Bug Eradication

"Erm... gloves? Wait, Vengeance gloves?"

The box is Justice's hands flashed bright, illuminating the area around her. Both Rook and Symphony turned to her, their eyes wide in shock. She screamed in agony. Justice clenched her fists, gauntlets with the same sleek design as her greaves began to take shape. One reached up to her elbow, the other only halfway up her arm.

[You have equipped Vengeance Gauntlets

Vengeance Gauntlets - Rank S+ Dex+ 20, Str+ 20, Vit+ 20

Passive: Halves damage of first strikes against the wearer.

Set Effect:

3/7: ???

5/7: ???

7/7: ???]

Her arms now pulsing with the same pain as her legs, Justice glanced up at Symphony. She was at her side, eyes filled with worry.

"What the hell are your pain sensors at?! You screamed..."

Justice flexed her fingers, testing the gauntlets. They weren't stiff, nor were they heavy. The feeling was nice, besides the pain.

"It's just pain. It subsided. We still need to deal with these Bugs, right?"

Lifting her sword, Justice smiled softly at Symphony. The automaton sighed reluctantly, her hands falling as she attempted to stop Justice.

"I just can't win against someone like you. Not here, not out there. Heh."

Symphony looked to Rook, giving him a thumbs up.

"Finally, I can go all out!"

His flanged mace was in his hand, slamming down on the ground. As it hit, he was launched up. Rook fell between a large group of fuzzy-looking lights that Justice only now noticed. Narrowing her eyes, she could see the form of actual monsters under the lights.

"You've noticed. They are Bugs, but they were once regular monsters. Either way, they're dangerous. If you get hurt, fall back. Don't be stupid."

Justice smiled, giving a little wink before she began to sprint. Suddenly, she noticed the debuff under her health bar.

"It's critical rate down! Not bad for you, sucks for me! Ha-ha!"

Symphony skidded down, her gun blasting different arrays of color. Sometimes, she even warped enemies into the sky off of boulders Rook sent flying.

Justice got closer, finally ready to do battle. Testing the waters, her blade flashed out at one enemy. To her surprise, its health bar appeared with a third of it shaved off.

"Ha. The debuff counts."

Every three attacks, without using her skill, Justice cut down enemy after enemy. Even Rook gave her a thumbs-up as she sped past him, tearing apart even more creatures.

'This is really fun! But... I still feel kinda hollow. Yui...'

As her mind wandered, Justice slowed down. Her swings continued, destroying the Bugs, but she couldn't focus on her surroundings anymore.

[Level Up.

Level Up.

Level Up.]

Justice felt her cheeks moisten as her sadness finally began to hurt. She clenched her teeth, anger taking the place of her sadness.


Symphony had fallen back, her eyes on Justice now. Even Rook began to watch, attracting as many attacks as he could, while Justice started to vent.

"Why couldn't you just talk to me?! I'm your friend! You shouldn't hide your feelings; you shouldn't hide your desires! Dammit, just talk to me! Don't leave me on the edge, waiting for my friend to realize my-"

Justice felt a massive strike, sending her sprawling to the ground. The wind was knocked from her, dazing her.

"Shit! Rook, get its aggro!"

The creature was another Bug, though much larger. It was obviously the boss of the group.

[You have unlocked the Special Class Quest: Rage of Vengeance.

Reward: Vengeance Knight

Objectives: -Release fiery rage. (O)

-Collect Vengeance Set (2/7)

-Accept your feelings. (X)]

Justice got back to her feet, wobbling slightly. The debuff beginning to wear off.

'Daze is a bitch.'

Holding her blade, Justice charged forward. Both Rook and Symphony attempted to stop her, yet her blade sunk into the creature.

[Unlocking the full power of Vengeance Greaves and Vengeance Gauntlets for... 10 seconds.]

The dull pain faded, giving rise to an insane burst of strikes from Justice. Her blade chopped the boss's health into sashimi, her blade flying from her hands as the creature finally died.


Panting heavily, Justice fell to her knees. She sobbed softly, wiping her eyes.

"It hurts. It just hurts. She loves someone else, what the hell do I do? I just... I just want to be there for her! I want to hug her and show her amazing things! Why does it feel like I'm losing her?"

Rook seemed uncomfortable, while Symphony knelt beside Justice and held her hands.

"Rook, please give us some room. I need to speak with Justice for a bit."

Rook waved his hand, walking off.

"Justice, look at me. Your emotions are out of control. Reign them in, calm down and talk to me. What happened?"

Justice blinked slowly, sniffling as she looked into Symphony's eyes.

"IRL, I've been in love with my best friend. I'm not brave enough to tell her, but today... today she told me she had found someone. While fighting, I just went back there. To the place where all of my pain was stored, I felt it overflow and bury me. I'm just so..."

"Angry? Sad? Broken because she won't return your feelings? Heh. You have a soft heart, which is sweet, but it makes you easy to hurt emotionally."

Symphony leaned closer, pulling Justice into her arms.

"That pain is part of living. Just be happy for her, move on, then try to find a better girl. Guys like you-"

Justice put her hand over Symphony's mouth.

"I'm a girl. Don't get me wrong, I'm a girl interested in girls."

"Ah... oh. Sorry. Same."

The last word was a whisper that Justice didn't hear, though she leaned her head against Symphony's.

"It hurts, but thank you. You're really sweet, so I'll try to move past it."

Symphony giggled softly, but her eyes popped wide.

"Shit! Umm... I need to get groceries."

"Then let's get back to town, I need to grab something to eat as well."

Symphony smiled, though her eyes told another story. Something on her mind that she didn't wish to share as she teleported back to town.

"I don't have that spell, you jerk!"

Rook walked back over.

"She left?"


Rook nodded, walking back towards town.

"Least he doesn't have the spell either."

Justice headed back as well, her lips curving up as she saw her level.

[Level: 28]


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!