
After an hour,

Jin and Taehyung decided to leave but Jimin denied wanting to see his cutie for one last time, he ordered some more drinks but it was given by someone. Jimin got disappointed in being able to see the cutie but nevertheless drank the drink. While they got up to leave after drinking the last round they were stopped by a panting and very worried Yoongi seeing him Jimin and Jin also got worried.

"Can you please help find my small brother you, all seem nice, please help?" Yoongi said begging them with teary eyes, seeing those eyes Jimin got sad so he agreed to help and even Jin did but then they looked at Taehyung who knew that Jimin liked him as he could not stop talking about him since he saw him so agreed for the sake of his best friend.

"How long has he been missing?" Jin asked Yoongi in a gentle and soft voice.

"For about half an hour but he is really sensitive and weak and special," Yoongi said nearly crying.

"Don't worry we will find him" Jin assured Yoongi as he nodded.

"Where did you last see him?" Jimin asked Yoongi patting his back as he was crying.

"He went to the washroom," Yoongi said between his sobs.

That is when Taehyung realized something and thought 'Could it be him it would be he was talking to Yoongi and I saw him one hour ago in the washroom but Yoongi said half an hour anyways he would better be safe if it is him otherwise that person is dead'

"Everyone check the rooms now!" Taehyung said.

They all went in search in different directions to search for him but there was no clue. They all came and reached the one room which was left.

Yoongi went near the room he heard someone screaming, he froze there "I-i-it's h-him" he said stuttering he tried to unlock the door but it was locked Jin pulled him aside and kicked the door open.

There Yoongi saw his brother surrounded by a group of six men two holding his hands and two holding his legs one was shooting a video and the last one was feeding him something. His brother had bruises all over his body and he was only in his boxer while the latter was crying.

When the door opened the boys looked at the door, Yoongi looked at his brother he broke, he ran to him but he was stopped by one of the six people whereas Taehyung he was very angry for some reason seeing the bruises all over that boy and only in his boxers.

'They are fucking dead ' he thought.

He dashed towards them kicking and punching them soon after Jin and Jimin joined and Yoongi went to his brother who was a crying mess and covered in bruises.

After a few minutes,

The three were done beating up those guys and went towards the other two, Taehyung was still angry by what happened but there was nothing he could do so he just stood there doing nothing, he felt sad and hurt for some reason and guilty that he couldn't save the boy the first time.

"Thank you for help if it wouldn't have been for you three I don't what would have happened," Yoongi said while hugging his brother who was now sleeping on his shoulder.

"We have got a problem," Jin said with a worried look, the others looked at him confused.

"The drug which was fed to him is used to make a person horny or sexually needy, " Jin said looking at Yoongi who was now worried thinking about what will he do now but also relieved that his brother is saved.

"Let's take them to our home" Jin and Jimin looked at Taehyung in confusion, and he sighed "We have the antidote at home for this" they have an antidote with them just in case for their mission.

"Yes, I remember now," Jimin said and looked at Yoongi who was about to say something but Jimin stopped by saying "If you want your brother to be alright please come with us. Don't worry we will make sure that nothing happens to your brother or you" Yoongi nodded for the sake of his brother and also because something in him said that it was safe and to trust them.

They all went out and waited for the car to come, after a few seconds Taehyung comes with the car. Taehyung and Jin are in front, Jimin Yoongi and his brother in the back seat Yoongi hugging his brother, and Jimin looking at them worried. It was an awkward silence so Jimin broke it.

"If you don't mind me asking what is his name?" Jimin asked Yoongi softly.

"Jungkook," Yoongi said while looking at his brother with worried and it was when Jungkook started moving a little the drug was taking its effect.

"The drug had started its effect" saying that Taehyung sped up the car and in no time they reached home he parked the car.

Yoongi got out and tried to pick up his brother but wasn't able to since he was weak from running around and crying so much without drinking even a drop of water, so Taehyung came and took him Jin and Jimin were shocked when suddenly Yoongi was feeling dizzy.

They walked in the door and were shocked to see someone sitting on the sofa, all four of them were shocked.