She is Injured.


Esther went to his study but didn't enter the study. She waited for him there only.

Once upon a time….

Esther saw that Arthur is still working in his study without even eating food. So, she quickly heated the food for him and carried it to his study. She didn't even knock on the door and went inside directly. She saw he was on the call. So, she set up the food on the coffee table without disturbing him. When she noticed he finished his work.

"Arthur! I brought you some food. Have it. I saw you are working for a long time and didn't even have the time to eat. So, I heated all the dishes and brought them to you. Stop working for some time and have food!" Esther said as she smiled.

Esther and Arthur don't have much age gap. They both have three years of age gap only. Unlike Lucy, she is younger than Arthur. While Lucy is six months older than Arthur.

Seeing Arthur is not budging. She tried to pull him towards the coffee table. But was thrown to the ground by him.

Esther was stunned by his action. She just wants him to have food. She doesn't want him to work overtime.

Was that too much?

She wants him to have food. Was it wrong?

Suddenly she saw Arthur walking towards the coffee table. She thought he was going to have food. She forgot what he did to her just now. She got up from the ground. She felt a pain in her hand but she didn't care.

When Arthur pushed her, Esther on instinct tried to support herself by taking the support of the cupboards beside her while falling. But her body couldn't support it, instead of holding the cupboard, she ended up scratching her hand to the cupboard.

She saw him going near the table. Instead of sitting on the couch. He went to the left side of the coffee table while Esther, who was standing on the right side of the coffee table took a step forward to serve him food. But before she could take the third step, she was shocked by his actions.

Arthur felt anger arousing through his veins when he saw the food. He felt disgusted by the sight of dishes. He felt like flipping the whole table. And he did it.

Arthur didn't waste a second when he got that thought. He flipped the table directly. He didn't mind or care when the hot piping dishes fell on her feet burning her skin.

Esther felt skin peeling hotness on her pair of feet.

But just because she had burned it should not hurt that much. Then, She understood that her legs had some cuts.

Arthur took a few steps towards her. For the first time in her life, she felt scared seeing his dark look. It has been only two months since they got married. And nearly more than a month he is not at home. Even if he was at home, he always skipped meals. So, she only wanted to make him eat today no matter what.

But all she got was hurt instead of a small thanks.

Esther took a step back on instinct.

In her fear, she stepped on a broken piece making her hiss in pain. But Arthur didn't care.

He grabbed her chin and gripped her harshly. Esther felt her jaw was hurting. But didn't dare to complain in fear of angering him more.

"Whatever you do or cook for me is nothing more than filth in my eyes. And this study is my workplace. I don't want a thief like you to enter this place," Arthur said. He continued to grip her chin harshly and guided her out of the door. When he reached the door he didn't even bother to check on her. And he pushed her again. The servants who heard the loud sound tried to rush there. But now they saw their lady is being pushed down.

Esther felt tears getting pooled in her eyes. Few drops fell from her eyes. But she blinked them away before any more could fall. She wiped her tears and got up to her feet. But she felt a sharp pain on her feet. She limped to her room but when the servants who arrived saw her immediately came to help her.

"I'm fine. Get some medicine to clean the cuts to my room. I can go by myself," she said.

"My Lady, Please allow us to serve you," a maid said.

"My Lady, I will take you," Butler Kelner said as he came forward to help her.

Butler Kellner helped her to her room. She was made to sit on her bed. Soon, the maids came and cleaned her wounds. Her legs were covered with cuts. And her skin turned red due to the hot dishes.

Esther couldn't walk freely for one week. It took one week for her wounds to heal.

From that day she never entered the study. But still, she did the cooking for him but never said to him that she was the one who cooked the food.


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