
"Wait, why should I be ashamed of learning from a ten year old? If you have better skills than me, then why not? And if you were not confident in your abilities, would you even put it as a bet? I evaluated you as an intelligent kid from what I have seen so far," Chen Waan gave her appraisal honestly to the kid.

Rong Baiyi almost opened her eyes wide but controlled herself. She had learnt a bit of acting from observing her mother and could really control her expressions. She just nodded in agreement.

"Then your five minutes start now," Rong Baiyi just replied to the emotional long speech just like that.

"Hey, that's really unfair. I haven't even texted him yet. Never mind, I will just give him a call," Chen Waan dialed his number. Rong Baiyi became more and more curious. She did hear that this girl was some secondary manager of Mo Yifan. But there was no one so influential other than uncle and brother Wang who could just summon Mo Yifan at their will.