
The three people decided to remain in the hospital only till Mo Yifan finished his drip and was discharged. The doctor had repeatedly warned them that he could not do any strenuous exercise. Chen Waan had already come to terms with the unfortunate situation. She went back to her studying the books she always carried while they waited on the discharge procedures to finish.

"Fan Fan?" a very calm female voice came with a knock on the door. Wang Zibo and Miyu looked up while Chen Waan kept herself busy with her books.

"Seems like your parents are here Fan Fan," Wang Zibo informed Mo Yifan who was lying on the bed watching his rehearsal with Pang Xiao in the recording studio.

"Who informed them?" Mo Yifan reacted as if some enemy of his had appeared. Chen Waan looked at him and saw him frowning.

"Just tell them I am asleep," he covered himself with the blanket and turned his body sideways, away from the door.