Not His First Time.


Esther stood outside of the door as she waited for Arthur to come. She doesn't want to go inside the study. 

The incident in the past was still fresh in her mind. 

Esther regretted marrying him. Her three years were wasted just like that. She doesn't want to waste anymore. She decided to leave no matter what. 

She had a gut feeling that he would not sign the papers. Even if he divorced her, she will have a tag of a divorcee. But she didn't care.

Getting a divorce and not getting a divorce don't change anything. But still, if she gets a divorce she will be free from his clutches. According to the rules of the Livonia country, if a couple doesn't stay together for five years then their marriage will be canceled. That couple marriage will be considered as forsaken marriage. Their marriage will no longer be valid. 

Esther will not return to Livonia no matter what. She already got a job for herself. And she was making some deals with some business elites to collaborate with her on the businesses she was going to deal with. 

Esther informed her brother to help her tomorrow if she couldn't get out of this prison. Because she knew that she can only depend on her brother in this situation. From her childhood, only her brother is the one who understood her the most. 

She was sure that her brother would have already said her things to her family. So, she was so confident that she can get out of this prison soon. 

And she was confident because even after so many years Garcia Empire was still weaker than the Benjamin Empire. If both empires collide with each other Garcia's will be on the losing side. 

Just the thought of leaving this place made her happy. This relationship is like... a rope tied around her neck. It was not strong enough to choke her to death or lose enough to breathe freely. Esther just wanted to cut off the rope so that she can be free. 

As she continued to think about these thoughts she remembered that Arthur asked for her divorce two years back. But she didn't sign them. At that time, she even thought of tearing those documents. But she didn't, she kept them safe in her locker which always belonged to her in her brother's company. 

In the worst-case scenario, she can use that as her trump card. She will let him show off and be arrogant about how much he wants. But she was still wondering if her locker was safe or not. 

She quickly took out her phone and messaged her brother asking about the locker. When he said it was still safe she was relieved. She immediately said the topic about divorce certificates. She asked him to keep them safe, as she said they will be their trump card. Her brother immediately went to his office to get those certificates. 

Esther felt relieved after she was done messaging her brother. 

It has been twenty minutes since she came upstairs but she didn't even see the shadow of Arthur. She got tired and decided to leave. She didn't understand what that man was trying to do. He asked her to come and talk. But he didn't come. Esther is worried that Little Reggie might wake up from his sleep and cry when he realized that she is not around. 

When she took five steps she saw Arthur coming towards her. When he saw her he didn't even bother to look at her. But instead, he went and grabbed her hand. He dragged directly inside the study. 

Esther struggled to break free from his grip. But he held a death grip. Esther felt like he was going to break her wrists. She is sure that a red patch will be formed on her wrist. Arthur left her only when he completely dragged inside her. 

"Lord Garcia, please say whatever you want. My son will cry when he realizes that I'm not there beside him," she said impatiently. 

Arthur gritted his teeth in annoyance. This woman how dare her to keep a time track on his time. She should be happy, that he gave her a chance to talk to him.

She dared to talk back to him and set a time limit. 

"You successfully grabbed my attention," he commented disdainfully. Even now he looks down on her. If it was old Esther she would have felt sad, but she didn't even feel sad now because her heart turned cold and numb. She cannot feel anything. 

Esther rolled her eyes and snorted at him. She thought it's unnecessary to refute his words. 

"What is this?" He asked as he took out a stack of papers and waved them in front of her. 

"Divorce papers! Please sign the divorce papers. After all, it's not the first time for you to sign the divorce. 

" And don't worry, I'll not bother you after that. Even if you don't sign them I will leave tomorrow," Esther said as she looked at him with her unfathomable eyes. 

Arthur felt his mind was exploding. 

It was not his first time. This line was repeated numerous times in his head. 

Yes! He tried to divorce her after their one year of married life. But she didn't sign them and took them away. 

Did she have those divorce papers? 

No! Certainly not! If she had she would not have been asking him to sign these papers again! 

Even Esther forgot about their existence. If not for the critical situations she would have forgotten about them. 

Arthur felt his teeth itch from pure hatred. He wanted to pin this woman and torture her to she begged him to his death. And he did that. He tore the papers in front of her eyes. 

"What will you do?" He asked as if he is if challenging her. 

"Don't worry I have prepared another set in advance. I will go get them now," she said and turned around and shut the door tightly. 

Arthur punched the table beside him. 

When he wanted her, she didn't and insisted on staying with him. But now he wanted her to stay she is insisting on leaving. 

Was this woman hellbent ongoing against him? 

How dare she!? 

After all, she was nothing but a random woman! 

Does she think only she can cope up with him? 

If he wants he can get many women! 

'Then go get one of them and leave her' his inner self came in ready to retort his thoughts. 

'Why should I?' He growled. 

'You won't? Oh! Are you afraid that you will be proved as garbage if she leaves? If not let her go,' his inner self said as it shrugged its shoulders. 

Arthur is so angry. These days his inner self is mocking him more outright.

In a few minutes, Esther returned with a stack of divorce papers. She took a pen from his table and signed it in front of him. She didn't even pause for a second while signing his name. She finished her sign in a single stroke. 

Arthur clenched his jaw when he saw her actions. This vixen needs to be taught a lesson. He thought. 

Esther passed the pen to him and asked him to sign. 

Arthur gritted his teeth. He took the pen and threw it aside. 

He lifted her with one of his hands and threw her on his shoulder. And then he carried her to his bedroom. 


Author's note:

what do you think will happen next?

Can Esther resist him?

What will Arthur do to her?

Will he sign the papers?

can she get the divorce successfully?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Stay Safe.