The Darkness Stuck Within

A few months passes by in the blink of an eye. Everyone slowly regroups into one building, the rebuilt Avenger's compound. Sam and Clint don't move into the compound with us.

Steve is away with Nat for a mission of some sort. Bucky has been avoiding me since the whole incident with Ross, but I can't blame him for it.

"Auntie Julie!"

"What are you doing, my little snow princess?"

"Hiding from Daddy."

I join in on the fun by scooping her up and teleporting us to the park.

*Juliet, we could really use your help. We were barely able to escape, and Steve's been hurt pretty bad.*

Morgan and I are quick to arrive to Steve's aid. "How exactly did this happen, Nat?" 

Steve appears to be fading in and out of consciousness. "You are not leaving us, Steven Grant Rogers!"

It's gonna take some time to heal him completely. Groans escape from his lips as I try to heal all his more serious wounds.

Nat comforts Morgan behind me letting her know that her uncle Steve would be all right.

Weakly, "How come your eyes are black, Juliet?"

"Let's just focus on you right now, Steve."

Looks like the demon finally wants complete control for the annual monster period. Thankfully, Steve is mostly healed now.

"It's happening again. I would finish healing you, but I fear I might end up hurting you more instead."

"How's Buck doing?" Steve questions.

"Well, he is still keeping his distance from me." A sad smile falls onto his face.

Knowing I need to get Morgan back home, I teleport the two of us to the compound.

"I knew you took her! Where in the world did you two go?"

"Daddy, we went to the park. Then we saw Auntie Nat and Uncle Steve."

"You took her to Rome! That's it." Anger residing on Tony's face. "You are not allowed to be around Morgan for a week."

Quivering rage fills the tower as an inhumane voice rattles the building. "If this is the thanks I receive for saving Steve, then I never should have left Hydra."

With a wave of a hand Tony's body is thrown across the room. The sound of shattering glass fills the area as I vanish.

The training equipment floats in the air. As all of the equipment drop down, the punching bags slam into the ceiling. A sparking ring appears beside me as Dr Strange walks through.

"Is everything alright, Juliet?"

Turning to face him, "I think we both know the answer to that." Black eyes stare right into his soul.

"I am going to need you to calm down. I can help you with the monster problem."

"I don't want your help. Personally I like the disease," I growl. 

Eerie laughter fills the compound as I teleport back into the main room. Steve and Natasha appear into the room. 

"Juliet, what are you doing?... Stop it now."

"I don't want to. Frankly, I am enjoying the chaos, Romanoff."

I look over to the cowering forms of Tony and Morgan. A twisted smile falls upon my face at the sight.

"You should be scared. You have no idea as to what I am capable of," I point out.

Arms wrap around me tightly.

"This isn't you, Doll. Snap out of it."

"So you finally decide to stop avoiding me. Well, you're too late Snowflake," I snarl at him.

"I needed some time to process what had happened, Juliet," Bucky explains.

A wicked idea fills my mind.

Cries fill the compound as the grip around my body disappears. A smirk finds its way onto my face at the thing I had done.

Looking around the room children take the place of my so called friends and family. "This is why we don't ignore a monster, Bucky."

A new child appears beside Wanda. "Vhere are ve sister?"

"Pietro, I don't know vhere ve are," the two Sokovian six year olds converse.

A tug on my pants catches my attention. Looking down at what appears to be a seven year old Bucky,  "What is it, Barnes?"

He runs off with Steve instead of answering my question. I didn't want to talk to you anyways.

I gather the children up and take them to a room I deem safer. I make sure to take out anything that can hurt them. 

"Big wolf, why take my toys away?" little Tony complains.

"Just because I'm a monster doesn't mean I am evil," I respond back.

"Taking my toys is bad," the tiny hero whines.

I walk out the door. Time to go home. Shield can handle the baby Avengers.