Just as I thought, after Mardon went missing, Snard and his company came to town. Flash immediately switched to him and the Heat Wave. Cisco was kidnapped and they started having their own problems there, I'm not going to get involved in this. I don't need their weapons anymore, I'm a Weather Wizard now, so the cryo-cannon is useless to me. Although no, I don't really like this nickname, I need to come up with something more worthwhile. The name "hunger" certainly sounds interesting, but with all my powers, I'm not even sure if it suits me anymore... Although, if you think about it, it's not that bad. And under it, every dog already knows me. Especially local bandits and other trash. For them, I am a real terror on the wings of night...
If Hartley doesn't throw anything out and makes a decent suit, then I will be completely satisfied and we can prepare for new problems from Earth-2. Well, for now, while this is all worth sorting out...
Flash and his friends finally began to understand what was going on. Wells is no longer just a suspect, it can be said that they are completely sure that he is the Reverse Flash. Well, maybe he's up to it, but there hasn't been anything interesting yet, so I don't interfere.
Now another problem has started in the city, but not with meta-people, but with the most ordinary ones. Although, they are not quite ordinary, it's more like a couple of psychos, father and son. Tricksters are such assholes, they're pathetic wannabes of the Joker to me. Hmm, but I wonder if it will appear in the future on our earth, or if it already exists? I didn't think about it... We don't have supergirl, so it's quite possible that the Joker and Batman are too.
I decided to take part in this masquerade, as there was a good chance of getting Barry Allen in my debt. His father was kidnapped a couple of hours ago by those two assholes. Of course, I found them easily and can finish them off quite easily. But I don't care about their lives at all, I need Flash's father, and let the police catch the criminals. There has to be a balance in this life, and when ordinary people are caught by a super person, it slightly disrupts the order of things. How do poor robbers and rapists live? Oh, Barry doesn't understand such things at all...
I waited until they were off to some party hosted by a mayoral candidate, and then I got down to business. I admit that I also wanted to grab the money, but I restrained myself. The plan to poison a crowd of rich people is quite good, this Trickster may be a psychopath, but with a brain.
I snuck into their lair and instantly teleported Barry's father away from the box of knives, then picked him up and untied him.
- Who are you?- The man asked, puzzled.
I looked at him and grinned:
- I'm Hungry, have you heard of me?-
After my words the man staggered a little to the side and said nervously:
- You... Have you come to kill me?-
- Wow, I see there's a good rumor about me in prison. Probably all street scoundrels turn themselves in to the cops just to keep me out. Not bad...-
- I heard you eat them alive, who would want to hit such a crazy person?-
I looked at a few knives sticking out of the floor and said:
- I may be crazy, but I saved your skin from worse psychos, so be grateful. When flash arrives, tell him that He owes you a favor.-
- A favor? That is?- The man was surprised.
I chuckled:
- Never mind, just say it. Well, I'm off...-
I left the building, then teleported from there and headed back to my base. The job was done, and now Barry will owe me a favor. I saved his father, and if we have any problems, I'll remind him of it. Such a righteous hero, probably won't forget this, I'm better off... Plus, if he's not an idiot, he'll know what I meant by that gesture. So I let him know that I knew who I was saving, and if I knew who I was saving, I knew about Barry, too. Well, if not Flash, then Cisco should figure it out, I hope...
I didn't care much about Barry, but having him in debt was better than not having him. This act of mine may help in some way, so I did it.
Now we just had to wait for more interesting things...
When I finished with another sawed-off limb, I quickly ate the meat and put everything away. I think the body of the guy I just butchered is enough for a few more times. I try to stand out less and eat one person longer. In General, a person can be stretched for two weeks, and sometimes more. Sometimes they just die from pain shock or for some other reason, not everyone's body can withstand the load of drugs and permanent amputations. People can be very fragile...
Of course, this is cruel and quite expensive in terms of drugs, but there are fewer victims. If I continue to hunt and kill all the time, I might attract attention, and I don't need her. Yes, and I get tired of constantly killing and then throwing away the bodies that could still be eaten and eaten. It used to be wild for me, but I didn't notice it and got used to it. Now kill once and eat for me is no different from making scrambled eggs or omelets. The truth is, a person adapts quickly... Although, I'm probably not a human anymore. More like a new species, predatory, enhanced, more developed in General. My emotions have increased and continue to increase each time I grow in strength. Anger turns into rage, and hunger turns into real thirst and addiction. I think it's the same with all other feelings, probably sadness will turn into depression, and lust into something unimaginable... Well, at least the alcohol and food are much tastier than I remember, and the feeling of hunting... Yeah, when the victim gets scared and runs away, it's another treat... In General, there are pros and cons, so it's not so bad.
Now my conscience doesn't bother me, I'm quite at peace with who I am, but hunger is unnerving and sometimes boring. Because of this hunger, I don't feel completely free, and it makes me very nervous. I can still cope with boredom during hunting or training, and alcohol helps a lot. But hunger is a big hindrance, when you had to eat once a week, it was not so problematic, but now... Eh, something needs to be done about it... I had one idea, just related to the energy of life, maybe it will work and then you will not have to kill and suffer this disgusting taste of human flesh.
But this is all later, now the possibilities do not allow...