The Winter Surprise

Shortly after they leave, I fall asleep, only to wake up to a knife to my throat. I throw the person across the room and out the window. I hop out of bed and look out to see who it was. It ends up being one of the remaining hydra agents. 

Seeing as I am no longer safe here, I quickly teleport out of the hospital. I decide it would be best to go back to the tower. Steve freaks out when I pop right into the lounging quarters. I want to go looking for Bucky, but Steve won't let me leave.

"Go to your room and rest, please. Do you understand me?" I puff out at him, but nod my head "yes" anyways. 

I feel as if I'm being watched, and I don't like it at all. I walk into my room to find the voodoo dolls are missing. I start to freak out. I couldn't for long because I felt my leg break. I fall onto the ground and call out. "Who has the dolls, Friday?"

"I believe that everyone has a doll, Ms. Erskine." I look to the crutches, and they fly into my hands. I slowly walk out of the room once I was able to get off the ground. 

I see Wanda first with the Vision doll. I make my way over to her. *What happened to your leg this time, Juliet?* I half-lie to her saying that I fell. 

"Where did you get that doll?" I ask. She tells me that Tony gave it to her. I ask Friday to tell me where he is. I walk into the kitchen and glare at him. A plate hits his face. He just stares at me confused. 

"Why did you take the dolls out of my room? They are voodoo dolls, you idiot. Who has me in doll form?" I shout at him.

He keeps staring at me as my eyes turn completely black. I growl out of frustration and leave him standing there. With the voodoo doll of him and Vision floating behind me, I go looking for the other dolls. 

"Natasha, I am terribly sorry to ask this, but I need the Bruce doll." I ask of her. Banner floats behind me with the other two. 

I find Vision with the doll version of Wanda. The doll ends up beside the others in the air. Vision smiles apologetically, "I believe you would like to have her back now. I am terribly sorry for Mr. Stark's actions. I knew what he did was bad, but Wanda makes a beautiful doll. Wouldn't you agree?" 

I smile sweetly to him before going into another room. I go into the elevator after finding no one else on this floor. It didn't take me long to find the other dolls, except mine. I think I know who or whom might have it. 

Once I got to the training room, I find Steve and Bucky arguing and pulling on something. I take a closer look and notice that it was the doll version of me. I yell at them to stop. 

They don't seem to notice me. I make them separate by throwing them against opposite walls as the doll falls harshly. I groan and fall when the doll did. 

"Will you two quit now? Why are you fighting? If I let you both down, will you two promise you won't go back at each other's throat?"

I go back to my room with all the dolls and the super soldiers following behind. Steve begins to question as to why I was not resting and using my powers. 

I glare at him, "Why do you think I am using the crutches? When you two were fighting, you broke my leg. Are you still upset about what happened, Bucky?" He looks at me; then, he shakes his head "no". 

I smile sweetly towards the two men out of their time. The dolls fly back onto the top shelf. I move towards the super soldiers and kiss their cheek. I bring them into a hug as well. 

"Friday, can you make sure everyone knows not to touch the dolls until I can figure out what to do with them?" I ask nicely. I listen to Tony being upset about that. I laugh *That is what happens when you steal from a demon.* 

Seconds later, everyone can hear a high-pitch scream that belongs to Tony. I roll off my bed; laughing so hard, my rib cage begins to hurt. I watch Tony run in with everyone following. 

"What do you mean that you are a demon? I thought demons have red skin, horns, and tails," he shouts. 

I grab my ears from how loud he is being. I try to get him to quiet down. I was left with no other choice but to throw a pillow at his face. I slowly get off the ground and back on my bed.

"Congratulations, you figured out one of the other monsters. Tony, that is a stereotype. Obviously, it is false, and you're thinking of the devil."

I push everyone out of my room. I am way too exhausted for this. I curl up on top of the blankets as the jukebox on the other side of the room turns on. Thank you Tony for the jukebox. I am not sure why you got me one, but thanks anyways.

A few hours later, I wake up to someone pushing on my shoulder. I hear a loud sneeze a few seconds later. I jumped sky high only to fall into someone arms. Bucky groans from the sudden weight gain. 

I look at him before hopping out of his arms. I can tell that something is wrong. He looks awfully pale. I go to ask him what is wrong, but he stops me with a cough and another sneeze.

I reach my hand up, but he grabs it. I pull his hand off mine. I touch his forehead only to quickly take it back. "Bucky, you're burning up. Follow me." 

I am sure Tony has something for colds somewhere in this huge place. Bucky begins to cling to my body. His arms wrap tightly around my torso. I continue to look for something to give him. 

Sadly, I could not find any cold medicine. I direct him towards a couch and grab him a blanket. He pulls me onto the couch with him. He curls up into my lap. Anytime I try to get up, he whines, "Please don't leave me." 

So he curls in tighter, the phone Tony gave me rings. "Steve... What went wrong in the mission? ... Sorry I have a clingy and feverish assassin on my lap. I'll call you back when I've convinced him that a cold doesn't mean he is dying." I hear him laughing. I smile at him getting a kick out of his best friend being sick. 

Bucky tightens his grip on me as he goes into a coughing fit. I slowly wrap my arms around him while I sing a Russian lullaby to him. His grip on me loosen up as I hear soft snoring. 

I decide to let him sleep in my lap, but I need to move him slightly but carefully as his body is tugging on my stitches a little bit. The blanket wraps itself around him a little more once it begins to slide off him. 

He begins to thrash around as a nightmare begins. I hug him tighter as I try to make his nightmare decrease, but it was not working for some unknown reason. He wakes up and tries to grab my throat again, but I quickly push him onto the ground. 

I run to my room as he follows after me stopping for a sneeze or two. I throw snow balls at him since I did not want to hurt him. I force the gravity to push his body into the air and hold him there as he begins to throw daggers at me. Where did the knives come from?

So much for T'challa stopping his Winter Soldier programing. He nicks my arms and legs a little bit. Something is not right; he shouldn't be missing. Bucky knows exactly what he is doing and is fighting it. He runs out of daggers to throw at me.

He looks at me with a melancholy expression. I put him on the bed as I climb into it and pull the cover over both of us. He startles me with another coughing fit.

"Why are you doing this; I will never stop being a monster. I will just keep trying to kill you. I don't want to hurt you anymore." I wish my snowflake would understand just how much he is wrong. I begin to pull him closer, only for him to put more distance between us. 

"You could not be more wrong about being a monster. I should know. Seeing as I am not just one but three. I fight every single day not to become evil like Hydra wanted me to be. Everyday gets harder and harder to not succumb to the raging monsters inside me."

 You have no idea as to how hard it is to not bite anyone of you guys. Therefore, trust me when I say you are far from being a monster," I explain to him. I groan as my abdomen starts hurting. He faces me with worry in his eyes, but quickly turns away with another sneeze.

"You said three monsters and bite. Is it safe to assume that you aren't just talking about the werewolf? You don't have to tell me what it is if you don't want to. I want to be someone you can trust, even if I can't trust myself." He softly pushes for an answer from me. 

I lift my hand to his hair and run my fingers through the strands. I am surprised that he didn't flinch or grab my wrist to stop me. I can tell he is beginning to trust me.