
"Hmm… well, the episode did go well," Wang Zenghao put down the remote in his hand, switching off the TV.

That 'Run! Fighting!' episode had aired after a week and everyone was quite impressed. A few leaks had happened here and there by the staff before the episode aired and once again, Mo Yifan had stolen the show. Everyone praised him endlessly for his kindness and caring attitude towards his juniors.

"You especially did a great job Chen Waan, impressing Director Sun like that. He has already selected a role for you, although I do think that you are not ready yet. I am planning on turning it down n your behalf but here is the script. Let me know what you think," Wang Zenghao threw a script on the table.

Actually, Wang Zenghao had called Wang Zibo, Mo Yifan and Chen Waan to his villa to personally monitor the episode. He had gotten the report from his sources about all the incidents that took place there. Chen Waan's tussle with Estelle was the most impressive one though.

And so, Wang Zenghao wanted to sit with the three people and go over the whole episode as a learning experience. He had not heard about Chen Waan's and Mo Yifan's banter for last one week. They were nt getting along but they were growing closer for sure.

Mo Yifan's schedule was jam packed anyway, so he was sure that these two young people did not get to interact much to begin with. But at least Chen Waan was taking care of her duties as his secondary manager seriously.

"I personally agree with you Director Wang. I do not have any idea about acting. My classes don't start in a month. I am thankful that he thinks so highly of me, but I would need to turn this down," Chen Waan spoke seriously. It was good to have someone believe in you but she herself lacked belief in her acting abilities.

Wang Zenghao guffawed at her response. As expected of someone he had chosen. She knew her strengths and weaknesses. Her approval rating in his heart increased tenfold. This girl had some charming abilities.

The other two did not really understand how this girl could turn down such a huge opportunity. She was not even a rookie but she had been able to charm Director Sun. Now she was insisting on levelling up her skills first? What a farce!

Unaware of the thoughts making rounds in each of the persons mind, Chen Waan was sitting calmly, sipping the tea offered to her slowly. She had long been fascinated by tea culture in China and Wang Zenghao always brought out the tea better than the previous one. This one was one delicious tea. She would ask him later the name and if she could enroll in some classes regarding the art.

Wang Zenghao was observing the three people and could really understand what the two lads were thinking. He could not help but smile. On the other hand, he had no idea what Chen Waan was thinking.

Her eyes were like a dead calm sea, no one could really understand her. She must have gone through a lot of stuff to become that mature at such a young age. Zenghao really wished that some maturity of hers rubbed off on Mo Yifan as well.

"What are your plans for day off tomorrow?" Wang Zenghao suddenly asked Mo Yifan. The idol looked up at the mysterious expression of his boss. What was this old man thinking now?

"I would rather sleep but there is this song stuck in my head. I will probably be working on it," he replied. Mo Yifan usually did not like to go out on his days off. He would rather rest, it was rare to get offs now, especially since he was also branching into acting.

"Okay then, I need to borrow your manager for tomorrow. If you need anything, just rely on your other manager for once, okay?" Wang Zenghao smiled slyly once again, sending goosebumps across Chen Waan's and Mo Yifan's bodies. This old man was planning something again.

"No worries. Auntie Zhou will be there too," Mo Yifan did not show his turbulent expression and just nodded slightly. Since this girl had stepped into his house, at least Auntie Zhou had been happy to have a girl. He was not sure himself but his life had become lively too.

She was always holed up in her room whenever they were at home, so she did not disturb him either. And plumbing problems were taken care of that day itself, so nothing like that embarrassing encounter had happened again. All in all, everything was okay, till now.

"Oh yeah, we have guests coming in tomorrow, so I will have to borrow Mrs. Zhou as well. Of course, she will be there till lunch," Wang Zenghao informed the two again. Both of their faces were becoming constipated by the moment.

Wang Zibo was also looking at them both but it was becoming harder and harder to stifle his laughter. His dad really knew how to make them both awkward with a sentence or two.

"With that, let's go to dinner. I am starving. Fan Fan, keep up the good work okay? Also, Chen Waan, I expect you to teach this good for nothing a thing or two. Like basic expressions in each language you know, so that at least he can greet his fans in fan meetings and concerts," Wang Zenghao was always like this with his artists. His praises were minimal one liners but his criticisms were long winding insults.

At least he was not a micromanager and even with his caustic personality, he was loved the most by his artists. Because everyone knew he would not really scold anyone without a reason, everyone listened to his advices intently. He was their boss after all.

Anyway, Mo Yifan was not happy that he was humiliated in front of the new girl but he could not really say anything about it. If he needed to learn the greetings, he had to. Wang Zibo noticed that Mo Yifan did not retaliate this time unlike previously when he would have heated arguments with his dad. Was this one of the changes his dad was anticipating?

They all left for the dinner. Auntie Zhou was present here and she happily served the food to everyone.

"My girl, you need to eat more, you are too skinny. I have made three dishes for you," she served a whole lot more to Chen Waan than the three men on the table. Even Wang Zenghao was surprised how Mrs. Zhou, who always meant business even after working for so many years for him was won over by this new girl.

"Hey, she needs to control her portions, she will be debuting soon," the boss took one of the plates from her and gulped it down himself. It looked much more tantalizing than their own sad food. It seemed like Mrs. Zhou was becoming partial to the girl.

Wang Zibo and Mo Yifan had never seen the old man like this. Was he also becoming a child in front of the new entry? Just how far was going to be her influence? If things kept going on like this, everyone would become… themselves.