
The next day, as Wang Zenghao had said, Auntie Zhou left the villa after serving the two lunch and Wang Zibo never showed up. The two people who sat on the dining table all alone, stared at their empty plates awkwardly.

"Do you want to start a random lesson after this?" Chen Waan took the initiative to talk to him first. She had been pretty rude to him initially, but now it had been a week. If they were to really work together, she had to talk to him at some point.

And she had not really gotten any answer from him about that day when he did not feel like his arrogant narcissistic self. His expression did confirm his fear of water then, but she wanted to confirm, for future reference.

"Sorry, I have to write the song," he denied the request very plainly, not sparing her even a glance. She did not mind at all. After all, their first impressions were not very great towards each other.

"Very well," she got up from her chair and went into the kitchen to wash her dishes. She like to keep her dishes separate for she followed a strict vegetarian diet. Thus, she did not mingle hers with the other dishes in the dishwasher. Thankfully, Mrs. Zhou was very accommodating of her demand like that.

In the moment, Mo Yifan suddenly heard a loud crash in the kitchen and the girl ran towards the bathroom. He did not really bother about it and thought she was trying one of her schemes on him. He would not fall for her tricks. He had seen too many girls like this, who would act as a damsel in distress and come upon him.

But when he heard retching voices from the bathroom, a small concern formed inside him. What happened? Was there something wrong with the food?

He still did not get up from his seat though and kept watching the TV. Was he being too heartless? Perhaps. But he had his own qualms about it.

Chen Waan came out of the bathroom, clutching her stomach. She needed to go upstairs to her room. She was not expecting any help from the man in the house, so she tried climbing the stairs without making any noises. Her face was constipated, she needed a painkiller.

Her steps staggered and she sat down on one of the steps, leaning against the railing. She dearly wished she could fly. It would have been so easy. Her stomach was paining so much that the stairs looked like a mountain she needed to hike.

But she still endured it and tried to crawl up.

"Here," Mo Yifan came from behind and stretched his hand out for her. Pretending or not, she did make an effort to be quiet. He appreciated that.

Chen Waan stared at him but her stomach pulsed again. She could not help but clutch her stomach again, tears welled up in her eyes.

"What happened suddenly. You were alright just now," Mo Yifan looked at her from above. He had seen her reddened eyes. No matter how good of an actress she was, she could not and would not cry in front of him, he was sure about that.

Getting no reply from her, he put his arm around her shoulder and helped her get up. Her lips were pale and she looked too much in pain. Her right hand never left her stomach.

"Should I call an ambulance?" he asked her, now a bit concerned.

Chen Waan shook her head. "Need… painkiller," she managed to utter two words with her teeth clenched, in a very low voice, barely hearable. Mo Yifan did understand.

"Let me take you to your room first." From the way she was looking, he could not help her like this. He put his arms under her legs and shoulders and princess carried her back to her room. Chen Waan was on the verge of fainting, so she did not even register what had happened. All she knew was that her body suddenly felt light, like she was floating in air.

Her arms subconsciously went around his neck for support. He carried her to her room. He had never stepped into her remodeled room, so he was taken aback when he saw that the room belonged to a nerd! She had books all over, she had even put sticky notes all around.

It had only been a week, and his schedule being jam packed, she was with him and Wang Zibo the whole time. How did she manage to do so much in whatever time was left?

"Bath… bathroom," he heard her saying in her feeble voice. She had also leaned her head against his chest for more support but her eyes had closed. He hoped that she would not remember this at all.

He put her in front of her bathroom door and opened it for her.

"Do… you want me to help you in?" he asked out of courtesy. He was actually worried if she would say yes.

Chen Waan was in enough mind to say no to him. "Pain…killer," she said once again and headed to the bathroom.

Mo Yifan found the medicine and patiently waited for her to come out. He sat down on her chair and looked around the notes she had put up. They were all about different languages. Her notebook even had laid down what she was going to teach him.

She had been researching on what expressions they use usually to greet fans out there. She had dedicated one page to each greeting and translated them to the languages of the countries he used to go for concerts. Her handwriting was beautiful, as if she had taken calligraphy lessons in each language she had written down.

He looked around further and found more notes on acting. Was this girl a robot? She was studying in whatever free time she had.

And he had just gone ahead and told her 'no' when she had worked so hard. He was now feeling a bit ashamed.

As soon as the door of the bathroom opened, he stood up to support her once again. The girl had tied up her hair high, and she had… loose clothes on. It did not seem like she had worn anything underneath her loose shirt.

'Oh God, what am I thinking?' he shook his head lightly to bring himself back in the real world, and then slowly took her to the bed.

"Here," he got her the medicine and a glass of warm water. Her listless eyes looked at his hands, and she slowly took them both, her hand trembling. Mo Yifan supported the glass at the bottom, lightly brushing her soft hand against his.

He looked at her once again, did she really not have ill intentions. She took the medicine and laid down in her bed, not even facing him. She really was in pain still.

"Chen Waan, here is my private number. Call this if you need anything," he fed his number in her phone and handed it over to her. Then he placed her blanket over her, tucking her in the bed. He still did not know what had suddenly happened.

"Are you sure you don't me to call a doctor for you?" he asked before leaving. Her back was still facing him. She suddenly turned around and nodded.

"Don't worry. It's just periods. Sorry for scaring you. I will be fine after sleeping," she finally replied to him coherently. It seemed like light was coming back to her eyes. The medicine was working.

"That's a relief. I will be working next door, just give me a call, okay?" he said. He never seen such a severe case like hers for period pains. But again, apart from him mom, he had never interacted much with other females any way.

He turned around to leave when he heard Chen Waan's voice from behind once again.

"Thank you," she had drifted off to sleep.