The Goddesses are here at the Flores' mansion. Why? Because Aunt Amy called us saying that Cloe's already home. We've been looking for her for almost 5 years now. She just left us a note saying:

"Please don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine. I just need some air to breathe. Don't look after me. –Cloe."

Who do you think on their right mind wouldn't look after their loved ones who's gone missing for 5 fudging years?!

I saw her walking down the stairs. I think the girls saw her too. She settled on the couch in front of us and said, "Uhm.. Hi?"

"Explain" I told her. Coldly.

"E-explain what?" she innocently asked.

"You crazy girl! You went MIA for 5 years then you'll just say "explain what"? You do really want me to pull your hair off of your scalp, don't you?" Khazi hysterically said.

She was the one who really panicked when we lose our connection with Cloe. She might look bitchy and all but she really loves Cloe so much. She's not that vocal but you can see through her actions that she really treat Cloe like her own sister. Well, we all treat each other as a sister but their relationship is like they came from the same womb at the same time.

"S-sorry." Cloe said while looking to her hands on her lap. I can tell from where I am sitting that she is about to cry.

"Just tell us everything happened that night and we'll listen." Bettina said. She may look calm and composed but among us three, she was the one who hired private investigators to look for Cloe but failed. They couldn't find her.

"I'm not ready yet. It's still painful." And she burst out. Her nose is so red and you can see in her eyes that she's really in pain up until now.

"*sigh* Girl, it's fine. We are all here for you." Khazi said.

"But where have you been these past 5 years?" I butted in.

"Korea." Cloe said.

"Care to share what were you up to? What did you do there? Do you know that B even hired a group of investigators just to look for you and to know if you are okay?" Khazi asked.

"You really wouldn't find me. I used my mother's surname. I used the name Amythyst Han." She explained while wiping her tears. She's slightly giggling because of Khazi's expression.

"So that's the reason why we can't even find you anywhere. So. What happened to you in Korea?" I curiously asked.

"Nothing much. I just kept myself busy with CAF and its expansions." Cloe said nonchalantly.


Wait! Don't tell me?!

"Oh.. My.. Gosh.. Don't tell me you are the famous 'Ms. A' of Korea? The Mall Magnate?!" Bettina blurted out.

"How'd you know about that?" Cloe asked.

"Hello?! Wake up girl! The 'Mysterious Ms. A' is famous all around the globe!!! And I can't believe that Ms. A is my long lost best friend!!! Ohh gosh!!!!" Bettina exaggeratedly stated. I feel like she's about to pass-out. Hahaha!

She really idolizes that masked magnate. Turns out, she's one of our friends. Even I could not believe that. Imagine? She just turned 20 and became very successful in just 2 years. She didn't even finished her studies yet. What more if she's a college graduate? I guess having a broken heart made her a better one.

I really need to know what happened that night. Even he didn't want to speak up.

You better hide now twinnie. The moment I found out the truth, I swear, my fist will land hard on that gorgeous face of yours.


"Hey dude!" LJ tapped my shoulders.

"Man! Don't tell me up until now, it's still her?" Sean retorted.

I am currently drinking at the bar counter here at Lexus' Night. Still thinking where the heck could I find her.

It has been what? 4? 5 years? And I still don't know her whereabouts. Did I really hurt her so bad that night for her to run away and leave us? Leave me?

"Care to share what exactly happened?" Lex asked.

"Yeah! You've changed a lot after you and C got locked up." Sean said.

"And when we say a lot, it literally means A LOT. We didn't even saw you flirting with other girls a week after that night." LJ added.

*deep sigh* I guess I really need to tell them what really happened before.

"I've been a total *ssh*le to her. Big time!" I started.

*1st day of school, 2014*

*Alarm clock ringing loudly*

Aish! Crazy little sister! I already told her that I don't want go to school today. It's just the first day and for sure it's just another boring opening ceremony for freshmen and transferees.

Oh well. I'm awake already. Might as well prepare to go to school. I'll just hang-out with the boys.

---30 minutes later---

(Lex calling…)

"Where are you man?" he said as soon as I answered his call.

"I just arrived here at the University's parking lot. Where should I meet you?" I answered.

"Cafeteria bro! So many girls everywhere! Hahahaha!" Sean. Pervert as ever.

"Come here quickly D! There might be nothing left for you! Hahahaha!" LJ. Crazy *ssh*les.

I didn't answer at all. I just ended the call and went straight to the cafeteria.

I found them sitting on our usual spot --- our 'thrones'. Well, we won't be called 'The Gods' for nothing. We have the looks, the power, and the brains. So I guess we deserve that so called thrones.

I went to the counter to get my usual breakfast. We are not that lazy and abusive to ask someone to do something that we can do. Well, sometimes, if somebody got into our nerves. But most of the times, we don't do that.

After I paid my meal, I headed my way to our spot. Then suddenly…..

A clumsy, stupid girl bumped into me and spilled every single thing on my tray to my shirt. Fudge! This is my favorite shirt for cheesecake's sake! This was Granny's last gift to me before she followed Gramps.

And what angered me more is that, she just stared at my shirt!

---After 2 minutes of silence---

"Ohh… Myy.. Gosh. I'm so sorry! It was all my fault! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" She said panicking while wiping my white shirt with her white hanky.

"Stop doing that! It'll just smudge the stain!" I shouted and get the hanky from her aggressively. "Do you think your sorry will take away these stains? Can it wash my shirt clean?"

"Drix! Stop shouting at her! She's a girl! She's new here. Show some respect. And besides, she already said sorry. Can you at least just accept it and go change?" Alth said. So she knew this stupid girl. Are they that close for her to defend her from me?

"I don't care if she's a girl. And I don't even care if she's new here! As long as her sorry could make me neat, then I'll accept it!" I angrily said.

"That's impossible!" Alth said it like she saw a unicorn fly.

"Then same with me! I. WILL. NEVER. ACCEPT. HER. APOLOGY." I said, moved forward, and then bumped Alth's shoulder. I stopped in front of the girl and said, "THESEUS DRIX MONCIER. Remember that name and this face. No one messed up with me and got away with it." I pushed her hard enough for her to fall on the ground and went straight to my car.

I heard the Gods called me but I didn't bother to look back. I'm so pissed right now and all I want is to wash and change my shirt.

She'll pay for this! Call me childish I don't care! I swear! She'll never get away from this!


Reminiscing our first meeting makes me smile. She never failed to make me smile since that very faithful day.