Chapter 3 First Day, The First Date

Liam's POV

it's my first day as the new president of the Lee enterprise the first day is always the calmest,i walk thru the huge glass door of the company as I entered the building I walk seriously and arrogantly, I can already see Abby entering the elevator, she notices my presence so she keeps the elevator open for me. I entered the silent and quiet elevator the atmosphere seems to be cold and silent beside me is Abby damn she still look beautiful on her white fitted dress that reaches below her knees she is wearing red hills and her hair is in a made bun ponytail she looks so attractive I wonder how many guys fall in love on her beauty

" Good morning Ms. lee "

" Good morning Ms. Kim "

"I brought you a coffee," she said while lending me a cup of Starbucks coffee

" oh thank you, Ms. Kim "

she smiled at me, those smiles make my heart flutter I can't keep staring at her until I heard the door of the elevator open I walk and went to my office to start and finish some sheets for the stakeholders meeting tomorrow

" Ms.Kim? , could you please help me with these papers sorry but it's urgent for the meeting "

" Okay, ma'am, can I come in? "

"yes, sure you can "

she walks on my direction and seat on the chair facing me as she read the sheet on me I found my self staring at her beautiful face and I heard her calling my name, I quickly turn my attention on the papers and I felt my face is burning, damn my face is blushing

"Ms. Lee? , is everything alright ?"

" hmm yes go on I'm listening," I said while turning my head on the papers

" y-you're blushing, is everything alright ?"

" yeah it's just a little bit hot here "

she smiled and let out a soft laugh

Abby's POV

Ms. Lee told me to help her to finish the sheet's for tomorrow's meeting as I read the sheet's on her I found her starring at me the whole time that I'm reading the sheets, I asked her if everything's alright and she said yes, one more thing I notice is her face turn red, she is blushing is it because of me?

she said that the place seems to be hot so she takes off her coat, damn this woman she had a sexy and bold body she is wearing a sleeveless black top and I can see her sexy proportion body. her brown doe eyes meet mine and I found my self drooling on her, she moves closer to me and held my chin up, we're now inches apart on each other

" Ms.Kim your drooling," she said and she let out a naughty smile at me

" Uhm i-i'm sorry for that"

" its okay honey," she said in a husky voice damn she's so sexy

" ahm, let's get back to work ?"

she let out a devilish smile and wink at me as a respond

damn it, I can't believe it, she's driving me crazy

it's almost lunch and Ms. Lee approach me to take a lunch with her because she doesn't want to be alone and besides she is on my responsibility because her dad told me to take care of her daughter

Ms. Lee told me to wait for her outside the building I waited for a couple of minutes when a white Porsche past by

" Abby? "

"Andy? "

Andy is one of my classmate way back when we're High school I can say that he's a bit of asshole he always collects girls and dumps them after he gets what he wants from them

" oh Abby, how are you? it has been a while "

" Yeah well I'm fine, how about you? "

" well fine, I'm now a successful businessman "

"hmm good for you "

" would you mind if I take you out to have dinner with me tonight ?"

before I respond to his invitation I felt someone's arms around my waist

" Sorry babe I took so long, I called my driver to bring my Bugatti "

when I look at the person who's talking I was shocked, president Lee? what the heck does she think she's doing. I was still in shock when Liam pull me closer to her. I can see that Andy is already pissed

" Now if you excuse us, we still need to take a lunch," she said and smirk at Andy

as soon as Liam said that thing to Andy, his car lost so quickly and I can still feel Liam's hands around me

I cleared my throat and Liam get off her hands on my waist

" what was that ?"

"I know him and his intention "

" What, what do you mean ?"

" don't mind it just stay away from him "

" okay fine "

we ride in her black Bugatti and we went to an expensive restaurant

" what do you want to eat ?"

" hmm pasta ? " she called the waiter and ordered 2 pasta and a salad

"sorry from what happened earlier, I just don't want you to get hurt I know that guy "

" Yeah, thank you I know him too he is collecting girls and dump them when he already gets what he wants "

"I know that he will not stop chasing you until he gets what he wants from you, stay close to me always "

" okay "

after we finish eating lunch we went back to the office to resume doing those papers that we left

Liam's POV

after a long and tiring day, we finally finish everything that we need for tomorrows meeting, it's my first important deal

it's almost past 8 when we finish all the papers, we went out for a dinner as a treat for her help

I told my driver to take us to Namsan Seoul tower the most romantic dinner place in Seoul I don't think if she's gonna love this place but I hope so

as we arrive a young man standing in front of the door accompany us to the entrance

" do you have any reservation ma'am?

" yes, under the name of Liam Lee "

"oh, Ms. Lee this place, please "

we arrived at the top of the tower and seat on the VIP table that I booked a while ago

I can see in her face how joyful and happy she is when she saw the great view of Seoul

" wow this place is beautiful and great, I haven't been in this kind of place before "

"I hope you like it "

"I like it, thanks for inviting me here for dinner "

" Oh it's nothing at all, by the way, I still have a gift for you "

as I snap my fingers in the air a young man give me a bouquet, I give it to her and I can see her wide and gummy smile

" thank you for all of these Ms. Lee"

" by the way, you can call me Liam, and besides we're not inside the company now so you're free to call me by my name "

I ordered steak and wine because I saw on her cure face she's so hungry

after we ate I told my driver to drop her off so she can rest already

" did you have fun tonight?"

" yes I did, and it's because of you thank you so much "

after we arrive I accompany her to the front door of her apartment

" thank you, Liam "

" you're welcome Abby "

I turn my back to went back to the car when she suddenly called me

" Liam?"

"y-yes abb-"

I didn't finish my last word and I feel her warm body on mine, I can hear my heart fluttering out loud. and after she hugs me she went inside her apartment and she left me with a sweet smile

I went back to my car to head back to my condo and take a rest I can feel my body is burning, why do I felt these such things on her . is this the feeling of falling in love with someone? I haven't felt this before until I met her

I already arrived at my condo when suddenly my phone vibrate from my pocket

1 message from Abby

"thank you for the dinner I appreciate it, take a rest now we still need to get that deal tomorrow goodnight Liam sweet dreams "

A wide smile appears on my lips as I read her message, I went to the bathroom to take a warm bath and after that, I take a rest and a nap this day is worth it.