Chapter 14

Justin: "Maze calm down, let me explain what's going on."
Maze : " Justin shut the fuck up cause the only thing that I want to hear right now is that this is some new type of way that you greet bitches. If it's anything other than that let me make some shit clear I'm not about to play these fucking games."
I don't know what the fuck is going on right now tonight was supposed to be the best night of my life. Everybody trying me tonight now all these hoes are quiet now looking at each other. Justin bitch ass looking nervous ass fuck with his arm still around this bitch and she looking at me with a damn smirk on her face.
Justin: "Maze I know this might be awkward but I can't keep this a secret from you anymore because I'm in love.."
Ella: " Justin maybe now isn't the best time to talk about this. I mean we've all been drinking and I don't want shit to get out of hand…"
Maze: " Naw Ella let this nigga speak his mind because it seems like he got some shit he needs to get off his chest. Right, Justin?"

Ella POV
Fuck this bitch is mad as fuck and Justin so fucking stupid I mean I knew to aspect some shit to go down tonight but damn Justin must be on some shit tonight. I knew he was hiding something but he can't be this dumb. My crazy ass sister is a complicated person but she has a good heart. Once you get to know her you learn all her flaws, the things that tick her off, and her rules that apply to everybody around her. Yes, you heard it right my controlling ass sister has rules that she makes known to everybody around her, especially to the people close to her. So, Justin knows that this isn't about to be easy which is probably why he took so long to tell Maze. I'm so fucking nervous for this boy...
Ella: " Hell, fuck this shit I need a drank I'm too sober for this shit."
Maze: " Shut the fuck up and get your ass a drink then don't you see we fucking trying to talk."
Ella: " The fuck you yelling at me for not like I'm the one fucking your ex behind your back so watch your fucking tone or did you forget which one is the oldest bitch. Don't forget that I am that bitch and I will drag your ass up and down this club and turn this grand opening into a fucking crime scene fucking with me." I told my sister walking to the bar on the other side of the room pouring myself a drink.
Justin: "What the fuck Ella it wasn't your place to tell her…."
Maze: "Hold the fuck up you mean to tell me you knew this opp ass nigga was fucking this bitch behind my back."
Ella: " What?"
Maze: " Ella don't fucking "what" me you can hear perfectly fine and for a bitch with a damn near 4.0 GPA I know yo ass ain't dumb like somebody else in this room."
Lauren: " Fuck the shade is strong in this bitch feel like a bitch watching fucking telenovela over here." everybody in this bitch turned to look at the one bitch we forgot was in the fucking room.
I can't take this bitch seriously, her ass sitting on the sofa with a drink in one hand and popcorn in the other. Where did this bitch get the popcorn from the fuck do I know but her ass needs to go back to sitting there and being quiet before I could say anything Maze said something.
Maze: " Lolo shut the fuck up your ass is already in hot water so it's best to shut your ass up and sit there and look sexy." I can't help but want to vomit. These two flirting have always been weird to me. I zoned out for a few seconds thinking while pouring my drink with my back towards this group of friends who are more like frenemies right about now. When I turned around Maze was looking at me like bitch you better start talking if she were anybody else I would have pipe-slapped her ass for looking at me crazy. Maze and I might come from money but we were taught to never take shit from anybody. My parents didn't take any disrespect from anybody and established that in my sister and me. They always made sure to prepare us for this cruel world rather that be in terms of the way we behave or just protecting ourselves both physically and emotionally.
Maze: "You gonna answer my question are not Ella did you know this two-faced son of a bitch was fucking my ex."
Ella: " To be honest Maze all I wanted to do tonight was to enjoy the last day of my vacation at home but no I can't because my sister and her friends got to cause drama everywhere they go. And before you ask me the same damn question again no I didn't know Justin was fucking Arielle's ass. I don't even like this bitch after what she did to you so what makes you think I would keep this shit a secret. Sorry, Justin, it's the truth I don't like your girlfriend."
Author Pov
Arielle: " Not like I like your fake body ass anyway", Arielle said under her breath well at least she thought she did. When she looked around the all of a sudden quiet room she realized that she fucked up.
Ella started walking towards her out of nowhere when Maze decided to get in front of her, saying " Ella come down this bitch ain't worth it".
Maze Pov
Damn no matter how mad I am I ain't finna let nobody disrespect my fucking sister, but when I be wanting to fight over my sister she gonna stand her own ground. Like if you say some disrespectful shit around her best believe my sister ain't bitching out she gone make you stand on your fucking words even with me. My sister and I both have our inner demons. I am the type of person that is laid back but once you disrespect me or the people I care about I go from 0 to 100 real quick. I also don't like anybody breaking my fucking rules especially after I have made them motherfucker's known. I mean I let you get away with that shit once only if I never told you them before but Justin I've known this nigga all my life so best believe he should know them bitch by heart. My nigga should know them bitches better than he knows the bible and his mother's fucking birthday, which is why I don't know why this nigga doing this snake ass shit. Back to Ella though if I didn't make this shit clear earlier this bitch is borderline crazy. You can literally see the craziness in this bitch eyes which is why I'm over here playing captain save a hoe for a bitch that I want to beat myself. The only reason I'm getting in between Arielle and Ella is that once my sister starts it's not calming her ass down. I was interrupted from my thoughts when Ella said " No Maze I just want this bitch to repeat what she just said." see this bitch is too calm it's like the calm before the storm. She literally got everybody in this bitch scared as fuck well except for Arielle's clueless ass.
Arielle: " Maze why are you standing in front of her not like she gonna do anything bitch is all talk and no bite."
See this bitch is so fucking dumb like why the fuck you got to say something knowing that Ella has never lost a damn fight in her life. To be honest this bitch can go toe to toe with me and probably win which is saying something because I'm trained in martial arts and MMA. I'm standing in front of Ella and she looks at me and says " Maze my sweet baby sister I'm going to tell you this once move out of the way."
Maze: " Ella you know I can't do that you know what happened the last time you lost control."
Ella: " Maze either you gonna let me beat this bitch ass or I'm going to beat your ass you chose you got 15 seconds."
Arielle: " The fuck bitch if anybody getting their ass beat it's you."
Ella:: "1, 2,3 …."
Maze: " See Justin you see what the fuck started and now you standing there looking dumb. How about checking your fucking bitch? I mean you were about to say you love this hoe a few minutes ago."
Maze: "Right?"
Justin: " Yes, Maze I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I know …."
Maze: " Justin shut the fuck you know my rules right or wrong.."
Ella: " 14 so are you gonna move or not.." then this bitch start taking her earrings and heels off.
Maze: " Ella please for the love of god shut up you're not about to fight this girl at least not until I get some answer from the two of them. After that, I'll be more than happy to go toe-to toe with you my-damn-self."
Ella: " Fuck you Maze and you Justin you know what I'm out of here. I don't have to deal with this shit. I can be down there drinking and having the time of my life but no I'm here with you idiots bye."

The nerve of this bitch like what the fuck I do to you I didn't start any of this shit. Then she had the nerve to push me out of the way while going to the sofa, grabbing her purse and I'm looking at her like" really" bitch.
Maze: "Ella I don't know why you got an attitude with me for you should be mad at this dumb nigga"
Justin: " Maze I'm not finna let you keep calling me out my name. I am trying to be civil here because I know I'm wrong but you know how I get down too."
Maze: " What that suppose to be a threat my nigga I'm supposed to be scared or some shit."
After Justin said the shit that he said I couldn't help but look at this nigga like a joke at this point talking about some "I know how he gets down". What this nigga fails to realize is that nigga I taught you the game my nigga you might as well be my son word to Nikki. Then my ex that I just fuck not even an hour ago gonna back his ass up by saying "You heard what he said so you need to watch your fucking mouth."
At this point, I'm tired of these funny ass people, so I looked over at Ella who was about to make her way toward the door. Mind you these two fools still standing in front of the door beside each other.
Maze: " So, Ella are you really about to just leave?"
Ella: " Hell yeah if I can't whoop this hoe ass I'm out of here."
Maze: " Well I was finna tell you to go ahead since this bitch wants to speak out of term and shit like I ask for her damn opinion."
I walk to the couch while giving my sister the go-ahead to whoop this hoe ass. As I sit on the couch expecting to see Ella getting ready to drag this bitch instead she is standing there with her purse on her arm staring at me. Like what now? I was finna say something to her but she started talking.
Ella: " The fuck I look a dog bitch you think I'm on your fucking time when I wanted to fight the bitch you wanted to be captain save a hoe."
Ella: "Remember?"
Maze: : " Really Ella…."
Ella: "Naw fuck you I'm about to go down stairs get me a drink and who knows maybe I'll get lucky…"
Maze: " The hell you will keep fucking with me, Ella."
Ella: " If I was you Maze I'll be more focused on what to do about this situation right here then what I will or will not be doing.", she said pointing between Justin and Arielle while walking in front of the door and standing directly in front of the couple.
Ella: " Look I spared your girlfriend's life Justin so I advise you to move this bitch out of my way so I can get out of this bitch."
Justin was quick to move Arielle to the side while letting Ella out the door. You could see Arielle giving my sister a nasty look but she didn't pay her any mind she was too focused on getting out of the room. My only thing is this bitch did all this talking but when I give her the okay her ass gonna just leave. Hell if I didn't know my sister I would have thought the bitch was all talk and no bite too. I was about to yell at Ella to come back when she slammed the door heading to god knows where. If this was an ordinary day I would have followed Ella but no I got to deal with this mess. I'm looking around the room right now and I really don't know what to feel if I'm being honest. I have known Justin almost my whole life, and he's literally like a brother to me. On one hand, I'm glad he's happy and that he found somebody that he seems to really love. Then there's the fact that if he was really my so-called " friend" then he wouldn't do this to me or he could at least come to me before proceeding to pursue this girl. I'm really questioning this nigga loyalty at this point like are you more loyal to this bitch you barely know more than me. The whole time Arielle and I were dating I barely brought her around my friends, so something ain't even adding to me. On top of all this Arielle broke my heart she literally cheated on me multiple times, and when I questioned her about it she would say that I was just jealous or insecure. I was such a fool now that I think about it. I swear this bitch is lucky her ass is still alive. Can you imagine walking in on your girlfriend fucking on another nigga? Then this nigga had the nerve to look at me while fucking my so-called bitch the funny part is that this nigga thought he was really doing something shit is really hilarious now that I look back at it. Let's take it back to almost 2 years ago...