Chapter 53

When I was done with the suit, I picked up roshtain's body again, slung It over my shoulder, and went to one of the prisoners ' cells.

The base wasn't completely full yet, there were a lot of empty rooms, but I'd already set up a warehouse and garage. I don't know why I need a garage, but I did it just in case. I had to tinker with the lift, as it is an underground base, but it seems that everything went well. Next was a room with several beds just in case, and a training area. I finally had a place where I could test my abilities, which was good. Of course, I did not forget about the sewers and other things, in general, I spent a lot of money. The way the workers worked here is a separate story, we had to work in complete secrecy. It got to the point where they had to close their eyes and perform several more procedures. I know what they were doing, but I don't know where, and of course it was pointless to kill them, even though Hartley had suggested it. But I decided to give it up, they don't know much, and if they talk, they'll regret it. First of all, we looked at their professional skills. Each of them was specially selected, and all of them have many weaknesses that can be used in case of anything. But I think that it will not come to that, they received a good fee, so as not to talk again.

After passing through several rooms that were not yet occupied, I put my hand on the screen and the cell door opened. I put the meta man's body on the bed, attached an IV, brought the medicine, and checked his condition. We need to do more tests, and then we can decide what to do with it.

The equipment was good, so the tests were ready in just an hour. As I thought, the radiation in his body contained much more than that of an ordinary person. If a mere mortal had taken such a dose, he would have died a terrible death. But Roshtain looked quite normal. Moreover, it seems that this was not enough for him, the second test showed that the radiation content in the blood increased slightly. He unconsciously absorbed it from the environment, which was unpleasant. His DNA, like other meta's, was altered. He was using radiation to make himself stronger, but that was clear enough. Now it was important to know something else...

I took a syringe with a new experimental drug, RV-87, and injected it into Roshtein's bloodstream. This drug was created recently and it was supposed to remove excess radiation from the human body. I don't know if there was one in my past world, but it doesn't matter, I hope it works. I need to keep the radiation content in his body to a minimum.

There was also an unpleasant moment, radiation was removed along with sweat, so after taking the drug, the guy began to sweat terribly. I put on a special suit and closed the camera, it seems it was worth moving it to the lab and doing everything there. Oh, well...

After three hours, it was finally over, I quickly got rid of the radiation waste, which was very problematic. Although I'm not an easy person, I didn't really want to be exposed to radiation. The sensors showed that everything here was terribly phoney, but I had several funds on this account.

After a lot of pain with the radiation and the body of Roshtein, I finally brought him to one of the laboratories and conducted another analysis. The result was positive, the radiation content in his blood barely exceeded the normal human figure. The state of his health was quite normal, I think if you try you can even bring him to consciousness, which I did.

- What... What the... where am I?- When the drug took effect, Stein stood up and looked around in surprise. I listened and checked his pulse, which was normal. Then I quickly went over and checked the condition of his pupils. There was also everything in order, the most ordinary person.

He finally saw my face and growled:

- You! Motherfucker, what did you put on me?!– I had to cover his body with a special material, because it was terribly radioactive, and of course I couldn't get rid of the body, I still needed it.

I ignored his question and asked myself:

- How are you feeling?-

- How do I feel? Beast, I you...- Smasher leaped up from the couch and lunged at me. I calmly dodged the fist, as well as the subsequent ones. A good way to check its condition... The strength was pretty good, blocking a couple of his punches, I nodded:

- Well, for a person, this result is worthy.– I kept dodging and blocking, and it was enough for a full ten minutes of continuous shots at me. In order to reduce the time of our "fight" and periodically be on his lungs, I did not want to delay all this.

Barely able to stand, Crasher asked:

- Ha ... ha... Motherfucker, what do you want?-

I grinned:

- Your power is of course, now I'm fully confident of obtaining it. Radiation makes you stronger, but you can live without it, and that means...- I instantly moved behind the guy and hit him, - I'm ready now.-

* Bang*

When he fell to the floor with a crash, I picked him up again and carried him to the couch. The main thing to do now was to collect the bone marrow and take it. It's been a long time since I've done this...

The strength of this guy was right for me, radiation was very important, but I could live without it. This was completely different from my ability, without the energy of life, I am not a survivor. It was enough for me that thanks to its power, I would be completely immune to radioactive radiation. Strength and defense were nice bonuses.

Hands still remember what to do, taking a couple of syringes, I quickly gathered all of the marrow of Rostana. It only took about five minutes, so there was still plenty of time. This meta man was quite tenacious and didn't even die, although his condition was deplorable, he was writhing even unconscious. It was clear that he was in pain, so I quickly wrung his neck. The liquid was as always a lot, but I was no longer nervous, exhaled and began to drink...

- Haa... That's all...- completely emptying the vessel and exhaling a sigh of relief, I went to the pre-prepared place. I climbed into the cold tub, settled back, and waited. It took about a minute and it all started... A wild pain spread throughout his body, his eyes began to burn, this time it was much more painful than in the past... Man...!

- Ghaaa!- I clenched my teeth as hard as I could and continued to endure. The clenching of my jaw made my blood run. The pain in my bones was terrible, and my blood burned. I could hear the beating of my own heart, which gradually slowed down, echoing more and more strongly in my head.

After about five minutes of pain, I passed out...