Chapter 12

Nobody POV

While Maze and Arielle were hooking up in the bathroom Justin was getting worried, because he hasn't seen Arielle since they arrive 2 hours ago. He tried calling her phone but she wasn't picking up so he started looking around the club for her when he came across Ella. She was taking shots at the bar not wanting to run into her right now Justin turned around then he heard her calling his name.

Justin POV

Ella: " Justin bring your ass over here and take a shot with me." I turned around and saw her holding up a shot glass filled with a clear liquid. "Damn," I said under my breath while walking towards her. I could have ignored her but knowing Ella she would have made a hold scene in the middle of the club. Besides, I have known this girl for a long time and I have learned that she always gets her way. There is really no winning when it comes to her so it's better to save yourself the headache. As I made my way to her I took the shot glass out of her hand and down the whole thing feeling the burn at the back of my throat. I was leaning on the bar and when I looked up I saw Ella staring at me like she was thinking about something.

Justin: " Ella don't tell me your catching feelings for your boy." I said joking trying to better her mood. It wasn't like Ella to be stuck in her thoughts she always spoke her mind damn the consequences. She punched my shoulder laughing at me, and I started holding my shoulder like I was in pain.

Ella: " Justin you crazy if you think that will ever happen besides I was thinking about how proud I am. Honestly, I didn't think that you guys' grand opening would be this much of a success. Hell, when I opened my first cafe it wasn't this successful right off the back. Don't get me wrong I made hella bank within the first couple of months, but by the look of things, you guys probably made what I made within those 2 months in one night."

Justin: " Look at you being all emotional you must really be lit right now." I said smirking knowing she only gets like this when she is tipsy. Alcohol usually brings the worst out of people but not for Ella she gets all emotional. I guess you can say she says and do things she wouldn't dare to do if she was sober.

Ella: " Shut up Justin and you better not tell Maze she got a big of enough head as it is no need to make it even bigger." she said laughing but she wasn't wrong.

Justin: " Your right about that but how much I love spending time with my best friend's sister I was in the middle of something before you call me over." I was preparing to leave when all of sudden she said "Oh shit yeah don't your little girlfriend suppose to be here tonight. Where is she I don't see her anywhere around. Don't tell me she dumped your ass already."

Justin: "HaHa very funny and for your information, I was looking for her before you call me over. The last time I saw her is when we arrived and I told her to wait for me to come back from talking with you and Maze."

Ella: " Oh fuck how long ago was that."

Justin: " Now that I think about it I haven't seen her in like an hour."

Ella "Oh well did you tell her that we were all meeting up in the skybox tonight." as she was talking I took a glance at my phone and saw the time. We were supposed to meet up with Mazen and Laruen 25 minutes ago in VIP which we call the skybox.

Justin: " Shit look at the time Ella we all agreed to meet up in an hour we like 25 minutes late. I don't even have time to look for Arielle's ass, but I did text her telling her that we were meeting up there. I just hope she got it and is already there what about you Ella." she pulls her phone out of her purse and checks the time. Then I see her shoot a quick text to somebody before she puts her attention back on our conversation.

Ella: "What you mean what about me we both are about to go meet up with my sister before she through a hissy fit." she said grabbing me roughly by my arm and dragging me toward the VIP/Skybox on the top floor. Before we got to the elevator I said " What about Lauren shouldn't we look for her? Maze wanted us all there for her speech tonight and she is a part-owner too."

Ella: "Don't worry about that I just texted her when we were at the bar she is already up there trust me." she said with a disgusted look on her face. Now I really want to know how she is so certain that Lauren is upstairs. "How do you know for sure she is really up there?" I said with a smirk knowing this was about to be good. She waited until we were inside the elevator before she took out her phone again and opened it up handing it to me. As I took the phone I notice that Lauren sent her a video. I push play and all of a sudden I see Lauren kissing some random chick well I'm assuming she is because I have never seen her around before. Then there was the fact that ever since the situation with Maze she never really did relationships.

Justin: " Hold up didn't Maze and her just hook up earlier today," I said surprised and worried about the situation between the two.

Ella: "Yep, I don't know what to do about them at this point. They won't be satisfied to one of them get hurt again, and then we will be stuck to pick up the pieces like always." she said shaking her head while I'm in a state of disbelief.

Justin: " Hate to say it but Ella you're right and then you know Maze finna be pissed. I mean you know how she gets after she and Lauren hook up she gets all possessive. Shit, you would think Laruan's pussy got some type of power that makes motherfucker's go crazy over her." I said laughing just thinking about the crazy shit that has happened between the two of them over the years. I can see Ella trying to muffle a laugh when she said " When have I ever been wrong." after she said the elevator come to a stop.

All of a sudden I begin to get nervous "What if Ariella made it up before I did?" I started sweating a little bit. I took out my phone to check to see if Arielle responded to any of my texts yet but still nothing. Ella stopped outside the elevator holding the door saying " Bring your ass on for my sister starts going crazy and I have to fuck her ass up." By the tone of her voice and the crazy-ass expression on her face, I can tell she is not in the mood right now, so I made my way out of the elevator praying that Ella hasn't run into Maze yet.