
"Oh wait, you look quite familiar," Bai Yiming glanced over at the kid and tried remembering where he had seen her.

"Of course, she is senior Wu's daughter. You might have seen her with her here and there," Chen Waan replied but Bai Yiming was not convinced.

"Ah, now I remember. She resembles this kid called Bai Bai on ClickClock. That kid has got some slick moves. I got interested in her when Ning Ning showed me a video. You are awfully similar to her. Say kid, are you that Bai Bai kid?" Bai Yiming suddenly went up close to the child and examined her face closely. Rong Baiyi took a few steps back and her eyes averted Bai Yiming's gaze. Who was this meddlesome uncle here who had suddenly popped up, that too with her idol Fan Fan.