"MOMMY." She called out. I freaked out since I didn't know what to do.
"Yes, dear?" My mom came to her and saw me standing behind her, holding my hand harshly, scratching already wounded skin.
"Mommy, Monikka stole my favourite barbie and didn't give it back to me." She said and started to fake cry.
"What?!" My mom exclaimed and eyed me evilly. "It is okay dear, let me take it here."
She looked at me and smiled like a devil and changed her face towards my mom with a sweet smile. "Okay, mommy!"
Then she walked away and my mom started to walk towards me with one of my dad's belt.
I stared at it wide eyes and brought my hands up in defence.
"No, mommy. I can explain-"
She lashed the belt to my left arm and I let out a loud yelp.
"What is to explain? You stole her toy and you think it won't be a problem?" My mom said.
"But I didn't steal it-" She kicked me in the stomach, causing me to fall and whimper.
"Don't spit out bullshit to my face, Monikka. I thought I have already given you training for not lying. Should we do it again?" My mom asked with an evil smirk on her face.
"No mommy, please don't put me in the training again," I begged, having fond memories of being in that hell hole.
"Too bad, slave. Go to the basement, I forgot where I put my handcuffs, I will call your daddy and he will take care of this."
Oh no.
"Mommy, please don't, I-I will buy a new one for her and-"
She chuckled.
"Please, you think she lost her doll? I saw her playing with it just now. I am just bored." My mom said. "HONEY!"
"Yes, mommy?" She came towards us holding her doll in her hands.
"Would you like to see Monikka being tortured?"
She smiled widely. "Yes, please, mommy."
"Who said something about lying?" A dark voice came behind me.
The only voice I feared enough to actually wanna deafen myself so I won't hear it anymore.
"You ready, Mon?" Cody called out.
"Just a minute!" I said and fixed my onesie hat.
Once I was done, I got out of my bedroom only to see Coraline staring at something with wide eyes. She was wearing an Anna costume, looking like a princess.
I looked at the thing she was so shocked at only to find Cody.
"What the hell?" I questioned, looking at him weirdly.
Cody is wearing a cabbage costume, it is so big I can't even see his face.
"So?" Cody asked happily. "You like it?"
"It is by far the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my entire life and past life," I answered dramatically.
Cody rolled his eyes.
"Talk about the girl who wears bunny onesie walking in the streets."
"Hey!" I shouted at first. "I like bunnies," I mumbled.
_Jace???_ Coraline showed me her notebook.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about him.
Suddenly my apartments' doorbell rang.
"That must be him," I said and went to open the door.
Only to see the Jace we were talking about... with a weird costume.
"What in my imaginary dog's treats are you wearing?" I asked and let him in my apartment.
He looked like a just killed a person. I'd be surprised if he said he is a psychopath.
"I am a zombie!" Jace exclaimed. "A zombie who played tennis."
The co-couples and I looked at him weirdly.
"When did a zombie ever played tennis?" Cody asked.
"Uhh, since now?" Jace sassed.
There was still silence filling my apartment.
"Oh please, I am sure it is not as weird as a guy wearing a cabbage costume," Jace rolled his eyes.
"Hey, do not ever judge my costume you nasty brain-eater!"
Then the two of them started fighting.
I watched the scene calmly.
Suddenly Coraline hit my shoulder, I faced her and show wrote _DO SOMETHING!_
"Why? I am kinda enjoying the scenery here." I answered.
She hit me again.
"Okay fine, fine." I sighed.
"GUYS STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" I screamed which caused the 2 boys to fall.
"What the hell?" Jace asked.
"As much as I enjoy you guys fighting, we need to go now, before the neighbours come to my room and asked why the hell is a tennis player zombie fighting with a big ass cabbage," I sassed and went out before they say anything. "We have a movie to catch up."
"What movie are we going to watch anyway?" Cody asked.
"I told you, it's a surprise. You're going to see the movie title when we get to the door anyway," I smirked darkly. "Go get the food, buy me some caramel popcorn, I will take our tickets."
Once I got the tickets, the others are waiting for me in the lobby.
"It says here... the movie starts in 5 minutes, let's get in," I said whilst looking at the tickets.
My friends followed me behind my back since they don't know what door we should go in. Once we arrived at our destination. I heard sighs and gasps.
"Shit, of all movie..." Cody mumbled.
I laughed.
"Come on guys, it won't be that bad. Besides, it's Halloween. Scare up, get it?" I laughed at my joke and they mumbled a few cursed words.
And that is where their world of happiness will end.
"I am too scared to sleep now." Cody shivered.
"You're 16, Williams. You're still scared of some movie?" I chuckled.
Yes, I wasn't scared. I went from avoiding it at all cost to having horror as my favourite genre.
It is like I was so used to it, I could predict where the jumpscare will occur and I had already prepared myself for it.
And seeing other's scared faces does get the best of me. It is very funny.
Coraline nudged me and showed me her notebook.
_You mind if we hang a little in your apartment? I am a little hungry and I am sure you got some food for the 4 of us right?_
"Yeah sure," I said. "I mean, I have a few ramen cups in my cardboard. Is that enough?"
"More than enough, I am in the mood for some instant noodles." Jace agreed.
Yes, it seems like this only thing that fits my carvings were only ramen.
I opened my apartment door laughing at Cody's lame joke and froze when I saw the light was on.
"Someone broke into my house..." I said darkly.
The whole atmosphere changed.
Once all of us got in my apartment, I mouthed at Coraline to lock the door. She nodded and did so.
I noticed a shadow moving in my room, I looked at the others and they seemed to notice it too.
Slowly, I tiptoed my way to my room and once I get a hold on the door handle, I pushed the door open.
Oh shit.
"Well, well, well." A sound of a girl filled the room.
She came up to my face and looked my in the eyes with bravery.
"Good to see you again, sister." She emphasized the word sister and I felt all eyes were on me.