
"Miss, please show us proof that you have a boyfriend, and he looks exactly like Mo Yifan," a female reporter, who was at the front of the crowd, knocked on the wooden door of the house, that was in shambles and screamed at the top of her lungs, calling out the girl who had the encounter with Mo Yifan.

As one of the most famous reporters in entertainment business, Fu Fanghua could not waste any time at all. Thus, as soon as the video was uploaded and the news exploded, she was on the next plane to this country and arrived here for exclusive news.

She looked around and found that there were only English reporters here, but the number was not any less, nonetheless. It was all because of Mo Yifan, of course. She had an advantage here, she could speak the native language of the girl, if she were really Chinese, that is. From the video from yesterday, that girl was speaking perfect Mandarin, so there were speculations that she might be originally of Chinese descent.

The door, which felt like it would fall apart just with two knocks, creaked loudly and a very old Thai lady appeared from behind.

"What do you guys want?" she yelled in English.

"Madam, is this not the place where Miss Chen lives?" Fu Fanghua stepped ahead, and although she was speaking English with this old lady, she made sure it was in Asian accent, just to gain an upper hand.

"Why would you want to meet my Chen Waan, what did she do?" the old lady became furious. Her wrinkly face scrunched into more wrinkles, giving her a very scary look. The reporters flinched back. They did not want to take responsibility in case this old lady dropped dead out of high blood pressure.

Fu Fanghua would not step back though. She gently held the hand of the lady and coddled her, "I just wanted to ask a few questions from her. If you, her elder, permits…," she trailed off her sentence.

"Who is her elder? She is just a tenant here. She did not come back last night, must have been out with her boyfriend. It is holidays season, do you think the young ones would stay at home or chase after other people like you?" the old lady remarked in a sarcastic tone, flicking back the reporter's hand, stabbing hundreds of invisible arrows across everyone's hearts present there who were working hard in cold weather.

'This old lady has got as sharp a tongue as that Chen girl, no wonder birds of a feather flock together.'

"Madam, have you seen her boyfriend before?" Fu Fanghua started her investigation. She would take whatever she could, at this moment.

"Why do you want to know? I do not meddle into other people's affairs. I don't know how he looks," the old lady waved her hand. The other journalists were just recording the conversation right now. One, they were very interested in watching the show and two, it was hard to understand both of the ladies using English in Asian accent. They would decipher it later. Right now, recording was important.

Fu Fanghua felt really indignant. This old lady was insulting her, one of the top journalists in China, right in front of these people. She could not use this clip even if she got any answers from this old hag without heavy editing. That would be a blow to her pride as a journalist.

"Uhh… Ma'am, I am just interested in knowing how handsome that boyfriend is. You see, she was caught with a man who looks like a famous celebrity yesterday. And to think that such a plain looking…"

Before she could finish her sentence, the old granny clanged her walking stick on the floor.

"Oh? Are you lacking in men around you that you are trying to look for another's man? And, so what if she was caught with a handsome guy? That's between her and that man, who are you to meddle?" the old lady was a bit furious right now. She had seen reporters haggle people on TV before, but this was going beyond invading privacy.

A few journalists in the back snickered. Fu Fanghua understood that she could not get through this old hag, so she backed off for the time being. She would definitely take revenge for this embarrassment one day!

Old lady closed the door with a thud on the faces of the reporters.

"What kind of mess did you get into, you silly girl?" she scolded the girl, who was eating melon and studying her languages.

Chen Waan's world was only filled with books and occasionally things like TV shows and podcasts, but that was also to get immersed in the culture of another. She raised her head from her book and smiled sweetly to the old woman.

"Granny, thanks for saving me ah! It would have been such a time waste to be dealing with those people," she replied as the juice flowed through the corner of her lip.

The granny sat down and wiped the sticky juice from her face. "You lass need to take more care in the future. Who was this guy by the way? You do not have nay boyfriend as far as I remember. Did you get a one-night stand or something?"

Well, the granny was quite knowledgeable in modern terms for her age.

"Pfft, her and one-night stand? If she gets out of her books, then she would get time." From behind, a beautiful girl, resembling the granny entered the room. She was actually the granddaughter of the old lady and friend of Chen Waan.

"Granny, this Li Fa Ying has become too audacious, don't you think?" she winked at the granny while talking back to her friend.

"You girl, just take care of your problems and don't drag my family into it, okay? What is this new game you are playing now?" Li Fa Ying took away the girl's melon plate and started gulping it down herself.

Chen Waan smirked. "It's not a game bro, it is what I have been preparing for my whole life."