
"Everyone is asking about your safety," Wang Zibo put the tablet in front of Mo Yifan with the bunch of articles that had exploded the internet. His concert was hours away. They had headed to the stadium as soon as the meeting had ended.

The fan meet venue was not that far away. So, they reached at the venue in minutes. However, the scene there was something that even Mo Yifan had not ever seen. Tons and tons of people were standing there, with banners about his health and hashtags like #JusticeToFanFan and #BanMToys referring to the company of the dad of the attacker.

The stock of M toys had plummeted within minutes after the incident. And of course, people were praising how calmly and bravely Mo Yifan handled it. Somewhere, there were one or two posts encouraging Chen Waan as well, since the ten or so fans who were present when the incident happened narrated the story to everyone.

"They should be more worried about others rather than me," Mo Yifan subtly pointed out to Chen Waan who was talking to some lighting manager on the stage. Sensing someone staring at her, she looked into the direction and found Mo Yifan was looking at her. She nodded to him and went back to talking to the manager right away.

"She is getting comfortable in her role, huh?" Wang Zibo had a proud smile on his face. Everything for that girl was a first, the fan meeting, the concert, overseas trip. But she was handling it so well, like she was born to do this. Did she have genes of some previous famous manager or something?

"Anyway, seeing that your make-up and everything has been taken care of, I shall take my leave and handle other tasks at hand," Wang Zibo glanced at Chen Waan again and then left the place.

Mo Yifan also looked in the direction. She was working hard, and not trying to climb the ladder with her association with him or Wang Zenghao. This petite girl, who was not aware of the real world complications in entertainment industry was handling it too well. While it was charming, he still could not figure out her secret.

She did mention once that she had read a lot of books in her lifetime, but was book knowledge enough to deal with situations like these? He had a few words come to his mind that he needed to write down right now! They would certainly become lyrics of some song in the future.

'These days,

My mind is so full of you.

I cannot think about anything else.

What kind of magic spell

Did you use on me?'

He busied himself jotting down the words. Chen Waan finished her talk and looked at the broad back on the chair. His head had dropped low, like he was concentrating on something very hard. She looked around, the room was bustling with people. Everyone was busying themselves with their own work, last minute preparations. Even Wang Zibo was running from here and there.

Yet, among this sea of people, Mo Yifan looked like a lonely creature. No one was tending to the main guest of this whole event. Even the people who were coming in between to touch up his make-up would come and go in passing, talking to each other but not Mo Yifan.

She suddenly felt pity for him. He was not a group idol where he would have other members to talk to. Chen Waan felt that this job was just too lonely.

Involuntarily, she stepped out until she reached his chair. And then she put her hands on his shoulders. Mo Yifan, who was busy with his phone turned around rather than looking at the grand mirror in front of him. He saw pity in her eyes and frowned. What had he done to earn sympathy from this girl suddenly?

Everyone who was working, halted in their steps, sucking their breath in. The chatty room fell completely into silence. It was like time had stopped in this room. Did this girl not know that Mo Yifan liked to relax before going on the stage? Alone? What was she doing, preparing to get fired? Wang Zibo was not much worried but the reactions of other people were really entertaining to him. He crossed his arms in anticipation of the reaction from Yifan.

Chen Waan slowly massaged Mo Yifan's shoulders. "Don't look at me like this. I-I just wanted to thank you for this morning. There was no need of apology for that night," her eyes darted here and there and her cheeks turned bright red.

Mo Yifan blinked his eyes in confusion, his long eyelashes fluttering, and Chen Waan's heart thumping with the action.

"Never mind then, I thought it would relax you before you go on the stage," she dropped her arms and tried to leave. Why had she come here anyway? She was good standing far apart from him, observing him from there. Why did she need to shoot herself in the foot?

As she turned around, Mo Yifan grabber her wrist. "Wait, can-can you continue? That felt really good just now," he asked shyly, biting his lip. Chen Waan found the action too cute, she wanted to ruffle his hair but held back because his make-up was finished just minutes ago.

Mo Yifan, personally, had always enjoyed solitude after everything was done and he was just waiting for the show to start. It helped him get in the right mindset. He also did not like random people approaching him. After he glared coldly at one event when a few people kept bugging him with the request for autographs, the staff had started to leave him alone during these times.

He had managed to placate the angry employees regarding his behavior but given that he was such a good boy otherwise, people took it as stress of performing later in the day. They understood when he apologized but now every rookie in the team was taught this as the first thing where they were not to approach Mo Yifan unless absolute necessary.

And here, this girl boldly came to give him company. When everyone saw that Mo Yifan was not shooing her away, they finally relaxed and went back to their work. For their own necks, they knew to keep their mouths shut. But everyone could not help but glance at the pair again and again. Who was this girl again?

"Okay, I will continue. You can go back to whatever you were doing," she replied to him politely, massaging his shoulders slowly. Mo Yifan did as instructed and started typing furiously. Thankfully, his phone had the reflector screen and no one apart from his could see what he was doing.

"They really are getting along huh? I was so worried for the tension between them these past few days. I guess it was for nothing," Miyu came from behind and locked her arm with Wang Zibo's arm. In an unprecedented move, Wang Zibo shrugged his arm off and then put his arm around her shoulder to hug her from the side.

"I am glad too," he replied without looking at her. For this twenty eight year old man, was the spring coming as well?