

Henry felt like he was struck with a bolt of lightning! His grandfather said, even a slave can do the things he did! Then why not get a slave to do that work for him!

[Aren't you a sister slave! Idiot!] his inner self chimed at him!

Henry bit his tongue for almost agreeing that he was a slave!

"I arranged newspapers to release an article about the Garcia's! It will ruin their name by morning!

"Now, The most important thing was, Garcia's are planning to kidnap Esther! Get her to the Royal Palace! She will get her treatment there! Since Garcia's are planning to take away Esther with force, Let's lay a trap and file a kidnapping case on them! We don't know when they would attempt the kidnap plan. So, the earlier we were, the better!" The Old King said!



Kidnapping her sister!?!

The audacity!

He will make them regret their decisions!

"Royal Grandfather! Leave this thing to me! I only thought of making them beggars was enough! But now I feel I am giving a light punishment to them! As the saying goes, 'we should remove A thorn with the help of a thorn itself!' I would like to become a thorn for the sake of ruining them!" Henry said through his gritted teeth which The old king frowned at his behavior!

"Prince Henry! I feel you should stay away from this incident! I will take care of this thing personally! You cannot deal with this!" Old king said suddenly.

"Royal Grandfather! What!? Why!?" he questioned!

"I don't want a person who can't even deal with his emotions to be in charge of this task! And the concerned one is the princess of Benjamin Royals! And my only granddaughter! I couldn't take a risk like this!" he said firmly.

"You could not hold your emotions just now when you heard two lines from me! And also you went to beat Arthur the moment you saw him! I am sure you will beat up Garcia's guards the moment you see them! I can't entrust this kind of task to an emotionally unstable person! This thing needs patience and self-control! I don't see these things in you! Were these reasons enough for you?" The old king Benjamin said calmly as he leaned back in his chair.

If it was a normal time, the old king would have kicked him out of his sight and asked Henry to reflect on himself and find the reason for himself!

But today he was patient! He said the reasons directly to him! Even Henry was shocked by the answer. As he thought, he felt his grandfather was right! He has no self-control! If Henry was in his grandfather's shoes, he would do the same!

Henry left the room saying nothing! He returned to his office and started thinking carefully! As he thought, he felt angry about himself! And he has no time in taking a bet! It was his own sister! He has to do something! He couldn't let a retired man do something!

Henry worked like a crazy man till evening, taking no breaks! He did a lot of paperwork! He signed and finished the pending deals, which needed to be reviewed! After working like a robot for a day, he decided his stance on this issue!

He went to his grandfather instead of leaving the company!

"Royal Grandfather! I will handle this task! IF I fail, I would leave the Benjamin Empire's Prince title! And I won't inherit this Empire!" Henry said.

"Are you sure?" Old Man Benjamin said!

"Yes! Royal Grandfather! If I can't even protect my sister, then I'm incapable of leading our Royal Family! If I lose, I will accept that I'm incapable!" Henry said resolutely!

"Fine Then! Since you decided, I couldn't do anything. But don't go back on your words! If you do, I will kick you out of the Empire personally!" The Old King said.

Henry nodded his head and went to arrange things for the night! Since he knew he would lose control when he sees Garcia's guards, then he will look for another way!

He took his phone and called someone!


Author's Note:

Second chappie of the day!

Don't forget to vote for me! stay safe!