Chapter Three


I slept through the entire night for the first time in two years. I drifted along an ocean of deep blue that wrapped me in its embrace and brought me a comfort I hadn't felt in so long.

I wasn't sure what it had to do with James, but I knew it did. I would know that blue anywhere. The comfort part though? That was new. It may have been why I had changed outfits three times already and redid my hair twice. I was nervous. Whether it was from knowing that I would be seeing him again or if it was from this exchange he had in mind, I honestly did not know.

After finally deciding on jeans, a blue peasant top with lace accents, and pulling my hair into a low ponytail, I drove into town. I parked in the same place I had the day before, which was on the same end of Main Street where the coffee shop sat. I glanced down at the radio, noting it read 7:55 AM.

"It's now or never," I said to myself before taking a deep breath and exiting the car. I walked across the street, noting the quietness of the town. It was peaceful in its simplicity.

I reached for the door when another hand beat me to it. Surprised, I stepped back automatically and into a solid wall of muscle. I realized immediately who it was when the smell of honeysuckle wrapped around me, as did his arms. James.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," he whispered into my ear.

The heat of his breath did funny things to insides and when I tried to move away I realized that his arms were still wrapped around me. He let go when he felt me shift against him. I turned to face him. Big mistake. He had a 5 o'clock shadow, as if he'd skipped shaving this morning, he has wearing another pair of jeans, these paired with gorgeous dark green sweater, and a black leather jacket. He was absolutely gorgeous. The women around here must follow him around like lost puppies.

"It's okay."

"Shall we?" he asked as he reached for the door again.

Was that a tattoo of a rose and a wolf on his hand? How had I not noticed that yesterday? "Yes."

He followed me inside and the waitress looked up. "Good morning, James," she said as her eyes wondered over him from head to toe. I didn't blame her, I'd done the same thing, but she didn't even acknowledge me. Rude much.

"Morning, Sara. Can you send two coffees over to my regular table please?"

"Sure thing."

Of course he had a regular table. It was in the back corner, probably the furthest possible seat from the front door and away from the windows. He pulled out a chair and gestured for me to sit. At least he was polite. Then he sat in the chair across from me, the one facing the entrance, as if he were a king surveying his kingdom. Not sure why that thought popped in my mind, but it surely fit him.

Not wanting to waste either of our time I figured we might as well get started. "So this exchange… What do you have in mind?"

He smirked as if knowing what I was trying to do. "Good morning, Tracy. And how are you this morning?"

I may have rolled my eyes involuntarily, because I could see him try to conceal a laugh. "Good morning, James. I'm wonderful this morning. It's a beautiful day, the weather is calling for clear blue skies, and is there anything else I can cover before you answer my question?"

I was usually so nice, but all this nervousness was making me uneasy.

"It does look as if it'll be a beautiful day. And to answer your question…"

Just then Sara brought the coffee. She placed his down gently with a smile and mine banged against the table with careless effort as she turned and walked off.

"Wow," I mumbled automatically. Apparently, I was also filterless today, because no way would I have said that out loud normally.

That did make him chuckle aloud without attempt to hide it this time.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Oh no, that was priceless. I got a glimpse behind this shield you have up."

I stared at him not quite believing his words or the fact that he said them.

"Anyway… the exchange."

"Yes, James. I don't know what you could possibly have in mind. I don't really have anything you'd want." I found myself holding my breath in anticipation of the disaster I got myself into.

"And that is where you would be wrong. What I want is more of a proposition, a use of your time."

Was he insane? It sounded more like he wanted a prostitute, not a proposition. I can't believe I wasted my time coming here this morning. I should have just stood him up. "My time? I thought you weren't hitting on me. Didn't you tell me that yesterday?"

He leaned toward me and in a lower voice he said, "I'm not. What I have is a delicate issue where my parents are trying to force me to be with someone I do not wish, nor want, to be with. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend so that they will back off."

A pretend girlfriend. What in the world was this guy up to? There had to be something I was missing. But instead of getting up and walking out like I knew I should I found myself asking for clarification. "Is this for a certain amount of time?"

He stared into my eyes, as I did his. Maybe he was trying to figure me out, just as I was him. Neither of us succeeding. "Just until the new year. Less than two weeks," he replied flatly.

I could do it. It wasn't as if I was doing anything else at the moment. Why was I even contemplating this though? He was a stranger, who wanted me to be his fake girlfriend for the holidays, and all because I broke something that can't be easily replaced. Ugh! "What would this entail? Dates, meeting the family…what exactly?"

His entire face lit up at my words. Still keeping his voice low he answered, "Yes, dates. We do have to make it believable after all. Definitely meeting my parents since this is about them. As a matter of fact, if you agree, it should start immediately. Which in turn would make this an official non-date date."

He leaned back in his chair awaiting my decision.

Taking a deep breath I quickly ran down a list of pros and cons in my head. Pro: It would keep me busy. Con: I would have to spend time with James. Or was that a pro. I wasn't quite sure about him yet, but he was nice to look at. Con: His family could be axe murderers. Hell he could be an axe murderer. Ummm… "This will make us even right?"

"Of course."

I relented. "Fine."

"Fine?" he questioned with what appeared to be hope blossoming across his once stoic features.

"Yes, fine. I'm in." I mean how bad could it be? I thought to myself as I sipped my now lukewarm coffee. It was disgusting, but I tried to hide the grimace behind the cup, unsuccessfully so if the laughter coming from James was any indication.

"Are you trying to kill me on purpose?" I laughed.

"Here, try mine." He pushed his cup over to my side of the table and reached to take mine from my hand. I let him have it.

"Now why would I put myself through that again? I know you ordered two of the same thing."

"Just try it."

I shook my head and brought the cup to my lips. The steam tickled my nose. Fully aware his eyes were on me, I took a sip. It was delicious. "Mmmmmm."

He leaned toward me. "Sara has a thing for me and has jealousy issues. If I wager a guess, she probably gave you day old coffee. And before you ask, no we never dated."

Was it too late to rethink my decision? Probably not, but I couldn't go back on my word. I mean who else was a jealous wannabe girlfriend in this town? Next I'd be getting a raw steak at dinner. This was going to be a long two weeks. "O-kay. But just so you know if we ever have another date here I'm stealing your cup."

"Noted. Now are you ready to make a go of this charade?" His right eye brow hitched up a notch as if he was daring me to say yes.

The moment, "Yes", crossed my lips he stood up and reached for my hand. And here I go, was the last thought in my mind before I took his hand, he pulled me up, and then his lips crashed to mine, clearing my head of any and all other thoughts.

His lips were soft and kiss was gentle, but it flowed through my entire body like electricity. When he pulled away his eyes where the first thing I noticed. They were darker, almost black, and I could have sworn I heard him growl.

I was in way over my head.