
"Brother, is there no way we can do it?" Mo Yifan was almost at the point of being mad, at himself. Why did he have to fall sick at the end?

"We have already talked to the producers. I am sorry about this situation but it is what it is," Wang Zibo sympathized with the couple.

Chen Waan had stormed out of the room but she did not let anyone see her face. Wang Zenghao had gone back home with most of the people. Only Wang Zibo and Miyu had stayed behind. Thankfully, they were very aware of Chen Waan's state. Thus, Miyu went after Chen Waan while Wang Zibo went inside to stay with Mo Yifan.

"I am worried about her," Mo Yifan looked into the distance as he said, concern was very apparent on his face.

"She is a strong girl, just worry about yourself, alright? She will get over it soon," Wang Zibo felt like a grain of wheat being milled right now. He wanted to support them both but he was unable to help anyone.