I could see how someone would want to use Tracy's visions, but I would never allow anyone near her who would see her harm. Those wolves in her vision weren't rouges like I'd initially thought when she vaguely mentioned her vision. No, those wolves belonged to the Diamondhead Pack. Alpha Curt was known for his indiscretions, but if he thought he could come in here and take what was mine he had another thing coming.
By the time I made it to my dad's office he was already on the phone with Alpha Kane. How he knew to call him I hadn't a clue, but he would be here tonight. I'd seen it.
His eyes met mine as his conversation halted. He was waiting on me to tell him what Tracy had shown me; waiting for me to say a single word.
His eyes widened and his conversation resumed at a more frantic tone. Once he ended the call he paced back and forth a few times then sat in his chair and looked across the desk to me. "Tell me."
"Alpha Curt will attack with what looked like his entire pack. They will wait until you are mid speech and then will come in wolf form, through the forest, in waves. There will be many deaths on both sides."
His silent stare was paralyzing. His words thick with emotion. "Son, this is your call. Tell me what we need to do."
Just a few days ago I was a carefree man attempting to skirt his alpha responsibilities and now here I am, a mated wolf ready to become Alpha and protect the pack. All because of Tracy. My Luna.
After discussing my plan we quickly reached out to everyone and put it into motion. If Alpha Curt thought he could come here and take something that was mine, something that belonged to this pack, he was sadly mistaken. A mistake he would pay for with his life.
I had only one thing left to do; go see my beloved.
I entered our suite to find it quiet. She was standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom trying to tie the bow at the back of her dress.
"Let me help you with that."
She smiled as her eyes met mine in the mirror. "Thank you."
"I could have sworn this was already tied."
"Oh yes, but I had to make a few adjustments for later."
She did have a way of piquing my interest. "Adjustments?" I asked as I finished pulling the bow tight.
"Yes, well I can't exactly get to our spot dressed like this, nor can I change and give anything away. Let's just say I layered."
I laughed. How could I not? This woman was incredible. A war coming to our door and she thinks to add layers under her beautiful gown. "Did you happen to add any weapons under there?"
She turned with a smile so radiant it gave me chills. "Now what kind of future Luna would I be if I didn't plan for everything I possibly could?"
She lifted the skirt of the dress to show skin tight black pants, the ribbons attached to her shoes were now laced over the pants and through a sheath holding a small knife.
"Got anything else hidden in there?"
She smirked and let the skirt fall from her grasp. "Wouldn't you like to know," she replied mischievously. "But on a more serious note… Did you get everything worked out?"
"Yes, I believe so. I don't know what I would do without you here by my side. I love you, Tracy."
I pulled her in for a kiss, while brushing my thumb down over my mark on her ivory skin. I still cannot believe I found my other half, or how strong our bond has been from day one, or how much has changed in such a short time. I guess it is true what they say about life. You never do know what it will throw at you.
"I love you, James. But if you keep touching me like that then you'll have to tie my bow again."
Oh how she made me laugh. "Don't tempt me my love."
Our laughs and smiles disappeared, a seriousness wrapping around us like a cold blanket. I wanted to tell her to leave now. To run and hide. But we both knew that wasn't an option. If the Diamondhead Pack learned that she'd left then it could change everything. We still hadn't discovered how they'd learned about her in the first place. Someone here was a traitor, that much we all knew.
The only difficult part about that was putting a plan into action that didn't tip off that person. Surely it had to be a guest and not a member of my pack. That was the only explanation I had. There were so many she-wolves here from different packs that it would be difficult to figure out who it was, and putting my pack into action without actually alerting anyone here was a challenge in itself. Hopefully my plan works and I do not let my father or my pack down.
"You've got this. I believe in you."
Her words were soft, but they held strength. She did always seem to know exactly what to say. "We've got this."
"Good, now get ready, future Alpha."
Her words spurred me into action and I quickly showered and dressed. With her hand in mine we descended the stairs and entered the backyard. The sun was beginning to set and it was time to begin.
'Many of these she-wolves are upset that you chose me. I can feel their hatred,' Tracy spoke through our link.
'Anyone more than the others?' I asked in return.
'Wish I could tell you that, but I cannot. I can only tell by the way they are looking at me. It's not like I can actually sense their emotions. I mean if looks could kill.'
I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as we continued toward the front of the crowd.
'Everyone in position?' I asked the pack warriors though the link.
A series of confirmations rang back. With a nod to my parents they took the stage.
"Thank you all for joining us here on this beautiful Christmas night. What was originally meant as a gathering for which our son was to choose his Luna has become so much more; for he has found his one and true mate. That alone would be a time to celebrate, but it is also their time to replace us. As Alpha of the New Moon Pack it is my honor tonight to step down and announce…"
And it was time.
I vaguely heard my father's final words. "…the new Alpha and Luna. Alpha James and Luna Tracy of the New Moon Pack."
I motioned for Alpha Kane who spoke the moment he appeared, "You need to get her to safety."
His Alpha tone held no control over me as I was now an Alpha too. I only needed him to assist with something I could not. "No, this is my pack. I cannot leave them. Alpha Kane she knows where to go, can you please see that she makes it there safely?"
"Of course. And I'll be back in time to help you clean this up."
The first wolves appeared through the trees. Howling in unison to mark their attack.
I placed a gentle kiss on Tracy's lips. "Tracy, you know where to go. I'll see you soon my love." Then watched as she took his hand and disappeared away from the incoming threat.