Another Glitch

I have no idea as to where we are.

A fight breaks loose nearby. A group of children are teaming up against a smaller boy. Another boy ends up pushing past me. He apologies as he goes to rescue his friend.

The guys are arguing about where we are. I can't help but keep my eyes on the boy and his friend. Unknowingly, I move closer to the fight without the others' knowledge as well.

The fight continues for a little bit longer before the smaller boy's friend finally gets rid off the bullies. The other children take off, especially after they saw me.

"Are you two boys ok?"

"We're mostly fine, Ma'am. My friend here just doesn't know when to run away from a fight."

"I don't need saving all the time, Buck."

"Steve, you know you shouldn't be picking fights. Did you forget that you have many health problems?"

"You two sounds just like a couple of my best friends. Shouldn't you two be in school or something?"

"No, Ma'am, school let out for winter break a few minutes ago," little Steve explains.

"You can call me Juliet. There is no need to call me that. Would you like for me to walk you home? Just in case any of the other kids decide they aren't done picking on you."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Well, Steve, you remind me a lot of a friend I have. He was always sick as a child. He also never knew when to back down from a fight."

Little Steve grins up at me. Both him and little Bucky grab onto my hands. Adult Steve looks over to me and gets the other two's attention.

*Do not come up to me, Sam. We don't know what will happen if the kids meet their adult selves.*

Sam gives me a quick nod of his head.

Child version of Steve tugs on my hand, pulling me in the direction of his apartment. Little Bucky follows Steve's lead in pulling me forward.

We finally come across Steve's childhood home. The two of them pull me into the apartment.

"And who do we have here, boys?"

"Hello, Ma'am. I was just making sure these two make it home safely. My name's Juliet. It's a pleasure to meet the mother of one of these lovely boys."

"My name is Sarah, sweetie. I greatly appreciate you bringing them home. I can take it from here."

Walking up to the three adults, "I guess, we are stuck in the twenty's, guys. Wish I knew how to get us back. You guys look amazing in your military uniforms."

You two wouldn't happen to know a good place to lay low until I figure out how to teleport us back to present day?"

"I can't really think of a good place; how 'bout you, Buck?"

"Wish I could. I do know that if we are going to lay low, Doll, you need to get rid of the lip ring and change your hair color."

"I guess, I have to find a wig then. I can't really dye my hair, Snowflake. Know a good place to find one?"

We walk back into the big city and look around for the store Bucky was thinking about.

Snow falls down, making me realize we teleported back to December, of '27 to be specific.

"Do you think we can make it home before Christmas? "

"I hope so, Juliet," Sam answers.

We continue to scope the city out for a good place to stay.

"Juliet, are you okay? Your eyes are turning black."

"I'm not sure why my eyes would be black." A whimper rip out mouth as canine teeth sharpen themselves to a point.

Concern become suffocating inside the abandoned building forcing me to walk out.

Slipping on dark sunglasses I familiarize myself to the city around me. Eyes focusing on me catches my attention.

Pushing the person against a wall, "Why are you following me," slips past my lips.

"Sorry, I can't help but feel like I know you somewhere."

One look at the face was all I needed to know who he is. "Well, Mr. Erskine, I know you; however, there is no possible way for you to know who I am."

"Yet you look so familiar to me."

"Not sure what to tell you about that, except I've got to go." I leave the young version of Opa in the alley.

Zipping past the buzzing crowd that is Brooklyn, the building falls into my line of sight.

"Everyone still here, I've brought lunch."

"What's for lunch, Doll?"

"I have a few sandwiches, Bucky. Where's the other two?"

"They went looking for you."

*Back at the hideout, Sammy.*

*On our way back now, Little Hawkeye.*

"Have you come up with a way to get us back, yet?"

"Still working on it. Like I told you before I don't have complete control over my powers, Snowflake."

"It's okay; we'll figure it out together, Doll."

"Figure what out, Buck?"

"How to get us home, punk."


Handing out the rest of lunch, I start working on finding a solution to the issue.

"I think I'm going to try something; hopefully, it works."

I definitely didn't intend to teleport to the other side of the world. I quickly teleport back to the guys.

"Didn't work. I might have another idea." To avoid burn marks on the floor, I walk outside.

"Thor, I don't know if you can hear me. I would gratefully appreciate if you could lend a helping hand."

Rain pours down on me as the mighty god makes his presence known.

"And how exactly in all of the nine realms, do you expect me to help you when I am busy fighting a war."

"Well, since you're so busy fighting a war, I guess, I'll see if the god of mischief can help. Obviously, there is no way you will be capable of helping us," upset that I insulted him, he follows me to the others.

"Tiny Midgardian, thou does not understand the power before you."

Laughter fills my chest, "Oh no, I understand completely well who I am dealing with. Someone who is obsessed with violence. Maybe, I should have called out to your brother."

The three men watch me insult the god of thunder.

"Juliet, do you really think it is wise to insult him? He is a god, remember?"

"Do you want to go home or not, Steve?"

"Can the Bifrost take us through time?" switching my attention to the god.

"How does thou know about the Bifrost?"

"Because we are friends in the future."

Bucky pipes in with, "I thought, we weren't going to change anything."

"Sorry, Bucky, I don't know what else to do."

"Juliet, are you sure this is the only way?"

"No, but it is an idea. I will repeat the question; can the Bifrost take us through time?"

Booming thunder in the distance let's me know he has left. "That jerk. Well, that is out of the question."

"That's what you get for insulting him."

"Cork it, Samuel."

"No reason to get hostile, Vampy."

Growls echo through the old building. *Don't test me.* I leave for another side of the building to calm down before I hurt one of them.

Thirst overcomes all other senses. Looking around, a voice fills the silence of the room. "You need blood. Don't you? I can see it in your eyes."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"You don't understand; I will always worry about your wellbeing. You can take some of my blood; I trust you."

"I can't. I don't trust myself. I will only kill you."

A metallic scent fills my nose as soon as he decides to take it into his own hands. Drops of blood spills onto the ground. I am quick to heal his cut.

"You're an idiot to do that."

"Only for you," another cut appears on his arm. "I will just continue to cut myself until you take the blood."

Frustration shows itself through my roars. "Please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't; like I said I trust you."

Why would he do this?

Finally giving in since I know he isn't bluffing. "Just promise me you will push me away as soon as you realize you're losing too much blood."

"I will."

I knew the second his intoxicating scented blood touched my lips I would lose all control of my impulses.

"Doll, I think that is enough. I'm starting to become dizzy."

Stopping was not an option anymore. Bucky couldn't pull me off until it was too late. His eyes turned cold as he became motionless.

"No! Snowflake, I'm so sorry. You should have never let do it. Please come back."

Tears stream down my face. I pull his body onto my lap and hold him tight.

"Steve is going to kill me."

An idea pops into my head.

"This is probably a really bad idea, but I can't lose you too, Bucky."

I take one of his knives from him placing it in his hand forcing him to make a cut on my arm.

Pressing the wound to his lips, "I sure hope this works like in the movies."

Sure enough a few seconds later a set of hands are wrapped around my arms.

A voice calls out from behind me, "What the hell is going on in here?"

Snowflake pulls away and looks up at me with bright red eyes. Steve asks again especially when Bucky looks at him baring his fangs and growling, "She's mine."

"Hey, Little Wolf, come here."

I hand Morgan over to Pepper as I follow Tony into the backyard.

"What happened? What did you see? You're crying."

As soon as he hears about it, Sam was calling for me.

Once I make it back, a hand grabs onto my throat from behind. Staring forward the guys were bound by chains. Decorations are in heaps of mess. The holiday tree was toppled over with lights busted and ornaments shattered.

"Didn't realize that we have reverted back to the medieval times. I suggest you take your hand off me before you lose it."

"I don't believe you will. If you so much as even try to pretend you're the hero, your precious little soldier will turn into a monster just like you." A needle is jabbed into my side ridding me of some blood.

"What is it that you want so bad?"

"The world to see the monster you really are."

"Too bad that will never happen."

"You will do exactly what I want if you don't want anything bad to happen to Winter and America's golden boy."

"Okay, but only if you guarantee their safety."

"Smart choice, Summer. Consider it a deal."

With the syringe of my blood in his hand, he walks over to Bucky. A gleam fills his eyes as he injects the needle into Bucky.

Lunging forward, "You said we had a deal."

"I lied. Have a merry Christmas, little monster," Ross escapes.

Bucky's eyes begin changing to red. I know what I need to do. I need to act fast though. "Sorry you were forced to experience this because of me, Snowflake."

His body thrashes around making it hard to force my blood out of him. I let gravity solve that as my blood gushes out of the injection site.

Blue eyes reappear.

"How are you feeling, Bucky? What a great Christmas this is turning out to be."

"Juliet, this isn't your fault."

"Yes. It is, Steve. Had I been an ordinary person, Hydra never would have gone looking for me. I never would have been forced to do their dirty work. I wouldn't be a monster, right now. Bucky would never had to go through that. It is all my fault."

"Juliet, we never would have met you if none of this happened."

"You would have been better off that way, Snowflake. I need some time alone, guys. Merry Christmas, Sammy, Cap, and Snowflake."

I find myself in Central Park gliding along the snow covered bridge. Not a person in sight. The rushing water lying underneath a thick sheet of ice.

As my body lands onto the frozen river, snow falls faster than ever before. All this cold helps in the process of calming me down. I'm sure Morgan would love to be here.

Feelings of awe fills the air while skates of ice form on my feet. Gliding on the ice brings a smile to form on my face.

"You're welcome to join in on the fun. I can make you two some skate, if you would like."

"Looks like you are having, Doll."

"Would you care to join me?" turning my body to face the two men.

"We never skated before, Sweetheart."

"Perfect time to learn then."

"I guess, it wouldn't hurt to try, Doll," Bucky walking onto the ice.

Steve coming right behind him as the skates form on their feet. The two almost fall if it weren't for gravity catching them.