Chapter 8

With Laura being home for summer break, she wanted to hang out 247 and it was getting too hard to.

Most of my time I liked to spend at Tootsies making as much money as I could to help get me out of Rayquans apartment and into my own on a cleaner side of town.

And that was 6 days out of the week I spent stripping. The only day I had to rest, I made sure I spent majority of the day with my best friend.

Being with Laura wasn't easy either. She wanted to spend our entire summer together but because she didn't have to work, she'd often get frustrated when I had to.

It had also been over a week since I had last seen Archibald. I wasn't complaining.?

"You really are in some deep shit!" Lauren says to me. We were on the clock, but taking a break at the bar.

We were sipping martinis and having an intense venting session. I'd told her about my parents, Rayquans sudden death, and my very brief encounter with Laura's grand daddy.