Chapter 34

* Hoo-OO* *Vshuuh*

A few movements and the wind easily obeyed. My progress was not so bad, I have been training here for a whole day without rest. Now I can safely manage my weather forces. Even my wind and hail were much stronger, which made me happy. I think in a few more weeks or months, I might be able to reach Mardon's level. Okay, now it's time to eat, the hunger is making itself felt again...

I went to my base and pulled out one of the recently captured criminals, butchered him and ate. Then, as always, he disposed of the body.

I had two more, these will last for another week, then I'll catch new ones. I don't catch a lot of fish, I can't get enough food for them, and they've made a mess of the room I keep them in. In the future, they should be drained, probably. Although, I'm thinking of changing the base at one of my recycling stations. This place of course, too, will leave, just make the main base there.

The business is quite profitable, sometimes you need to deal with paperwork, but it's not difficult for me. Of course, this money is not much, I think to start expanding and buy, so to speak, another company or a couple. Central city is full of bandits to take at least the guys have recently finished Snart and Rory. They had a lot of good businesses, and there were several other groups like them. So I have a lot of options to choose from. But that's later, I'll check my stats, and then I'll check on Hartley. I gave him enough time, even left a lot of food and water so that he wouldn't die without me, in my absence. The camera judge, he's fine, so it's time for a chat.


When I was done with all my business, I went to the prisoner.


I opened the door and locked it immediately, then turned to the Piper and asked with a grin:

- How are you? I hope there was enough food?-

He immediately stood up and said:

- Yes, it was... everything was normal. I just ran out of books, so I got a little bored.-

I chuckled:

- Of course, this will not be a problem, of course, if you think of something to offer me.-

Hartley nodded and took out a Notepad, then walked over to me and handed it to me:

- Here, I've made some drawings, look at them.-

I took the notebook and started looking through it, while I was doing this, the Piper was talking:

- I remember your mask when you knocked me out and some of your clothes. If I understood correctly, the materials were so-so, especially the mask. So I built a better version of your equipment. Of course, if you want to make changes to your appearance, I'll do it.-

The suit was really good, the guy definitely had a better imagination than Cisco with his Barry suit. He changed the red stripe from my mask a little, as well as completely redesigned the helmet and the entire armor as a whole. Now this is no longer a simple fabric and other nonsense. Some unique alloy was already present here.

- What kind of alloy is this?-

The guy grinned and said proudly:

- I invented it myself, but it requires my abilities to create it, without them it is very difficult to come up with suitable conditions. You can achieve a lot with vibrations, and that's how I made my gloves. Of course, they were made of a different material, I didn't need the armor, and the funds didn't allow it. The alloy has very great advantages, not only its lightness is amazing, but also its strength is much higher than that of titanium. Plus, if you can get another component, I can make it almost impossible for it to conduct electricity. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it should probably work...-

I narrowed my eyes and looked at him:

- You want me to give you all these materials, as well as your gloves. You think I'm an idiot?-

- Uh, no, of course not, it's just that I'm the only one who can make this suit, and it's impossible without gloves. I can make another one, but it won't be as good. If you don't trust me, you can use that remote.-

I stretched out my hands and a sharp ice shard began to form on it. Hartley looked shocked, and I smiled and said:

- I caught you and kept you here for a long time, in terrible conditions, and even wanted to eat you. It would be very foolish of me to release you. But I'll give you a chance if you cheat me...- I held out my hand toward I...

*Vswh* *Boom!*

The icicle hit the wall and got stuck there. If it had been a human, it would have gone right through him...

Hartley looked at me intently and nodded.

I chuckled:

- All right, as soon as I get all the materials on the list and get you a place to work, I'll let you know. By the way, write a list of tools, it's not here.-

I tore out the sheet with all the ingredients and gave it to the Piper.:

- I like the costume, I really hope that you won't try to trick me, I have a couple of other abilities that you don't even know about. You could say I'm pretty unique among meta-humans, so don't do anything stupid.- Then I turned around and started walking away. As I opened the door, I remembered something and turned to Hartley:

- By the way, can you make a sword, only very sharp and so that it is convenient for them to cut their heads?-

Hartley gave me a strange look, then nodded:

- I can, but I'll need some extra metal, because blades usually use a slightly different steel than armor.-

- All right, write them down in the tool list, and I'll pick them up tomorrow.- I went out and closed the door.

As I went out, I heard a heavy sigh outside the door. It looks like he was really planning something, but now everything is much more complicated because of the strength I showed. Well, if he does something, I hope I can handle it. It's stupid to trust him, but this suit, huh... It looks wonderful.


I spent a couple of days figuring out a place to work for Hartley. I had to move everything to another room with more freedom. I also set up an alarm and a couple of motion sensors so the guy doesn't run away while I'm not watching him. Of course I doubt that they will be of any use... Now he has a lot of tools and can escape without any problems. I think even my defense system will be powerless, so I need to keep a strict watch on him so that he doesn't throw anything away. Right now, I can only trust my abilities and instincts. The guy said that it will take at least a month to develop the equipment, so it will be quite difficult for me to keep track of it. There's a lot of work to do now, so he'll have a chance to escape. Unfortunately for him, I remember his smell well, so he won't get far.

All the materials that I bought, cost just monstrously expensive, almost a million dollars. I hope I spent that money on something worthwhile...