We're still here at the Flores' mansion. Still can't get over the fact that the famous mall magnate, Ms. A, is no other than our MIA best friend after all. We can't contain the happiness and excitement that we felt when C said that. I remember the time when she said that she only wanted to graduate and be successful on her own. Of course we believed that she will be successful because she's gorgeous, she's talented, she's pretty smart, and she have a good heart. The kindest heart among us.

But we didn't expect that she will be this successful after being missing in action for almost 5 years! We thought that she just transferred to another university to finish her studies. But Aunt Amy said that she did not enroll to any other school and that she didn't even dropped out from MIU. That's when we thought that she just took a vacation somewhere to mend her broken heart.

Years passed and we did not even received any call or even a message from her. She only left us with a note saying that we should not be worried about her and that she is safe and fine. After that, she never contacted us again. Even her family. It was very unusual for her not to contact us, especially her family. So we got worried of course! That's why we hired a group of investigators just to look for her all around the globe but we can't seem to find her. Not even a single strand of her hair.

We were so frustrated and we actually don't know what to do anymore. We've been taking rounds of searching for her because we all have our own lives, of course. We need to build our future because we promised to each other that we will all be successful. That we will all achieve our dreams and will have the best squad goals ever!

Just last year, we've been distracted from searching for her as we heard from the news that a certain 'Ms. A' from Korea have shaken the corporate world because of the rapid growth of her company. From a small RTW boutique in a small province near Seoul, she managed to expand her business into an international super malls with different branches on over 32 countries around the globe. And what shocked us the most is that she managed to do that in just a span of 3 years! Imagine how she worked her soul out to build a big and strong empire in just a short period of time.

We were so curious about her so we asked our assistants to gather information about this certain 'Ms. A'. We found out that all her achievements were from her own sweat. She made it from scratch. I mean literally scratch because she was the one who designed and tailored the clothes she sell. No monkey business involved. All clean. That's the main reason why we idolizes her. Why we made her our inspiration to pursue our own careers.

But what made us curious is that, she always wore a black elegant mask in all her pictures. And no one, even her employees, have ever seen her face. Well except from her most trusted personal assistant. No one dared to ask her to take her mask off because she have a clear rule for every appointment she made; "NO MASK, NO APPEARANCE". It's like telling everyone that she values her private life more than her career.

Aside from her achievements, we also felt the familiarity upon seeing her pictures. We can't recall where we saw her. Even Altheus can't remember. And now, we just knew that Ms. A and C are just one person. That explains the familiarity and longing that we felt whenever we talked about Ms. A. That's why we always wanted to be updated about anything related to Ms. A. It's because she is Cloe. Our Cloe.


Just what I've expected, a whole day will never be enough with these three. We already ate our lunch earlier and currently having our afternoon snack here in our garden but it seems like, they don't want to go home yet. They've bombarded me with questions like there is no tomorrow! But thank heavens! They didn't brought up the "What happened that night?"-question again.

I thought I've already moved on. I thought I'll be fine if they happen to ask me about it. I didn't know that I will still be emotional when the question came from one of them. Maybe because I was used to being with someone not related to any of them. Someone I could talk freely and gave me enough reason to stand-up again. I already miss them. And I can't wait to be with them again.

"So what can you say C? Should we go or should go?" Bettina chirped excitedly. Like not giving me any other choice aside from saying 'yes'.

"Wait. What?" I curiously asked.

"We were planning about having a vacation next week since you are already here. We need to catch up and relax a bit because we were so stressed out for the past years because of you!" Khazi said while rolling up her eyes.

"You're spacing out C. What were you thinking?" Alth said. Squinting her eyes at me.

"Uhh. Hehehe. I love you girls!" I said nervously. After all these years, Alth could still give me chills just by mere looking.

"Oh no C. You can't make your way just by saying 'I love you'." Bettina said, quoting 'I love you' with her fingers. "You must come with us next week! And we need to hang out tonight! How about we go to Lexus' Night? What can you say girls? Are you in? Or are you in?" she added. Flashing her mischievous smile.

"Of course I am in!" Khazi said.

"Me, too. And C as well." Alth said.

"But, A!" I protested.

"No buts C. We missed you. And I know you know that a day won't be enough for us. So you better call your parents now to inform them or we will kidnap you and take you somewhere you don't know. You choose." Alth said threatening me.

"Alright! Alright! I'll come with you tonight. And next week as well. Happy?" I said submissively.

"Oh yeah! Let's meet at 6PM here. We need to make sure that C will come." Bettina said. She's excited. I can tell you that.

Oh well! I guess I don't have any other choice. This is going to be one fudgy night for sure.


It's already 10 minutes before 6PM and we're already here outside C's place. We just used Alth's car because K and I decided to meet at Alth's place so we could pick-up Cloe altogether. We are waiting for C because she had an emergency call from Korea just before we arrive. There might be something not so good happened for them to call her at this hour. We just stayed here outside their gate so we could go immediately once she's done.

After a couple of minutes, their gate finally opened and a jet black Ducati V4R 2020 went out. A girl wearing a black full-face helmet, a glittery black jacket with white tube underneath, black leather pants, and black high-heeled boots is riding the bike. If we all didn't know who in this household loves black and is fascinated with big bikes, we might thought that she's someone else. And we didn't even know that she could drive one. She surely is full of surprises now, isn't she?

"I wonder how many surprises she has." Alth voices out.

"Another reason why we need to have a vacation." K said.

Cloe took off her helmet and smiled at us. She got off her bike and walked to our direction. Even the way she walks changed. So sexy and elegant.

Altheus rolled down the windows so we could talk to C.

"Sorry for being late girls. I got an urgent call from Korea. There's a minor problem that needed my attention so I settled it first." C said with her apologetic smile.

"We understand, babe. It's a valid reason anyway." K said.

"By the way, mind if I bring my bike? My place is out of your way and it will be inconvenient for you, girls if you send me home after." C said.

"You will never be an inconvenience to us. Nor any of us. But if you insist, it's fine. Just follow us so you won't get lost." I said.

"Let's go?" Alth said.

"Oh yeah!!" Both I and K cheered in unison.

Cloe giggled, run back to ride on her bike, wore her helmet, then started the engine. Altheus drove the car off and made sure that C is just at our back, tailing us.

After almost an hour, we arrived at Lexus' Night just before the parking lot got full. Though we have our exclusive slot here, we still let other customers occupy our space if it really is jam-packed. Altheus pulled over on her space and we all got out of the car. The same time Cloe parked her bike beside A's car.

This is it guys! LET'S PARTYYY!!!!


I entered the bar first followed by my girls while they are busy chit-chatting. Telling each other how excited they were because this will be the very first time that C will hang-out with us in this kind of place. My eyes are busy looking around the area because I know he's here. After a while, I saw him sitting our usual spot here at LN. He's staring at C who is facing and still talking to B and K animatedly. I went closer to Cloe and whispered something to her.

"He's here babe. Will you be okay?" I said. I felt her frozen for a while. Even though she looks reluctant, she still managed to smile confidently.

"Uh yeah. I prepared for this. Though I didn't expect it to be this soon, I'll be fine." Cloe answered with a beautiful smile.

"Then let's go to our usual spot." I said, pointing at my brother's direction.

She looked back and nodded. So we climbed to the third floor where our so called 'Thrones' are located. I saw the boys were already there and having the time of their lives. Only my brother had seen us and still staring at us. Especially at Cloe.

When we stepped foot at the 'Thrones', LJ and Lexus looked at our way and almost dropped whatever they are holding upon seeing C. While my brother is still staring at her. Unable to look away. Unable to move.

What now twinnie? She's here. She's back. Our Cloe is back.