple times in her lower right abdomen. Her appendix ended up ruptured, so we had to remove it. As for her leaving, she will need to stay overnight. She can leave around noon tomorrow." __________________________________

*Italicized words* means what Juliet says to someone or their reply mentally.