

During the nighttime......

Henry sat in front of his laptop as he continued to watch the live CCTV footage outside of Esther's ward!

He thought that the Garcia's may not take any action that night. And as expected, they did nothing that night.

Next day.......

Henry grumbled when he woke up. Last night he didn't get a wink of sleep because he spent the entire night watching the footage of Esther's ward! It's most likely they would take action this week. He played his cards there and laid a trap. He was just curious how they would respond to the trap.

Henry went to the hospital to check on his sister during lunch! He saw her body is recovering well. But when he tried to touch her, as if she knew that someone was going to touch her, she started sweating. Her breath turned ragged. He frowned at her condition. He immediately called the doctor.

"What happened to her? Her symptoms are much worse than previous?" Henry asked.

"Prince Henry, I will be honest. Princess Fever has subsided. And her condition is stabilized. It's just that her body is weak. Maybe because of the previous incidents that happened to her, she is afraid of foreign touch. Even you are foreign to her.

"According to her medical condition, she should have woken up long ago. She shouldn't be in comatose. It's just that she is unwilling to wake up. She feared something! She doesn't want to face it!

"I suggest you give her moral confidence! I would be happy if your family members can talk to her from time to time, saying that you are there for her and will protect her. Give her a sense of security. It may stimulate her nerves and help her from waking up!

"Even if she wakes up, I cannot guarantee that she would behave normally. She might suffer from PTSD! And maybe even scared of touching the new people. If that happens, she needs treatment!" the doctor said.

"Doctor, you mean she was suffering these things because of the things that happened to her. And she fears facing all on her own, right?" Henry asked.

The doctor nodded and left.

Henry fell into deep thought. If he can, he just wanted to kill Arthur! But he controlled himself. He went beside Esther's bed and stared at her pale, sleeping face.

"I have beaten that scum Arthur until he got admitted into the hospital! And do you know The Garcia's empire is on the verge of bankruptcy after yesterday! Grandfather didn't let them go! Your greedy mother-in-law was so angry. She came to the Benjamin empire to cuss us but was taken away by police! Due to us yesterday, they took her to the police station for the second time in the past two days!

"If you want the kid back that you have raised in Garcia's family, wake up! I got to know Garcia's plan to abandon him! After they join him in an orphanage, Let's take him back with you to the Benjamin family! Okay!? So, wake up soon!"

"From the past two days, every day I am looking at my phone, thinking that I might get a call from the hospital anytime about you saying that you are awake! But every second I am very disappointed!

"Shorty, you feared a brother too? Do you hate him? Huh? What happened to little twerp, who used to come to me whenever she was in trouble? Why didn't you ask your brother's help from the start! Why do you need to take everything on yourself? I am still there for you! Little one, brother is so sad seeing you like this! Wake up! Please! I beg you! You like to beat me right Beat me! But wake up! Please! I am missing you! Wake up! Every day I was waiting for your call these days! Even when you were sad, you never let me know it. I was used to your smiles, anger, tantrums, and your complaints, but not to your silence. You are scaring me, Lil one. It scares brother. Just wake up and tell me, I am just scared for nothing! Please….. I am begging you! I, Henry, The prince of Benjamin Empire begged no one. Please wake up….." Henry begged her.

He combed her hair with his rough fingers. He noticed her nerves tensing a bit, but they are not as tensed as earlier. Unknown to him a teardrop fell on her cheek making a small wet trail!

Henry wanted to hold her hand, but he feared exciting her nervously!

"I just want you to wake and walk in front of me!" Henry said.

He badly wanted to give a kiss on her forehead, but he refrained himself. Every time he has to control his intimacy with his sister, he felt his hatred towards Arthur intensified!

Henry felt a vibration in his pocket he took out his phone and saw the caller was his grandfather.

"Grandfather is calling me. I will come back at night and look at you!" he said and got up from his seat and left.

But after he left inside the ward, a teardrop fell from Esther's left eye. After that, another teardrop dropped from her right eye. Her emotions started messing up.

Esther heard every word said by her brother! She wasn't scared of him. But she feared facing him! But now when she heard her brother's agony. She couldn't help but feel the heartache. But her heartache intensified when she felt his hot tears on her face.

Esther wanted to wake up and tell him she was fine. But all she can do is nothing. Esther was locked up in a room! She can hear her brother's words but cannot see him. Esther shouted his name again and again, but he couldn't hear her! She was trapped in a white room. She got up and banged on the door of the ward, but she couldn't open it. All she knew was her brother was outside of the room. But she cannot open the door.

She was tired of shout but he couldn't hear her voice! She was tired of screaming, tired of saying, "Brother! Your Twerp is Fine! Don't Cry!" When she realized she could do nothing, she cried like a baby. She wanted to hug her brother. It's not that she feared his touch, she feared strangers' touch only! Esther felt helpless when she realized she could do nothing! Her tears are endless as she laid on the bed!

The room she was in was not her ward, but the inner world she was trapped inside her mind! Subconsciously, her inner fears turned into a room trapping her in a small space! She badly wants to get out of that room! She wants to see her brother, mother, grandfather and her father! But she could do nothing. She was burning in an agony. That agony is eating her soul. She felt her heart aching badly for her people. Esther's mental condition was messed up. Her heartbeat increased than her normal rate!

Because of the change of her emotions and her body's excitations, the machine readings beside her bedside started fluctuating. And her fast heartbeat made the machine readings worse. An emergency bell rang in the ward showing that the doctor's attention was needed!

The doctors rushed to her ward immediately! the hospital called Henry and the Benjamin family about Esther's emergency!

Henry who was going to see his grandfather took the reverse turn and made his way back to the hospital!


Author's Note:

So, what do you think of Esther's situation?

Wanna Know how Garcia's situation is in the past two days?

Then comment and vote for me! Without comments, I feel my book is lifeless! Please get this thing back to life! (T_T)

Also, Join my discord server and follow my insta and FB pages! The links and IDs are in the synopsis!
