Chapter 13


While Justin and Ella were making their way to the Skybox Arielle was still recovering from her wild sex session with Maze. She couldn't believe that she just had been sick with her Ex that not even 3 months ago she desperately wanted back. Now she is confused because her heart is turned between Justin and Maze which is why she agreed that this would be their last time hooking up. After getting herself together she reapplied her lipstick and fix her dress not wanting to look suspicious.

Arielle Pov

My god, I forgot how good of a lover Maze is I just can't get enough of her. I know I told her that this would be the last time I really didn't mean it. Just think about how surprise she is going to be when Justin introduces me as his girlfriend tonight. I know I should be worried that she is going to tell Justin about our little rendezvous, but I don't think Maze is that bold. Maze doesn't do anything without a purpose she is really a conniving person, and I know just firsthand how far she would go for revenge. That being said she is not going to show all her hands at once she most likely is going to make Justin suffer before saying anything. That gives me time to win Justin's heart and get revenge on Maze for what she did. In the meantime, I might as well have fun toying with her emotions and destroying her friendship.

I pulled out my phone and I got like 8 missed calls from Justin fuck I'm running late. They must already be in the Skybox by now I was going to shoot him a quick text back, but "What would be the fun in that?" I walked out of the restroom and made my way to the elevator. After, pushing the button and entering the passcode Justin gave me I arrived on the floor and got off the elevator. While getting off the elevator I realize that I don't know what room they're in so much for a surprise entree. I quickly sent Justin a text to see what room their are in while walking down the hall.

Maze POV

I just arrive at the private VIP room Justin had set up for us. Like always I'm the first to arrive these bitches can never be on time. I decided to just relax and smoke a blunt until everyone arrive. Just as I lit my blunt in walked Lolo with some random bitch I never meet. I don't know how to feel right now like why would she bring some random bitch to our private room.

Maze: " Lolo who the fuck is this bitch and why is she in here," I said to Lauren as I inhale the smoke from my blunt. I can tell this bitch the been drinking her ass off because she smiling like shit funny. I mean do I look like I'm in a joking fucking mood right now. First, I had to deal with my crazy ass Ex and now Lauren wants to act her ass up. There must be something in the air tonight or maybe these motherfuckers are trying to prank me tonight but this shit is fucking ridiculous. I'm about to turn the fuck up if Ella brings somebody in this bitch I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I'm still waiting for Lauren to introduce this bitch but instead of answering me, she sits down ignoring me. I look at her ass like really bitch and then this other bitch had the nerve to sit on her lap. I feel like I'm inside some alternate universe right now cause everybody acting out of character tonight. I started to laugh because this shit is really funny to me. They started looking at me like I was crazy well the girl Lauren brought with her did. Lauren already knows what the fuck is about to go down no need to explain anything to her ass. I stand up fixing my clothing while inhaling the smoke from my blunt. As I blow the smoke out of my nose I started to walk over to where Lauren and her friend were sitting. The girl started to move around in Lauren's lap probably feeling intimidated by me as she should be.

Maze: " Lauren I know you heard me talking to you …"

Unknown Female: " She doesn't have to answer you if she doesn't want to who the fuck are you supposed to be."

I stopped in front of this bitch looking at her like she was crazy. Did this bitch just cut me off when I wasn't even talking to her ass? Lauren started to look at the ground avoiding eye contact with me cause she knew this bitch just then fuck up. Not feeling like catching a fucking case on my grand opening I just said "Okay", and walked over to my phone. I called one of my security guards outside and ask him to come inside.

Security Guard: " You call for me boss ?"

Maze: "Yeah can you kindly escort this lady out of my club." I told him while looking at this bitch.

She looked at me surprised and started looking at Lauren expecting her to say something. Lauren looked at her then at me and just kept quiet. This made the girl mad and she started yelling " Really Lauren you going to let this bitch just throw me out!!!".

I started to laugh again saying " You just meet Lauren sweet heart she must have eaten your pussy real good for you to be acting this crazy." I sat beside Lauren while the girl was still on her lap and look at her. Anybody who has been around Lauren and me before knows that we have this telepathic way of speaking. Just by looking at her, she know what I was demanding of her so she stood up causing the girl to fall off her lap. She walked towards me and sat on my lap. I pulled her by her neck and started kissing with my tongue and all-devouring the shit out of her. It was like I was trying to erase any trace of this pathetic bitch off of what was clearly mine. The girl was on the floor on the verge of tears as I pull away from Lauren and looked down at the girl.

Maze: " As you see this right here belongs to me and I don't know or care to know what you two had going on but it's over."

Maze: " Right Lauren?" I ask her while holding onto her by her waist. She look at the girl and said "Yes".

Maze: " Now if you don't want my security guard dragging you out screaming and shouting. I think it's better if you walk out right now and never come back here." I said nodding at my guard to let her by as she got off the floor running out.

Maze: " Make sure she makes it out the door okay," I said to my guard excusing him. He nods his head with a " Sure thing boss." and I turn my attention back to Lauren. I can tell there are a lot of emotions going through her right now but I didn't feel like dealing with them right now. I know it's selfish of me after what I just did but what can I say that pussy has some power over me. Usually, I can care two fucks about who Lauren fuck with because at the end of the day she knows who she belongs to. It's just sometimes after Lauren and I hook up I get very territorial for like weeks, and then I go back to let her do her own thing. My sister Ella said that I'm like an addict going through withdrawal after Lauren and I have sex. I'm starting to believe she is right but I'll never say it to her face.

Lauren: " Maze you know you didn't have to do all that. You always do the most and for what just to show people I'm yours when I'm not." she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

Maze: " Is that attitude I detect in your tone Lolo, and now you know how to speak." I said to her while turning her around in my lap so that she was facing me. She started looking down like she was thinking about what to say next, but before she could think of anything I grab her chain making her look into my eyes.

Maze: " What I tell you about looking down your too beautiful my queen. And queens never what?" I ask her pushing some of her hair behind her ear. She looked into my eyes blushing and said " Queens never bow their head to anybody". That's right now I know we got a lot to talk about and I promised after tonight we gone have that talk. Let's just relax tonight and have some fun I even promise to control my possessiveness tonight.

Lauren: " Really, so that means that I can bring somebody home tonight and you won't start anything." she asks smiling with her arms wrapped around my neck. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes I mean I do want her to have fun tonight.

Maze: " Why do you have to bring somebody home with you tonight? I mean didn't you get enough earlier baby." I ask her rubbing up and down her waist.

Lauren: " I did Maze it's just I got a lot on my mind, and like you said you're not ready to talk about what's going on right now. So, let me distract myself the best way I know how please." she said playing with the baby hair on the back of my head. She's right I did say I'm not ready to talk about things and she is being patient with me like always. I don't like being controlling it's just how I show my love and Lauren knows that at least I hope she does. I really don't feel like causing any more trouble tonight, and I might end up taking someone home too.

Maze: " Okay, you can bring somebody home tonight, but make sure whoever it is don't come around me with no freaking attitude." I told her as she got off my lap smiling.

Maze: " I'm serious Lauren I would have let you take that bitch home but she had a smart fucking mouth. I mean a bitch never heard of don't speak at least spoken to. I should have slapped that hoe but I didn't want to deal with the aftermath. Then Ella's ass would have made a big deal out of the hold thing" I said in one frustrated breath.

Lauren: " Really Maze she wasn't that bad you were just overreacting like usual," she said and I started looking at her like are you for real? She notice me staring at her and she started staring back until she busted out laughing.

Lauren: " Okay she was doing a little too much, but can you blame her my head game is crazy. I had her coming in like 0.3 seconds." she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Maze: " Cocky much and I know your ass didn't fuck that bitch in my club." I said to her getting up and picking up the blunt I had sat in the ashtray earlier out.

Lauren: " I think you mean OUR club I am part owner, and I know you ain't talking." she said looking at me with an accusing expression.

Maze: " What do you mean by that?" I ask her not knowing what she was talking about.

Lauren: " What do I mean?" she said in an aggravated tone as she sat down on the sofa crossing her legs.

Lauren: " Maze you have lipstick on your collar which I noticed as soon as I walked in by the way. Then when you forced me to sit in your lap I saw fresh hickeys that I know damn well I didn't give you earlier." she said looking me dead in my eyes. I didn't know what to say I mean we aren't in a relationship and clearly, she had the same idea as me.

Maze: " Look Lolo you are right but you did just admit to hooking up with that girl probably around the same time I was doing my dirt. Let's just agree that for right now we both are free to do our own thing if that's okay with you." I said to her she look at me taking in everything I was saying and processing it.

Lauren: " Okay that's cool with me, but this is just a repeat of what happens every time we hook up." she said shaking her head. The thing about Lolo is that she is a free spirit, and she doesn't like drama just like me. That's just one of the many things I love about this girl. I do sometimes feel like I'm taking advantage of our history though, and that's when communication comes into place. Every time Lauren and I let our emotions get the best of us we make sure we talk shit out so there isn't any unresolved feeling. Speaking from personal experience not talking about shit and letting it build up is never a good thing not only that it's just not healthy.

Maze: " I know Lauren this doesn't mean we're not going to have that talk later. I mean like you said this is also a part of our so call routine." I said to her sitting down on the sofa across the room.

Lauren: " I know Maze I didn't mean to throw any shade or anything but there is something we need to talk about. I do agree that maybe we shouldn't be doing it tonight but soon okay." she said to me and nodded my head saying "I understand and promise we will have our talk".

Lauren: " Okay that's the end of that conversation now let's talk about something else like where the fuck is Ella and Justin." after she said that I looked at my watch realizing these motherfucker are like 20 minutes late.

Maze: " Good question I'll call them to see where the hell they at..." in bust Ella's ass yelling " No need bitch we here, and good to see y'all nasty bitches ain't in here fucking." she said sitting next to me on the sofa. Justin walks in right after her and comes up to me I stand up giving him a hug.

Justin: " Good to see you my sister from another mother," he says smiling while hugging me back. He then walks over to where Lauren is sitting and leans down giving her a hug.

Justin: "What's up Lolo looking beautiful as always. How long ya'll two been waiting for us." he asks Lauren who then looks at me.

Lauren: " Not long Maze and I were just having a civil conversation to pass the time by," she said causing Ella to cough "Bullshit".

Maze: " Really Ella," I said looking at her beside me.

Ella: " Really, we know you two fucking around again so what's really going on," she said looking between Lauren and me. I don't know why my sister can never mind her damn business, but I'll be damn if they game up on us tonight.

Maze: " Justin where is your girlfriend I thought she was supposed to be here tonight" I quickly tried to change the subject.

Ella: " You not slick Maze you can't just change the subject." she said obviously annoyed.

Justin: " She is actually coming upstairs now I just got a text from her asking what room we are in." I'm glad that he went along with my plan to dodge Ella's questions.

Lauren: "So, who is this mystery girl do we know here or is she new."

Justin: " Well, she isn't new in fact you guys know here." he said scratching his head nervously causing me to feel some tension in the room. Ella didn't help the situation at all she got up going to the table where we got different bottles set up pouring her a big ass shot.

Maze: " Damn Ella slow down before your ass gets wasted." I said to her as she poured herself a second shot. She looked at me saying " Hell, that's what I'm hoping for." as she down the second shot. I don't know what's going on with her and I don't feel like asking I'm just going to leave it to her ass just being crazy. I looked back at Justin wondering what girl got my best friend blushing and shit.

Maze: " So, where is this girl from and how do we know her?" I ask him truly wanting to know who this girl is.

Justin: " Oh well she's from New York, and well..." all of a sudden Ella spit her drink out looking at the door. I didn't even know someone had come through the door then I hear Lauren say " OH SHITT!!!". Wondering who the fuck is causing these motherfucker to act all wired I turn my head towards the door. When I tell you all I saw was fucking red I mean I was about to go the fuck off on this bitch. Just when I was about to get up and throw this bitch up against the wall. Tell me why my best friend walks over to this bitch kissing her cheek with his arm around her back. At this point bitch I'm lost like I'm dead right now because this shit can't be real. My best friend since fucking elementary and my crazy ex this is a joke right.

Maze: " This a joke right you motherfuckers trying to prank me. Where the fuck are the cameras you guys want too far...