CHAPTER 11 Well Day Spend

Liam's POV

I woke up and I saw Abby right beside me, I just miss those days that we both sleep together and we spend the whole day doing nothing but watching movies and sleeping

As I stared at her, my glance went on her face down to her delicate lips, I miss how those lips pared mine, but now I need to work on her trust, I need to win her back and there's no turning back at this moment

I woke up and stood up carefully so that she won't be bothered by my gestures

I went downstairs to find something to cook so that we can eat before we start our day

I cook some pad thai because I remember that she loves that food back when we are in Thailand

After I set up everything I wake her up so we can both have breakfast

" Abby, wake up now let us eat breakfast," I said while tapping her slightly

She manages to stood up and walk with me until we reach the dining table, I saw the joy on her face when she sat at the front of the table. she seems to amaze

" Woah you still remember this huh," she said while munching her food

" yes, how can I forget, this is what we eat on our first anniversary remember ?" I said smirking at her and she chokes from what I've just said

" forget about it lets eat "

After we ate we had a decision that we will spend our day together

Abby's POV

" I'm not a kid anymore why did we go here," I said as we arrive at the park

" come on, we're here just to have fun "

" Aish fine, this kiddo "

We went on that claw prize machine

She tried to get me some teddy but she always fails

" Aish what the heck is wrong with this," she said while putting again a dollar on it

" Yah stop it you might spend all the money just to get that thing," I said while pulling her

"No, I will not stop until I got one for you," she said while concentrating at the machine

She's losing her patient on the machine

" How much does this machine cost??, I will going to but this thing," she said to the Crew that past by on us

" Sorry ma'am but it's not for sale ... Try again maybe this time it's your luck "

" Aish fine, one last chance is I got lose again I will take down your entire park," she said in a bit pissed note, I just smiled at her because she's being kiddo again

" Liam that one the green alien," I said as I saw the plushie

" Hang on wifey, almost there," she said and the plushie fall from the prize box

We both giggles as we got the prize, she's really determined to get me that plushie

" Aww thanks "

" Aish it's fine, that machine is just a Penny to me but im sad that they are not selling it. I want one " she said laughing

" You're really a kid like u used before "

" Yah stop it im not a kid"

" Im gonna name this plushie lini," I said while hugging the plushie

" What's with that ?"

" Lisa of Lili and Jennie for nini " i said and she just let out a cute laugh

" Well take care of our lini "

We spend the day having fun at the park and the whole day we just played in the park until we got tired

After that, we went to the mall to eat something, and we do some shopping afterward

I admit I miss this little kiddo so much and now that she is showing her determination to bring our past back I still fell in love with her no matter how she hurt me before

We went to the movie theatre to watch a movie, it may sound cliché but it seems fun watching a movie with your ex

" what with this story, the girl is so dumb to let go of him and now she's coming back wow" I just said while my eyes are still on the screen and I didn't know that Liam is with me m which is my ex

" Oh sorry, I didn't mean –" I got cut off from what she said

"it's fine, maybe I'm dumb too, for letting you go," she said with her deep and sincere voice

Maybe I'm being too much on her now, maybe I should give a chance, so we can fix everything

I hold her hand and she stared at me with a curious face

" let's get out of here ?" I said and she just shook her head

"where are we going ?" she said while our hands are still connected with each other

" somewhere that I've always love to stay and unwind my stress "

We left the mall and walk for minutes until we reach the bay walk near the mall, I approach her to ride the ferries wheel because I want her to saw the beautiful sunset, it's almost

5 pm a great sign for the great view

" what are we doing here ?" she said without any clue on what we are doing

" I just want to show you the sunset , it's so beautiful here "

she remain silent while looking outside, I felt her being hurt from what I've said before, maybe I'm being too much for her

" it's beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than seeing you like my view," she said and I chuckle

" silly "

" What ??, I'm right on that point don't argue with me "

" fine whatever lee "

" After this let's have dinner together?"

" Okay," I said and shrug my shoulders

As we finish riding the ferries wheel we took a deep breath and headed to the nearest resto-bar that servers fresh seafood and steaks

" table for two please, VIP area," she said to the waiter that pass by on us

The man obligate to respond to her and he shows us the way to the VIP area

The VIP area has great access to the view outside and the ambiance of the place seems good for those couples that would like to spend their day here

We finish the dinner with a great talk about the past days that we live without each other Its almost late and we agreed that we should go home

" let's go home?" she said and I just nodded

we headed our way in the parking lot where she parks her Audi R8

We reach my apartment in no time and as we arrive she opens the door for me

" so we're here, thanks for spending your day with me," she said as she closes the door of her car

" thank you for making me happy today"

" no worries " she chuckles

I was on my way to enter the door when she called me

" Abby ?" she called me and I turned my head on her

" what is it ?"

" pack your things," she said and she earned a curious look from me

" why is what ?"

"we're leaving on Friday," she said smiling

" What ??, where are we going ?" I said and still no clue from she's talking about

" you'll spend a week with me " she just chuckles

" what why would I do that ?"

" just do what I said, I'll pick you up on Friday night "

"where are we going ?"

" you'll find out soon. but for now, goodnight and have a rest " she said and she starts her engine and started to drive away from me

after she left, I went inside and I was right, the two girls are waiting for me to enter

"what ?"

" where have you been ?, and why are you with that ex of yours ?"

" We just talk about something "

" talk that took the whole day to finish, " jisoo said frowning their brows on me

" lets cut this off, im tired I need a nap, " I said leaving them at the couch while I throw my self on the bed