
"Okay, I am ready," Chen Waan stood up, with quite some confidence and looked at herself in the mirror. She remembered everything that Rong Baiyi had taught her, she had to do her absolute best here, as if she was in the evaluation itself. This was a golden opportunity, to be personally taught by Mo Yifan and she could not lose it.

Mo Yifan started the song again and Chen Waan finally started her dance, her movements quite balanced and relaxed. She had the talent all along, all she required was more practice to nail down the basics and right guidance. Mo Yifan, who was leaning against the mirror, clapped as soon as the dance finished. He was quite impressed by how quickly the girl had improved. There was quite some potential for her to start making her own routines given a random song now.

"Okay, try this," Mo Yifan showed her a sequence of five different moves, which she completed without any hitch.