
"Oh, Ning Ning, you were here too?" Bai Yiming stroked the head of his lovely sister who was dearly hugging his arm and waved it around. She acted like a spoilt little girl and it did look like she was very doted upon by her brother.

"Ahem," Mo Yifan cleared his throat to remind Bai Yiming of the rules of the company. They were brother and sister outside the company. But within the boundaries of the company, they were just senior and junior. It was made to keep the system fair and not giving any preference to people who were related to already established artists.

"Brother Yifan, it's been a while. Although we work in the same company, it's so hard to meet you. We all should go out for lunch once again, hehe," she grinned from ear to ear having seen Mo Yifan up close after very long. However, Mo Yifan did not even spare her a cursory glance. His eyes were only wandering towards Chen Waan who had lined up with others and Su Miao Miao on the side.