CHAPTER 12 Long and Tiring Day

Abby's POV

After we enjoyed the few days of spending time together with chaeng and jisoo, we went back to reality again

We still need to finish a lot of paper works and balance sheet for this month at the firm and she is also there visiting for the and the upcoming month fair, I'm at the company now while Liam is at the site because the investors invited her to visit the site for the upcoming projects, she approaches me to come with her but I refuse it. I need to finish these papers before Annalise came back

While I'm working on the paper, I heard jisoo's voice on my back that made me jumped in shock

" Yah unnie what are you doing here?!?"

" Just visiting my beloved baby sister "

" Don't bother me, I have a lot of things to do "

" Where's your ex?" Chaeng said while looking at Liam's office

" She went on the site to visit the area"

I said without facing them and my attention on the papers

" Oh is that so, we just went here to ask you if you want to come with us to take a lunch "

" Nope..... I don't want to be the third wheel"

" Come on, it's just a lunch "

" Sorry but I can't come, need to finish this paper works before she came back "

" Okay, if that's what you want, " jisoo said and they both leave me alone in the office "

3:54 pm

I finished the papers and I placed it on Annalise's table so she can sign it later, I can feel my back hurts ugh I'm so exhausted

I went out of her office and as soon as I went out I saw Liam getting off on the elevator

She seems she not on her mood again, ugh this bitch always not on her mood such a moody person

I wave my hands on her and we walk with her to her office, I am sitting on the couch while she is pouring a whiskey and ice on her glass

She went on the couch and she sat beside me, she's so stressed she leaned her head on the couch and she closed her eyes

" Is everything okay? " I said while picking up some magazine

" Yeah, everything is fine ..... I'm just a little tired "

I held her face to me and caressed it when her phone rings

Baby Maxine calling

" Go on, take the call," I said as I rolled my eyes


Who the heck in baby Maxine I'm a little curious about it

Liam's POV

Heck, Maxine, you ruined the moment

" Hello yes, baby ..... What is it?"

" Unnie... When are you coming back here to Korea? It's boring here when I'm not with you " she said in a cute voice

"Sorry baby but I can't now, I'm busy here at the company "

" You're always busy with your company... Come on unnie please go back here "

" Sorry but I can't ..... I'll try my best baby when I'm not that busy "

" Oh, by the way, dad's operation is next week, that why I'm asking you to come over "

" Are you just making a story to made me go back there?"

" Nope, I'm not unnie why would I?..... I'm telling the truth duhhh"

" Okay okay fine I'm going back this coming week I'll see you there "

" Yey ..... Thanks unnie take care see you "

Call ended

" Who is she ?" She said in a serious voice

" It's my sister Maxine she asked me to go back to New York next week but I don't want to ..... She's too annoying "

" Come on, she's your sister you should treat her right .... Go back then and have some fun with her let's just have her here, and spend time with her"

" just come with us please, " I said pouting at her

" Nope I can't I have worked here "

" Then I'm not going "

" Aish this bitch ..... Okay fine I'm coming with you,? "

" I made up my mind and we're leaving this coming Thursday"

" Okay fine "

" By the way don't bring too many clothes we're going to shop for your clothes there "

" You don't have to, I have a lot of clothes"

" Nah, just do what I say," I said placing a kiss on the back of her hands

" Aish fine ..... I finished all your paperwork and balance sheet just signed them up and annalize the need too "

" Why did you do that... Just leave it to jungyeon when I'm not around, I don't want you to get tired here "

" Duhhh it's my job and I don't want other people to call me lazy and lousy here "

" Well that's great," I said as smiled at her

" I'm hungry ..... Tired as well" she said sighting tiredness

" Come with me were going to eat somewhere "

I called my driver to drop us at the night market near the park

6:45 pm

We are now at the night market and I told her to eat what she wants and I'll pay it for her

" So you said that your hungry go on to eat what you want, I'll pay is for you "

She hurriedly went to the stall that's selling hotdogs and fries. And she ordered 2 hotdogs and 2 fries and a drink heck she so cute while eating

I thought that we're going to share the food that she ordered

" Yah what are you doing, order your food I'm hungry "

" What ?? You can finish all of this? This is many why don't you feed me some I'm hungry too "

I said and I opened my mouth a sign that I'm waiting for her to feed me, she feeds me with that fries hmm it's so good. I like it when she feeds me like this

" Look at that couple they're so cute aww I wish I have that kind of girlfriend that will feed me too"

A group behind us said and I can hear them complimenting my girl

" Yah get your girl, she's mine," I said and Abby slaps my arms. she put food on my mouth when I attempt to talk again

" Will you please shut your mouth and just eat... Don't mind them and we are exes duh" she said and laugh at the same time

" Aish okay, what do you want to eat next? "

" I want chicken skewers and a strawberry juice," she said pleasing me and pulling my arms

" Yeah, your eating too much are you going to buy the whole food here? "

" Hmm maybe..... I didn't take lunch to finish those papers "

" Oh is that so? Okay fine let's go and eat more it seems like you're having a stress eating " I said laughing and making fun of her

We went to the other stall that's selling chicken skewers and I went to the stall next to in to buy her some juice

" Here you go," I said handing her the juice

we went on the bench near the park and sat as we finish eating chicken skewers

" Give me some "

" Here feed your self "

" I want you to feed me like a baby," I said making an aeygo that made her blush

" Aish... Fine, open up my "

" Ahhhhh hmmm "

" I haven't seen you cooking in your condo"

" I don't know how to cook, that's why I always want you in my condo because you always cook for me like you used to do before "

" When I'm at your condo it always ends up getting us both naked on your bed duh"

" And I know you like it tho," I said laughing

" Yah stop saying nonsense "

" If You're soon to be my wife... So you need to cook for me always duh "

" Aish, I don't want to have a wife that can't cook me something to eat even a toast "

" Okay fine I'll be going to ask my mom to teach me how cook so my future wife doesn't starve to death," I said teasing her

" I'm afraid that when we have kids I'll going to take care like 2 kids, and you include," she said annoying me

" Yeah, I'm gonna make sure that I'll be a good father to our child," I said winking at her

" You just going to mess the house with our kid, you don't know how childish you are

" Yeah. Stop it's gonna be fun. How many kids do you want? "

" 1 or 2 is enough to me tho"

" Okay so let made some "

I said holding her arms

I called my driver and we drive her home. I went to accompany her to her apartment

I left her a kiss on her forehead and say goodbye to her

" Goodbye my future wife "

" Goodbye my childish husband "

" Aish stop calling me that "

She let out a laugh because she knows that I'm already pissed

all of that is made up of plans and I hope it comes true how I wish I can be with her forever, but too bad destine is too cruel.