The awakening was surprisingly pleasant. It was as if for the first time in a long time, I finally got enough sleep and rested completely. I do not know what this is connected with, maybe it's all about the water from the Lazarus Pit? I haven't eaten humans in a long time, and now I've finally tasted bone marrow, maybe that's why...
I was now lying in a tub with a viscous, pitch-black liquid at the bottom. I haven't had this for a long time, it's even darker than the first time, and the smell is so strong that I already feel sick. What's the big deal, what's the problem? Did I have so many toxins in me? I turned on the water and washed quickly.
I was in no hurry to leave, I had something to check. The bathroom in the laboratory was designed according to all the rules of sterility. It kept the radiation out, which was good for me. I took the phone in my hand and sighed:
- Damn cell phones...- charging sat down, the benefit I had an electronic clock, they still seemed to work. After looking at them, I fell into a stupor. A week? Did I sleep for a whole week? I don't like it... The pain from the absorption process could be attributed to radiation, but I wasn't immune to it, and Roshtain's bone marrow probably contained a lot of it. But this black liquid and the time of force absorption make you think... Either there's something wrong with me, or it's the ability of the Atom smasher. Hmm, I need to take the strength of one more and check, my conjectures will lead to nothing.
Okay, that's not so important right now. Something else is important...
I tapped the control screen next to the door and checked the room's condition. All the lab rooms had similar sensors. They not only allowed to know the temperature and other indicators in the room, but also to know the amount of radiation in the room. Under normal circumstances, in a normal environment, the amount of radioactive radiation is not particularly significant, but even so, the Atomic Smasher almost completely absorbed it. The screen showed me the expected value-0. Of course, I'm sure that there were dozens of zeros after the decimal point and maybe somewhere it was possible to find a unit, but these are all pathetic errors. Although I can be in such an environment, it will be difficult for an ordinary person without radiation. Natural radiation is quite useful, but even that was no longer in this room. I was sure that this would happen, so I chose this place for the transformation. I've absorbed the radiation here, but nothing has changed from the outside. Therefore, even though it's been a week, they won't be able to track me, as in the case of Roshtain. Yeah, that's good, but I think I should temporarily leave the base, I need to figure out my ability somewhere else. I don't want anyone coming here if they decide to find the Wrecker. I'm pretty sure Cisco wrote some kind of program to track the sharp declines in radiation exposure. Okay, I have a place in mind...
I got out of the shower, dressed quickly, and grabbed my sword. There was no need for the suit, I'm going to test my strength, I didn't want to destroy it yet. I also brought a Geiger counter with two large ampoules of Uranium fluoride prepared in advance. Of course, they may not be enough, but for a simple increase in strength should be enough. I'll get rid of Roshtain's decomposed corpse later, but I don't want to linger here now. Finally, after drinking a couple of drops of water from the Lazarus Pit, I went to the training area. Of course, it could be called training with a stretch, but there Barry somehow trained his speed, for me too. I'm sure he'll show up, so we'll talk. The news of Central city would have to wait, now he had to check his condition. My Deputy in the company has to deal with everything, I warned him about my possible long absence. His management skills were good, as was his potential. Although he was young, but I think he will have a good future if he works. I personally checked the main employees, their financial situation, family, in general, a complete dossier on each of them. I can't say that I am very happy with all the employees, but we are just getting started. There will be even more talent in the future, I'm sure of that. After the incident with Palmer, his company was seriously damaged, it was a good chance to snatch something. The processors created by this guy are amazing, they are probably one of the best in the country. I wanted to steal the blueprints and give them to Hartley to change a little. If everything works out, we will have a good product. Of course, someone can guess, because this is not how things are done, it is not worth stealing someone else's. But I'm not an honest businessman, and Hartley's got a good head, and he can do it perfectly, I hope...
While I was thinking about all this, I had already reached the old runway of the city. There are usually no people here, just the right place to test meta forces.
I sat down and concentrated, I wanted to concentrate and feel the radiation. An ordinary person is not capable of such a thing, people are generally incapable of feeling such a thing. But I am no longer a simple person, if I can unconsciously absorb radiation, then maybe I can do it on purpose and much faster. A meta-human feeding on radiation must surely feel it somehow. Blackout could feel the electricity in every human being and thus was able to track them down. These abilities are a bit similar, so it might work. Of course, I wasn't sure about that, but it was worth a try.
After an hour of trying to feel something, I sighed in frustration and stood up. Maybe I still lack experience, or maybe it's all a dead number. It didn't work, it was like trying to talk with your mouth closed. I felt something strange that I hadn't felt before, but it was unconscious and I couldn't control it.
- Yeah, not good...- I sighed and picked up the vial of Uranium Fluoride. I didn't spend a dime on them, it just so happened that there is an electro-chemical plant in our town and I managed to steal this substance from there. If I don't have enough, I'll go to the Radioactive Waste storage Facility. There is plenty of this stuff, at the same time I will check my maximum magnification.
I was about to break the ampoule and devour everything when my senses sharpened. As soon as I turned my head, a flash flashed in front of me, and a man in red appeared.
I made a surprised and joyful face, and then exclaimed:
- Flash?! Is it really you?! I'm so happy to meet you, I'm a fan of yours!-
The guy was a little stunned:
- Uh, thank you...- Looking around, Barry frowned and asked - Where's the Atom Smasher?-
- Atomic...- I asked, feigning surprise.
Barry didn't answer, just listened. It seems that he did not ask me a question, but his friends. I listened too, curious to see what they were talking about.