Relian is Easy?

"Ugh... that was unpleasant."

Looking around, Justice could only see black mass all around her. A small part was bloody red, holding text boxes. Getting closer, Justice was able to read them.

[You have been killed by a Rhostian Soldier Squad.

Due to the cause of your death, criterion has been met.

You have been given the trait: Cold-Blooded

You have been given the trait: Judge of Evil]

"Oh. Is this cause of the torture and my err... claim? Hehe... but what do they do?"

[Cold-Blooded--Anyone that attacks you will take 150% increased damage from you. Attack Power is naturally reduced 15%. Does not activate if you strike first.

Judge of Evil--Anyone classified as Evil takes 100% more damage from you.]

"You're shitting me. Is this game... making fun of my name?!"

Justice was red, but she just sighed and went on with it. Her eyes saw a timer, the countdown was almost complete.

"Hopefully I respawn somewhere I can actually have fun in this world."

[Request heard. Admin shall be sent somewhere "fun" to them.]


The countdown ended, a bright light flashing before her eyes. Attempting to shield them, Justice fell backwards and opened her eyes onto a large and open plain. All around her were beasts, more exactly wolves that were very much hostile.

"Can't even get a weapon? *sigh* Wish I could just talk to Yui... she's distant, but she's sweet to me- shit!"

Leaping sideways, Justice narrowly dodged the fangs of an incoming wolf. When she steadied herself, she saw the creatures name over its head, as well as its level.

[Level 7 Plains Wolf]

She shrugged and turned away to sprint.

'I can't fight something that many levels higher than me! I don't want to get killed by a wolf!'

She leapt again, narrowly avoiding the teeth as the breath passed around her ankles. When she looked closer, she could see that the beast wasn't like normal enemies. It had followed her far, unwilling to relent.

"You know what? Fuck it. I'm used to defending myself, may as well try this!"

Justice lunged, her fist colliding with the wolf.


The beast vanished into particles, leaving behind copper coins in its place. The coins vanished as a notification popped in front of Justice.

[Killed Level 7 Plains Wolf.

Obtained 12 C. Obtained 10 Exp.]

"Huh. Easier than I thought."


While Justice was having her fun, grinding in the Plains, another player was speeding her way through the forest. She wore a bright red hood, covering her face. Her blond hair spilled out from under it, masking her face fully and the arm she was staring at.

"Oh boy. This kids got another thing comin. Wrong choice, messing with Rhost."

She looked up as the forest made way to a barren field filled with wolves.


"Ugh. No weapons! Sure they're easy to kill, but do I really wanna risk getting bit just to punch them?!"

Justice kicked at the ground, her new gear covering her body. While training, she had gotten an entire set of basic armor from the wolves.

[Wolfhide Boots- Rank F +3 Spd.

Wolfhide Gloves- Rank F +3 Str.

Wolfhide Breeches- Rank F +50 HP.

Wolfhide Shirt- Rank F +3 Vit.

Wolfhide Hood- Rank F +10 MP.]

"Stats are crap, but the gloves help my missing attack power. What the conversion? A point of strength is ten attack? Add on a weapon and other bonuses and boom. What are my stats anyways?"

[Name: Justice

Race: Human

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Neutral

Level: 3 - 17%

HP: 150

MP: 20

Str: 18 (x10 for attack power.)

Dex: 5 (÷100 for critical rate.)

Vit: 23 (x10 for defense power.)

Int: 7 (x10 for magic attack power.)

Wis: 10 (x10 for magic defense.)

Spd: 6 (x10 for movement speed.)]

"Huh... my speed is shit. Is that sixty percent of the common speed? Or just base speed of my race? Ugh... This sucks!"

Justice began to head towards a dirt path, having finally left the plains. The path seemed well traveled, though she hoped she was on the right path away from Rhost for now.

'Can't wait to get somewhere safe. I've been in game for like... three hours? I need to eat.'

She looked at the log out button. Currently it was grayed out, though when she went to hit it a notification appeared.

[Log Out only available inside of cities, towns and safe zones.]

"This sucks. Can't do much without-"

"A weapon?"

Justice turned around, her eyes falling on a red hood. She stooped down, resting on one knee.

"You really made your character this short?"

"Wha?! Rude! I was about to offer you a weapon, but forget it. Freaking newbies. I chose cuteness for a reason!"

She began to walk away, but Justice stepped around her and dropped to her knees.

"Forgive me! I really need a weapon and I don't know how to shut my mouth!"

"Gosh. Why did you start so late anyways? The games been running for quite some time."

Justice looked up and smiled awkwardly.

"I uh... bought my stuff recently from an old man. He was happy to give it to me, honest! Just started today."

"Huh. Well, name? Player and townspeople names are hidden."




"Sword or axe? I have a few low level drops... say three silver?"

"How do I look at my money?"

"You're kidding."

The girl placed her head into her hand and shook her head.

"Access your inventory. Bottom left."

Justice thought of her inventory, quickly making a box appear. Inside was her Prisoner's Rags and a few dozen Wolf Pelts. In the corner she saw her money.

[0 G, 20 S, 28 C]

"So how do we trade?"

The girl blinked for a moment, then pulled out a sword.

[A player has offered you a Basic Iron Sword. They request 3 S. Proceed?]

"Oh. Yes, definitely."

The sword slipped from the girls fingers, clapping on the ground, while the silver was removed from Justice's inventory.

"Thank you, Miss...?"

"Just call me Red. Most of my targets do, so why not strangers?"


She nodded.

"Bounty Hunter. It's a rare class. Don't be jealous now."

The girl began to walk off, but stopped.

"Wanna come to town with me? Betcha wanna sell those pesky hides. How many do you have?"

"More than fifty... so yea. Please. The help would be great."

Justice began to follow Red, equipping the sword as well.

[Basic Iron Sword- Rank F +10 Attack Power]

'This is as good as a single point of strength, but now I have range! And thankfully my body can move reflexively like the real world. That's helpful.'

She looked up at Red, her face hardening.

'Too convenient.'


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!