
"Spring? That's a great idea! Yes, that would perfectly describe it," Mo Yifan was so elated with the perfect description that he got up from his seat and hugged his friend. "Yes, we will go with that. But the new music video will not fit in the theme," he surmised.

"That's okay, we will keep it as a single. I don't care, let me write a few lyrics for the theme," he got up excitedly and paced back and forth in the room. The musical instruments were all there, the software was ready to record. Bai Yiming, seeing how pumped up his friend was, also started composing a few mellow tunes. He showed him a few demos and the guys were set.

Mo Yifan worked diligently on his new songs for a whole week, he was eating and sleeping back at the company itself. He did run into Chen Waan a few times but they only had their cursory greetings as senior junior and then went back to their own works.