Chapter 2 The Presidency

7:30 am

Liam's POV

I went to my bathroom to take a warm bath so that I can arrive on time in the company everyone is waiting for me

After a warm bath I texted my driver and told him that I want to use the black Mercedes Benz, my dad is already at the company because after my presidency he is going back in New York

I'm wearing a navy blue blouse and high waist pants and a black coat on my feet is a black high heel

Abby's POV

Yesterday I went to a coffee shop but fortunately, I made an accident I spill the whole cup of coffee on a woman's coat and shirt, damn she's so beautiful her beauty can compare to a model that can make a woman drool in just her simple smile, she's a kind of bossy and has an arrogant attitude but that doesn't matter she has a black straight hair and a brown doe eyes

I woke up early today because we need to take care of that presidency program, I wonder who is our new president, besides I'm gonna be her secretary I went to the company as early as I can because the program will start in just an hour, damn it the traffic here at Seoul sucks

As I entered the company everything is already set up I went to the coordinators to help them to set up the mic

As the program started president lee and I think her daughter, wait for what?? That woman is the woman that I spill coffee yesterday damn it I'm in danger now is she the new president?

Liam's POV

As I arrived, I saw A red carpet and a lot of people are waiting for me at the entrance

I entered the crowded place my dad escorted me and the program started he made a speech for me

" Okay before anything else let's hear the speech of Mr. eric lee the owner of Lee enterprises, let's give him a warm applause "

" As we all knew I will going to retire my position as the president, I spend all my life, time and effort to make this company successful, here beside me is the new successor of my company she is my beloved daughter Liam, I know that she can easily handle my company, I have trust on her skills, she is the CEO of my company in New York for almost 5 years and I can say that she always did excellent on everything that she does especially at running my company when I'm not around. So I think its the right time for me to rest and to give her the responsibility of my company, the real reason behind my retirement is I need to have an operation because of my heart disease and I can't handle the company anymore. So now let me present to you the new president and owner of lee enterprises my daughter Liam Lee "

That's why I love my dad he always thinking about me and he always wants me to take care of the business and his reputation

" Good morning everyone I'm Liam Lee, as you all heard from my dad I'm the new president of the Lee enterprises, I study in NewYork for almost 8 years, I spent most of my time running this business and I only focus in our company and business to make things excellent as always, no doubt that my dad sees all the progress that I made to make this company successful too, I always work hard for this company, in the first place it's hard to handle a huge company like this but now that my dad teaches me all the skills because he said that in the future he wants me to take in charge of our business and I can say that I learned a lot of things from him, I love you dad. As of now, I'm your president my dad need to take some rest for his upcoming operation, don't worry I promise you that I will succeed in running this business "

Everyone is smiling at me and giving me warm applause after we finished the program we went to the conference room to have a celebration and for me to be familiar with some employees

While we are celebrating my new presidency someone caught my attention, a woman wearing a simple plain black fit Dress, with white raffles tassel that reaches above her knees, and she is wearing white high hills. I think I saw her somewhere, wait she is the girl at the coffee shop, finally, I saw her already, she's the girl who bumps at me and my coffee spill on my coat and ay my shirt

She and my dad is now heading in my direction

" Liam I want you to meet your new secretary "

" Hi, I'm Abby Kim " she stretches her hands in front of me

I cleared my throat

" Liam Lee"

I introduced my self and take my hands away from hers as I felt something warm between our handshake

I don't know what this woman has but my heart beats faster when she's near me, and its the first time that I felt this kind of feeling, I never had this kind of feeling in my whole life until I met her

" So Liam, she will be your new secretary Abby work from our company for almost 3 years "

" Hmm okay dad "

" Abby please take care of my daughter, I will not be around because I need to leave already "

He said and wink at me

" But, d-dad "

" Now excuse me I'll leave you alone I need to talk with some of my partners "

The atmosphere became silent and awkward for a second and I found my self staring at her for the whole time now

" Uhmm, Ms. Lee sorry about what happened last time "

"It's okay don't be sorry it's just an accident "

We went to my office to start the compilation of the last month sales

Abby's POV

At the elevator, our atmosphere seems to be silent, but when she finds it a little awkward she approaches me with some question

" So how was your work here at the company ?"

" Its fine ma'am, my co-workers are great and kind "

" Hmm so my dad told me that your the one that will take care of me now "

She said in a teasingly way

We reach the floor of her office and we went inside her office

" Yes ma'am, I am and if there is something that you need just call me "

" So from now on I want you to always stay on top of all my business affairs, Ms. Kim I want you to stay on every detail, okay? "

She said as she organizes some papers

" Yes ma'am I will "

" You can leave Now "

" Okay if you need anything you're free to call me at my desk, I'm at your disposal, Ms. Lee"

I said getting out of her office

At this moment I only think about her, how can she so beautiful but at the same time she looks so professional, she is so hot like those supermodels that can found on the front page of the vague magazine

I look at the door of her office and as I can see she is staring at me again, when she noticed that I'm staring at her she looked away and she continued reading the papers

What's with her, she is acting weird when I'm with her but I can tell she's a little cute

Liam's POV

8:47 pm

After a long and tiring day of reading some sheets, I just want to lay back on my bed and take a good nap

" Ahm ma'am? , Is there something you need ?"

" Nope, you can go home now see you tomorrow "

I looked at the time it's already late, maybe I need to drop her off on her home I'm just concerned about her

I went to the ground floor parking lot where my dad left me a black Mercedes Benz car to use it

As I left the building I saw her walking on the dark and cold street, she might get sick

" Abby? "

" Ms. Lee? "

" Get in the car, I'll drop you off "

" Its okay ma'am I'll just gonna take a cab "

"Nope I insist Abby, come on its cold and dark here "

She opened the passenger door of the car and our atmosphere became silent as I drive the car

" So tell me where do you live ?"

" Just a few blocks away from here "

" Do you live with someone ?"

" Hmm nope I just live all alone besides my mom died early and my dad left me when I was a kid"

" Oh, I'm sorry to hear that"

" Its okay ma'am "

" Right now I'm alone here in Korea, my dad went back to NewYork "

" Hmm, if you need something just give me a call "

After we arrived I went out of the car and open the door for her

" Thank you for the ride, Ms. Lee "

" A-Abby, are you busy tomorrow night? "

" Nope ma'am, what is it do you need me to accompany you ?"


" I'm just wondering if you could come with me and let's have dinner together "

" Hmm sounds good, okay Ms. Lee "

After I drop her off I went back to my condo to take a rest, its a long and tiring day I just want to sleep.