
"Alright class, the best answer to the question is, you do nothing. Do not get embarrassed, definitely do not pick such articles and be weirded out on stage. The staff will take care of the things thrown to you. Of course, one needs to be popular enough for that," Mo Yifan finally retracted his cold gaze and swept a glance to the whole class. He had no idea why he was supposed to be taking this class in the first place. Anyway, it was just one hour and half the time had already gone by. And he obviously did not forget to throw a few jabs towards the people sitting there.

Everyone booed in disappointment. But again, out of the class of fifty, how many would even make to that stage?

"Okay next…," Mo Yifan went on to continue the class.

"Psst…," the blonde dude whispered to Chen Waan in Chinese. "I have been here for a month but I haven't seen you before. Are you a new recruit? But I haven't heard of any other auditions after mine."