Chapter Two


"I have an idea. An exchange." His words washed over me bringing the hint of consequence with my accidental actions.

The fact that I had managed to not only crash into someone, but also managed to cause something precious to break in the process surprised me. I never even sensed anyone else near me. This man though… His eyes were so deep blue it felt like getting lost in an endless ocean. And why could I feel his voice radiate all the way down to my toes? My mind told me I should be scared, at least nervous, he projected authority in a way I had never felt, but I was neither of those things. I was intrigued. "An exchange?"

I hoped he didn't expect me to pay for it. I mean I had money, but not enough to just throw around. And exchange? I didn't exactly have anything he'd want. That part did leave me more nervous than I would have liked to admit to myself.

He took a step away from me and that's when I actually saw him. He was about a foot taller than me, which my five foot five wasn't exactly short, but suddenly I felt as if it was. He had sandy blond hair, wide shoulders, and wearing jeans that I wished I could appreciate from the back. I may have been cautious, that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the view.

"Yes, an exchange. I need something only you can give and it would seem you owe me." He smirked and his eyes danced, but the tone of his words was deep and begged for obedience. It was an odd combination, yet it only intrigued my curiosity more.

"And what would that be?" I asked, as I met his eyes.

"How about we discuss it over dinner?"

And with that one question, he turned into every other man that had ever crossed my path. He may have smelled better, of honeysuckle in the rain, but he was sending mixed signals and I wasn't buying. "I don't date."

His eyes widened slightly and if I hadn't been staring I would have missed it. "A date? No, a business discussion."

"James, who is this?" asked another guy as he approached. He was slightly shorter and a little stockier, but he too was very attractive.

He looked at me in anticipation, then back to his friend. "My apologies. My name is James and this is my friend, Anthony. And you are?"

"Tracy," I replied automatically.

"Nice to officially meet you Tracy. If you're not busy this evening I would like to meet you over dinner to discuss the exchange I have in mind. Will you please join me?" His tone was slightly softer, but it still held the same amount of power.

I'd never heard such dominance in a gentle voice, and although it made me want to say yes, I knew better. "Dinner? I'm busy. But I do feel bad, so if you insist then how about the corner coffee shop tomorrow morning? We can discuss whatever ideas you have for me to make this up to you then."

His eyes seemed to dull for a moment and then he blinked and they were right back to normal. "Deal. See you at 8 o'clock. Don't be late." Then he turned and walked away without another word.

I found myself watching him as he left, and damn the way those jeans held his backside was like a prayer to the almighty himself. Hallelujah!

A quickly shook the distraction away. Men were dangerous. I didn't trust them. I was a single twenty-year-old woman who lived alone. My parents had raised me to be cautious, but some things were obvious all on their own. He was different and I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

I made my way home just as the snow began falling. I grabbed some wood on my way inside and started a fire. After the chill worked its way out of the house I spread my finding from Miss Bonnie on the kitchen table and got lost in the necklaces creation.


'You better be on your way.' Hearing my dad's voice in my head at this exact moment was not the best time. He was frustrated with me, yet again, not that it was a new thing. He'd been frustrated with me since I turned eighteen and refused to settle down. But then she spoke and it pulled me back to the present.

"Dinner? I'm busy. But I do feel bad, so if you insist then how about the corner coffee shop tomorrow morning? We can discuss whatever ideas you have for me to make this up to you then."

That was new. I wasn't used to being denied. I would have to play on her schedule if I wanted to get my plan to work. That plan I still hadn't fully worked out in my mind. The one I winging as it played out. "Deal. See you at 8 o'clock. Don't be late."

I turned and walked away without another word. Anthony quickly following with a, "It was nice to meet you Tracy," before catching up with me.

"It was nice to meet you as well, Anthony." Her voice carried softly across the distance. "An you too, James," she mumbled, more than unlikely aware that I could still hear her.

It made me smile. Her kindness, her smile, everything about her made me smile.

"What the hell was all of that?" asked Anthony as we walked away.

"It's her. She's the one," I stated matter-of-factly. I'd known the moment I saw her. She was the one who could get me out of this marriage thing. I wasn't sure how yet, but I had until morning to come up with a plan.

"Ummm…did you hit your head or something? Is your sniffer broken? She's human," he responded sarcastically. "You can't marry a human!"

"I never said anything about marrying her, but I was drawn to her for a reason. Now I just need to figure out how to make this all work in my favor."

"Dude, I think you're biting off more than you can chew. If you bring her home your parents will go nuts. They'll think you officially lost it."

Bring her home? That's it! I'll take her home as my choice and then they can send all those others girls back to wherever they came from and cancel this whole Christmas charade they have planned. Surely they would be against me being with a human girl so it should buy me more time from their demands.

"I know that look in your eyes. You're up to something. And I know if it involves Tracy then I'm not going to like it one bit. She seemed nice. And don't forget you actually owe me a replacement for that crystal swan. You know since it actually wasn't her fault. It was yours and you are the one who has to replace it before Christmas."

He was right. He wouldn't like my plan one single bit. That's why I wasn't going to tell him. He'd figure it out soon enough. "I'll get it tomorrow. After my coffee date."

'Son, where the hell are you?' screamed my father through the pack link.

Ow! That made my head split open from the sheer volume. Dang. 'Pulling up now,' I replied tersely.

I may have been twenty-two, but lately my parents have been making me feel like a five-year-old boy who left his toys on the stairs. Everything is about finding a wife and taking over as Alpha. I am more than ready to be Alpha. I've been training since the day I was born. I know my pack, I know all of the other packs, I know the rules, and I'm the best warrior around…I am ready.

I parked in the back and walked through the house. The Omegas were busy making sure all of the decorations were perfect and that all of the incoming guests would feel welcome. I saw my parents in the front room talking to girls, when they motioned me to join them.

"Son," my mother spoke.

The two girls turned around as I approached. Both were pretty. One had short blond hair and blue eyes. She resembled by family line, maybe she was a distant cousin or something. The other had long brown hair and green eyes. They weren't emerald though. I tsked myself as that thought popped in my head.

"Hi mother," I greeted with a kiss to her cheek. "Hello father," I said with a nod.

My father gave me a fake smile. "Nice of you to join us."

Before I could respond my mother said, "James, this is Brianna." She gestured to the blond.

"Hello James." She smiled and held out her hand.

I shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"…and this is Stacy." My mother gestured to the brunette.

"Hi," she replied nervously.

Stacy was a dull version of Tracy. She was beautiful, but she didn't shine. And why did my mind keep going to her? She was making it hard to focus on anything else. "Nice to meet you," I said as I shook her hand.

"I'm sure you will both find your accommodations to your liking, and if you need anything please feel free to ask and I'll make sure you get it." My mother was ever the diplomat. She handled everything that needed finesse so that my father did not need to. I watched as she motioned Brianna and Stacy upstairs to their rooms.

"I need to speak with you. Now. My office."

And that's how my dad handled things. Direct and of little words. I didn't bother responding with words. Instead, I nodded and followed him down the hall.

He sat behind his large oak desk and I took the chair directly across from him. "What can I do for you father?"

"You will chose one of the women that is in our territory on Christmas Day. All eligible females will be here, on our land, by then. It is not an option."

He really should have been more specific. "Yes, sir."

"And son, choose wisely."

With that I left his office, retiring to my room for the night. Morning couldn't come soon enough.